Certain Fruits Cure Eyesight problems are
Orange ,
Muskmelon ,
Grapes ,
Pear ,
Pineapple ,
Papaya ,
Custard apple .
Fruits that help in Providing Healthy Eyesight

Orange contain high amount of vitamin A,vitamin C that improve eyesight. Regular intake of Orange juice reduce the risk of cataracts and may slow the progression of macular degeneration.Vitamin C present in Orange protects cells by scavenging and neutralizing free radicals.
Muskmelon prevent from diabetic nephropathy since it has low glycemic index and contains simple sugar.Muskmelon rich in vitamin A ,provide good healthy retina nerve tissues .Beta-carotene in Muskmelon ,prevent from Muscular degeneration that lead to loss of vision.
Grapes can prevent age-related loss of vision .Grapes can protect against diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy that are caused by poorly controlled diabetes and macular degeneration.
Benefits Of Pears fruits reduce risk of age-related macular degeneration and prevent cataracts formation.Antioxidant present in Pears protect from DNA damages and fight against free radicals. Antioxidant present in pears help in promoting skin immunity,fight against infections, early aging.Pear fruits rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium provide a good health for eyesight.
Pineapple is a rich source of antioxidant,vitamin C and reduces the risk of macular degeneration that affect eyesight.vitamin C in Pineapple fight against cell damages and excellent immunity booster protect against various infections,fulfills daily requirement of Vitamin C.
Papaya is rich in vitamin A , help in providing healthy eyesight. Also Papaya prevent from eye disease like macular degeneration and promote eye nervous.
Custard Apple
Rich riboflavin ,vitamin C in Custard apple helps in maintaining good Eyesight .Custard apple is an Antioxidant that protect retinal muscles from infections.Antioxidant present in custard apple boost immunity and contain excellent source of vitamin C that fight against inflammation.Mainly Custard apple enhance better resistance to bacterial and viral infections formation.