
Most Of my friends who are visiting this blog calls me and ask me – where do you get these fruits ? Are You a Fruitarian ? I really Appreciate those friends taking interest in eating healthy diet and my answer to their question is –Some Fruit are not available in india , Mainly it is found outside Asia ,And of course , I am not a Fruitarian ,I suggest instead of taking a multivitamin tablet, it is better to eat fruits daily, Your comments are always welcome in my inbox Have a happy life – make your life happy… Cheers

Health Facts On Fei Banana

facts on fei banana

Health Facts On Fei Banana

Fei Banana is scientifically called as Musa × troglodytarum L .

Fei bananas  are believed to originate in the New Guinea area but have been found from the Molluccas, in Indonesia, to Tahiti in the east.Also Found mainly in the islands of the Pacific, particularly French Polynesia.

Fei banana, Fehi banana, Hueta, Tahitian Red cooking banana, MaiA HeI in Hawaiian, and Fei Shi Jiao in Chinese .

Fe’i bananas are squat, thick, and have prominent ridges running the length of the peel making them slightly angular and round.
The peel, when mature, is bright orange with blushes of red, yellow, with black cracking.
Fe’i bananas  grow in an upright pattern, and the bracts are a bright shiny green.

When cooked, Fe’i bananas are tender and starchy with sweet and tangy flavours.
Karat Fe’i bananas have a soft texture and a sweet taste and were a traditional weaning food in the Micronesian island of Pohnpei.

1 medium-sized banana (100 grams)
• Calories: 89
• Water: 75%
• Protein: 1.1 grams
• Carbs: 22.8 grams
• Sugar: 12.2 grams
• Fibre: 2.6 grams
• Fat: 0.3 grams

Health Facts On Fei Banana

The Fei banana fruit have a higher starch content than other banana and are usually consumed roasted or boiled.

Normalize Heart Rhythm: Potassium, Magnesium and the Vitamin content in Fei bananas ,support heart health. Fei bananas are rich in high potassium and low sodium that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease against the adverse effect of high blood pressure.

Good For Skin: Fei bananas meets 13% of our daily manganese and vitamin C that needs to keep our skin young and healthy. It is a compound your body requires to produce collagen, which in turn protects our skin from damage and prevents the action of free radicals.

Prevents Diabetics: Fei bananas contain soluble fibre that dissolves in the liquid and forms a gel. Whereas unripe Fei bananas  are also rich in resistant starch that control our blood sugar level, especially after a meal.

Promotes Weight Loss: The presence of dietary fibre and the resistant starch in Fei bananas plays a vital role in weight loss because it slows digestion, helps to feel full, keeps blood sugar level balanced.

Maintains Vision: Fei Bananas are rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, lutein and antioxidants that help to keep our vision healthy. Lutein is a nutrient that may help to reduce the risk for macular degeneration.

Uplifts Mood and Preserves Memory: The high amount of tryptophan in Fei bananas produce serotonin, the mood-elevating brain neurotransmitter that helps to overcome depression and boosts the memory.

Helps Muscle: A good source of magnesium, Fei bananas can help with muscle contraction and relaxation as well as protein synthesis — which, in turn, increases lean muscle mass.

Fortifies Bone Health: Fei bananas are not high in calcium, they can help to maintain bone health. Fei Banana contains a prebiotic name – Fructooligosaccharides which help to enhance the ability of the body to absorb calcium and improve the bone health of our body.

Improves Kidney Health: Potassium present in Fei Banana reduces blood pressure and slow progression of kidney disease.

Boosts Energy: Fei bananas typically have more calories as well as a higher sugar content in the form of sucrose, fructose and glucose in combination with fibre, this allows them to supply an instant yet sustained boost of energy.

Combats Diseases: Carotenoids that the body actually converts into vitamin A shall protect against chronic disease, including certain cancers, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Increases Sexual Desire: Fei bananas are a great source of bromelain and vitamin B that regulates the hormone testosterone and increases the sexual desire.

Manages Pregnancy: Fei bananas have a high iron content that helps to prevent anaemia, which is perfect since the body needs to keep enough blood for the growing foetus and the mother.

Supports Digestion: Pectin ,a fibre present in ripe and unripe Fei bananas shall prevents constipation and improves our bowel movements. These produce Prebiotics accumulate in the large intestine which is good for our gut bacteria.

Facts On Forest Strawberries

facts on forest strawberries
facts on forest strawberries

Facts On Forest Strawberries

Forest Strawberries are scientifically called as Fragaria vesca .

Fragaria vesca is a perennial herbaceous plant in the rose family that grows naturally throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, and that produces edible fruits.

Fragaria vesca, commonly called the wild strawberry, woodland strawberry, Alpine strawberry, Carpathian strawberry,European strawberry .

Forest Strawberries are small, red fruit that is similar in size and shape to a strawberry. Wild strawberries bloom in late spring. The blossoms are followed by small, red fruit that looks like miniature strawberries. These strawberries are much smaller than the leaves. Wild strawberries are only about 1/4 inch (6 mm) across.

They have a sweet, tart flavour and are used in desserts, jams, and sauces.

• Fragaria vesca ssp. americana (Porter) Staudt
• Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (A.Heller) Staudt

Per 100 g (3.5 oz)
• Energy: 136 kJ (33 kcal)
• Carbohydrates: 7.68 g
• Sugars: 4.89 g
• Dietary fibre: 2 g
• Fat: 0.3 g
• Protein: 0.67 g
• Thiamine (B1): 0.024 mg
• Riboflavin (B2): 0.022 mg
• Niacin (B3): 0.386 mg
• Pantothenic acid (B5): 0.125 mg
• Vitamin B6: 0.047 mg
• Folate (B9): 24 μg
• Choline: 5.7 mg
• Vitamin C: 58.8 mg
• Vitamin E: 0.29 mg
• Vitamin K: 2.2 μg
• Calcium: 16 mg
• Iron: 0.41 mg
• Magnesium: 13 mg
• Manganese: 0.386 mg
• Phosphorus: 24 mg
• Potassium: 154 mg
• Sodium: 1 mg
• Zinc: 0.14 mg
• Water: 90.95 g

Facts On Forest Strawberries

Boosts Immunity: Forest Strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C that helps in fighting various viruses and bacterial infections. Eating more Forest Strawberries provide 100 per cent of that natural immunity boosting compound.

Prevents Cancer: Forest strawberry fruits are a powerhouse of various antioxidants that can effectively prevent cancer. The presence of phytochemical ellagic acid, exhibits anti-cancer properties like fighting cancer cells and by restricting their growth.

Promotes Heart Healthy: The ample amounts of phytochemicals, flavonoids not only keep the functioning of heart healthy but also bring down the levels of bad cholesterol or Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), which is responsible for the build-up of plaque in the arteries.

Keeps BP Under Check: Forest Strawberries are a rich source of potassium, which plays a crucial part in keeping high blood pressure under control. Forest Strawberries also act against the negative side effects caused by sodium, reducing LDL, thus bringing down high blood pressure.

Improves Vision: Forest strawberries is a Powerhouse of antioxidants, such as vitamin A and vitamin C in fruit aid in preventing cataracts.Regular intake of strawberries also safeguards and strengthen the cornea and retina.

Helps to Weight Loss: Forest Strawberries is good for Weight loss because these juicy berries are low in calories ,free from fat. Also low in sodium, these fruits contain natural sugars only at 4 grams per serving.

Good For Women: Forest strawberries include high amount of folate that plays a key role in development of baby’s cognitive skills, spinal cord and skull, thus preventing congenital defects like spina bifida.

Ensures Gut Health: Forest Strawberries holds Digestive fibre which is an important element that ensures healthy digestion and for preventing constipation, inflammation of the colon.

Rejuvenates Skin: Forest Strawberries contain alpha hydroxyl acid that plays an imperative role in cleansing the skin from deep within and thus eliminating dead skin cells. These fruits are also a rich source of salicylic acid that aids in reducing hyperpigmentation and dark spots associated with it.

Whitens Teeth: Forest Strawberries also contain malic acid in small amounts but they work wonders naturally whitening the teeth, in a jiffy.

Strengthens Nails: The presence of vitamin C in forest strawberries, strengthens the nails by improving formation of cells and also making them shiny, strong and long.


Health Facts On Fox Grapes

facts on fox grapes
facts on fox grapes

Health Facts On Fox Grapes

Fox Grapes is scientifically called as Vitis labrusca  .

Vitis labrusca is a species of grapevines belonging to the Vitis genus in the flowering plant family Vitaceae.
The native species Vitis labrusca found in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, but also in areas as far south as the Gulf of Mexico, where it has adapted to many different soils and climates.

Vitis labrusca , Fox grape

The Fox Grape is a type of grapefruit that is typically dark purple or black in colour. These Fox grapes have a lovely aroma that is both fruity and flowery.

Fox grapes are musky, aromatic and earthy. They have an intense grape flavour that is sweet, but not overly so. Wild Fox grapes can taste quite sour.

There are several varieties of Fox Fox grape including Concord, Alexander, Delaware, Catawba, Onaka, Niagra, and more. Most varieties are dark red or purple, though there are a few white or pink skinned varieties like Niagra and Catawba.

1 cup (151 grams) of fox grapes
• Calories: 104
• Carbs: 27.3 grams (g)
• Protein: 1.1 g
• Fat: 0.2 g
• Fibre: 1.4 g
• Vitamin C: 5% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
• Vitamin K: 28% of the RDI
• Thiamine: 7% of the RDI
• Riboflavin: 6% of the RDI
• Vitamin B6: 6% of the RDI
• Potassium: 8% of the RDI
• Copper: 10% of the RDI
• Manganese: 5% of the RDI

Health Facts On Fox Grapes

Improves Brain Function: Fox grape contains Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2 which are vital for the growth and development of the body. Vitamin B6 plays an essential role in homocysteine metabolism, which reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia and boosts memory .

Strengthens Bone: Vitamin K in Fox grapes are crucial for blot clotting mechanisms and bone health. Fox grapes have numerous vitamins, plant compounds, and minerals, which improve bone mineral density and decrease bone loss.

Supports Joints: Fox grape are high on antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which help in improving the flexibility and mobility of joints. Fox grape also help in providing relief from knee pain and osteoarthritis.

Promotes Eye Health: Fox grape are high in plant compounds, such as resveratrol, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which lower the risk of eye conditions, mainly age-related macular degeneration, retina damage, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Boosts Immunity: Fox Grape compounds include antioxidants and other polyphenols that protect the health and functions of cells and also beneficial to the immune system.

Protects Skin and Hair: Resveratrol antioxidant and vitamin C protects our skin and hair from damage and promotes new hair growth.

Decreases Cancer: Fox grape contains Polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory properties which slows and prevents the growth of tumours. It also stops cancer cell activity in lymph, skin, colon, liver, stomach, breast.

Regulates Blood Sugar: Fox grape contain a sufficient amount of water and fibres and have a low glycaemic index. So consuming Fox grape in moderate amount help lowering blood glucose level and decreases insulin resistance.

Maintains Heart Health: Fox grape may control blood pressure and prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Prevents Pregnancy Problems: vitamin C, K, B, E, Folate, antioxidants and fibres found in Fox grape balances the hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy. Antioxidants in Fox grape such as flavanol, tannin, anthocyanins and geraniol shall prevent infections and promotes optimum health.

Rich in Antioxidants: Fox grape are a storehouse of antioxidants including a spectrum of phytonutrients from carotenoids to polyphenols. These polyphenol in Fox grape, prevent the formation of tumour cells, dilates blood vessels to improve blood circulation, regulates blood sugar levels and controls blood pressure.


Facts On Fibrous Santinash Fruit


Facts fibrous satinash fruit

Facts On Fibrous Santinash Fruit

The Fibrous Satinash fruit is scientifically called as Syzygium fibrosum .

Syzygium is a genus of flowering plants that belongs to the myrtle family, Myrtaceae.
Syzygium fibrosum is a species of rainforest trees native to monsoon forests of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia.

Small red apple, (Bamaga) fibrous satinash ,apricot satinash.

The pink or red Fibrous Satinash fruit has a flattened globular shape and are about 2 cm wide, containing a singular seed.
The Fibrous Satinash fruit is a small, dark purple fruit that is related to the blueberry. It has a smooth skin and a fibrous texture.

The Fibrous Satinash fruit is sweet and tart, with a flavour that is reminiscent of cranberries.

Per 100 g (3.5 oz)
• Energy: 105 kJ (25 kcal)
• Carbohydrates: 5.70 g
• Fat: 0.30 g
• Protein: 0.60 g
• Thiamine (B1): 0.020 mg
• Riboflavin (B2): 0.030 mg
• Niacin (B3): 0.800 mg
• Vitamin C: 22.3 mg
• Calcium: 29 mg
• Iron: 0.07 mg
• Magnesium: 5 mg
• Phosphorus: 8 mg
• Potassium: 123 mg
• Zinc: 0.06 mg

Facts On Fibrous Santinash Fruit

Protects Hair and Scalp: Apart from its astringent properties, Satinash fruit is also rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins that helps to create a protective barrier against free radicals and oxidative stress.

Boosts Immune System: vitamin C and Iron found in Fibrous Satinash fruit also supports the immune system by protecting against oxidative stress and aiding in microbial killing.

Enhances Brain Function: Satinash fruit contains anthocyanins which increase blood flow to brain and activate brain areas that control memory and focus.

Prevent from Diabetic: Satinash fruit conatin rich antioxidants called as polyphenols which influence blood glucose at different levels and may also help control and prevent diabetes complication.

Increases Eye Sight: Satinash fruit found in vitamin C,vitamin E can lower the risk of developing cataracts and can also slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Strengthens Bones: Satinash fruit is rich in Calcium, Magnesium minerals which are considered as vital to keep our bone strong and healthy.

Maintains Healthy Heart: Satinash fruit contains vitamins and minerals such as Magnesium ,Potassium ,sodium that helps to maintain the correct volume of circulating blood and tissue fluids in the body.

Rejuvenates Skin: Satinash fruit is abundance of vitamin C for the synthesis of collagen, which is found in connective tissue around the body.

Acts as Anti- Inflammatory: The vitamin E , anthocyanins, magnesium and potassium effectively reduce inflammation, which speeds up healing of wounds in Satinash fruit. Satinash fruit could help in reducing the swelling effect in hair scalp.

Reduce Risk of Cancer: Satinash fruit contains Vitamin E that acts as a powerful antioxidant that prevents and fight against the formation of free radical and also protect from oxidation of cells which may lead to the development of cancer.

Aids Digestion: Satinash fruit provide rich fibre that can fight against diarrhoea and constipation, thus relieving a person from stomach aches or any other digestive problems.


Health Facts on Fuji Apple

health facts on fuji apple
health facts on fuji apple

Health Facts on Fuji Apple

The Fuji apple is scientifically called as Malus domestica .

The Fuji apple is an apple cultivar developed by growers at Tohoku Research Station. It is originated as a cross between two American apple varieties—the Red Delicious and old Virginia Ralls Janet (sometimes cited as “Rawls Jennet”) apples.

Fuji apple, malus .

Fuji apples are known to display a wide range of skin colour variation between fruits due to many sports being cultivated with varying shades.Fuji apples are crunchy and low in acid, creating a mild and balanced, sweet-tart flavour with notes of honey and citrus.

Fuji apples are crisp and very juicy with a sugary-sweet flavour that resembles freshly-pressed apple juice. The interior of the apple boasts firm, creamy-white flesh that is fine-grained. Fuji apples store well, which makes them a great treat, all year long.

• BC 2
• Desert Rose Fuji
• Nagafu 2
• Nagafu 6
• Nagafu 12
• Redsport Type 1
• Redsport Type 2
• Grapple (fruit) — a Concord grape-flavor-infused Fuji apple

one raw, unpeeled, medium-sized apple (100 grams):
• Calories: 52
• Water: 86%
• Protein: 0.3 grams
• Carbs: 13.8 grams
• Sugar: 10.4 grams
• Fibre: 2.4 grams
• Fat: 0.2 grams

Health Facts on Fuji Apple

 Promotes Heart Health: Fuji Apples are known for reducing the risk of heart diseases due to many reasons. Fuji Apples also have antioxidants named flavonoid epicatechin, which lower blood pressure levels, a high intake of flavonoids reduces levels of stroke.

 Aids Weight Loss: Fuji Apples are high in water and fibres, aiding in filling the stomach more. The polyphenols present in apples are also known to have anti-obesity effects.

 Fortifies Bones & Teeth: Vitamin D, Potassium improves bone density. Fuji apples fruit also works with magnesium to prevent blood from becoming too acidic, which can lead calcium from bones and teeth.

 Support Gut Health: Fuji apples helps in promoting gut health as it contains pectin, which is a type of fibre that acts as a prebiotic which reaches one’s body’s colon and promotes the growth of good bacteria.

 Lowers the Risk of Diabetes: The fuji apples contain high amounts of polyphenols, quercetin and phlorizin, resulting in reducing diabetes. Phlorizin is known for reducing sugar uptake in the intestines and contributing to a reduced blood sugar intake while reducing diabetes risk.

 Protects Brain: Quercetin present in fuji apples may aid in protecting the brain from damage caused by oxidative stress. It can also prevent one’s brain from injuries that can cause dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Boosts Immunity: Fuji Apple with vitamin C works wonderfully in boosting our immunity. Fuji Apple fruit helps fighting oxidative stress and promotes beneficial immune responses.

Prevent Cancer: Fuji Apples are filled with antioxidants that provide beneficial effects against major cancers like breast, digestive tract and lungs..

Eradicate Inflammation: Phytochemicals found in fuji apple fruits, including phenolics, flavonoids and carotenoids, are known to reduce the risk for many chronic diseases that are widespread but largely preventable.


Facts On Florida Strangler Fig

facts on florida strangler fig
facts on florida strangler fig

Facts On Florida Strangler Fig

Florida Strangler Fig is scientifically called as Ficus aurea .

Ficus aurea is a tree in the family Moraceae that is native to the U.S. state of Florida, the northern and western Caribbean, southern Mexico and Central America south to Panama.


Florida strangler fig (or simply strangler fig), golden fig, or higuerón


F. aurea has paired figs which are green when unripe, turning yellow as they ripen. They differ in size (0.6–0.8 cm [0.2–0.3 in], about 1 cm [0.4 in], or 1.0–1.2 cm [0.4–0.5 in] in diameter).
Figs are generally sessile, but in parts of northern Mesoamerica figs are borne on short stalks known as peduncles.


Banyan tree figs taste awful, but they won’t hurt you. Wherever they grow, strangler fig trees are important food sources for native fruit-eating birds who, in turn, spread the seeds near.


• Ficus cabusana
• Ficus ciliolosa
• Ficus cookii Standl.
• Ficus dimidiata Griseb.
• Ficus isophlebia Standl.
• Ficus jimenezii Standl.
• Ficus laterisyce W.C. Burger
• Ficus lundellii Standl.
• Ficus mayana Lundell
• Ficus rigidula Lundell
• Ficus sapotifolia Kunth & C.D.Bouché
• Ficus tecolutensis (Liebm.) Miq.
• Ficus tuerckheimii Standl.
• Ficus venusta Kunth & C.D. Bouché
• Ficus warczewiczii (Miq.) Miq.
• Urostigma tecolutense Liebm.
• Urostigma venustum (Kunth & C.D.Bouché) Miq.
• Urostigma warczewiczii Miq.

100g of strangler fig contains
• Calories: 74 kcal
• Protein: 0.75 g
• Lipids: 0.3 g
• Dietary fibre: 2.9 g
• Sugar: 16.26 g
• Calcium: 35 mg
• Iron: 0.37 mg
• Magnesium: 17 mg
• Phosphorus: 14 mg
• Potassium: 232 mg
• Vitamin C: 2 mg
• Folate: 6 mcg
• Choline: 4.7 mg
• Vitamin A: 7 mcg
• Beta-carotene: 85 mcg
• Lutein and zeaxanthin: 9 mcg
• Vitamin K: 4.7 mcg

Facts On Florida Strangler Fig

Controls Blood Sugar: The chlorogenic acid present in Florida strangler figs helps in reducing blood sugar levels in diabetics. Potassium which is found in abundance in figs also plays a good role in the control of blood sugar levels.

Improves Bone Health: Calcium is the main ingredient required for healthy bones, and strangler figs are a good natural source for this Calcium.

Keeps Reproductive System in Check: Strangler Figs are rich in minerals like magnesium, zinc, manganese which contribute to vitality and fertility.

Help in Weight Management: Strangler figs can help in controlling weight, because these Figs are rich in fibre, and therefore dietitians suggest that eating figs is a good way to keep junk and fried foods at bay.

Lowers Blood Pressure: Strangler Figs being a good source of potassium can naturally improve potassium levels and thus might control blood pressure.

Promotes Heart Health: Strangler Figs are also a great source of antioxidants which are not only reduces the free radicals but also helps reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol.

Prevents Cancer: Regular consumption of Strangler figs shall lower the risk of colon cancer. The fibre in Strangler Figs helps to eliminate the waste in the body quickly, which works well for the prevention of colon cancer.

Rich In Antioxidants: Strangler Figs are a powerhouse of antioxidants, and they neutralize the free radicals in your body and fight diseases.

Boost Immune System: Strangler Figs kills bacteria, viruses, roundworms in our body and also contain nutrients like potassium and manganese that, along with the antioxidants, boost our immune system.

Supports Digestive Health: Strangler fig fruit contains laxative properties, that helps to treat constipation.


Facts On Fruits

Fruit Recipe

Skin Care From Fruits