List of Fruit Name in Kazakh Language
List of Fruits Name in Kazakh Language
The fruit Apricot is called as Өрік in Kazakh .
The fruit Apple is called as Алма in Kazakh .
The fruit Avocado (Butter fruit) is called as Авокадо in Kazakh .
The fruit Banana is called as Банан in Kazakh .
The fruit Blueberry is called as Қаражидек in Kazakh .
The fruit Cantaloupe is called as Жұпар иісті қауын in Kazakh .
The fruit Coconut is called as Кокос in Kazakh .
The fruit Custard Apple is called as Apple-ді қышқылаңыз in Kazakh .
The fruit Cherry is called as Шие in Kazakh .
The fruit Dates is called as Мерзімдері in Kazakh .
The fruit Fig is called as Інжір in Kazakh .
The fruit Gooseberry is called as Қарлыған in Kazakh .
The fruit Grapes is called as Жүзімдер in Kazakh .
The fruit Guava is called as Гуава in Kazakh .
The fruit Jackfruit is called as Джек жемісі in Kazakh .
The fruit Jambu fruit / bell fruit is called as Jambu жемісі in Kazakh .
The fruit kiwi is called as киви in Kazakh .
The fruit Lemon is called as Лимон in Kazakh .
The fruit Lime is called as Әк in Kazakh .
The fruit Mango is called as Манго in Kazakh .
The fruit Mulberry is called as Тұтқыр in Kazakh .
The fruit Musk Melon is called as Мускус қауыны in Kazakh .
The fruit Orange is called as апельсин in Kazakh .
The fruit Papaya is called as Папайа in Kazakh .
The fruit Pear is called as Алмұрт in Kazakh .
The fruit Pineapple is called as Ананас in Kazakh .
The fruit Pomegranate is called as Анар in Kazakh .
The fruit Sapota is called as Сапота in Kazakh .
The fruit Plum is called as Алхоры in Kazakh .
The fruit Sweetlime is called as Sweetlime in Kazakh .
The fruit Watermelon is called as Қарбыз in Kazakh .
The fruit Tomato is called as Қызанақ in Kazakh .
Fruit Names in Kazakh / Kazakh Fruits
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