Health Facts On Araza Fruit
Araza fruit is scientifically called as “ Eugenia stipitata ”.
Araza is a fruit tree native to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador.
This tropical species belonging to the Myrtaceae or guava family.
Amazonian pear, araçá, araçá-boi , Guayaba Amazónica, Araza-Boi, La Fruta De Los Siete Sabores.
The Araza fruits are a globose to oblate or spherical berry, 2–10 x 2–12 cm, which weighs up to 750g.
The Araza fruits have thin skin and ripen from green to golden yellow.
The surface also has a smooth, velvety feel, and as the fruits mature, their texture will soften, lending a slight give to the skin when gently squeezed.
Arazá fruits release a distinct, tropical aroma when ripe and have a very sour, acidic and tart flavour with bittersweet nuances reminiscent of pineapple and mango.
For 100g of fruit, there is approximately
• 775 mg of vitamin A,
• 9.84 mg of vitamin B1,
• 768 mg of vitamin C (which is double that of an orange).
• The pulp of the fruit contains 4% of dry matter,
• 11.9% of proteins,
• 49.2% of sugars (glucose 3.1%, fructose 33.9%, sucrose 17.2%),
• 4% of ash,
• 39% of total dietary fibres, amino acids and minerals.
• The main constituents of the oil of the fruit of E. stipitata are sesquiterpenes which the main component is germacrene B and which confers an antioxidant activity at the fruit.
Health Facts On Araza Fruit
Treats Diabetics
Araza fruits contains polyphenols may lower the risk for type 2 diabetes. Polyphenols boost insulin sensitivity, as well as slow down the rate of body digestion and slows sugar absorption.
Enhances Skin
Araza has a high carotenoid content. Specifically, zeinoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, and β-cryptoxanthin and pro vitamin A (retinol) activity α-carotene and β-carotene. Polyphenols and vitamin C also protect against skin aging by skin repair and promoting new skin cell regeneration.
Boosts Immune System
Iron and Zinc in Araza helps our body to carry oxygen in cells,this plays a part in many of the immune system processes. Araza has a high vitamin C that protects from many infections and diseases.
Controls Blood Pressure
Araza contains potassium that protects against strokes and coronary heart diseases, controls heart rate and blood pressure.
Supports Vision
Vitamin A in Araza contains beta carotene, a derivative that act as antioxidant and help to prevent macular degeneration, cataracts, and other conditions that can affect the health of our eyes.
Cures Cancer
Ethanolic extract of the fruit showed anti mutagenic and anti genotoxic properties which suggest that this fruit could work as preventive agent against cancer.
Fortified Bones
The Araza fruit is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which helps in strengthening bones and helps to keep osteoporosis. Vitamin B3 or Niacin helps in easing the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Maintains Heart Health
Calcium,Potassium,Magnesium in Araza plays a important role in promoting normal nerve cell communication, muscle contraction, and a normal heart rhythm.
Promotes Liver Health
Araza contains B vitamins like B1, B6, B12 are one of the best vitamins for liver function. Vitamin C also helps to limit fat accumulation in the liver and prevent fatty liver disease.
Supports Digestion
Araza fruit contains fibre which helps to keep our bowels healthy and prevent from gastrointestinal problems such as acidity, constipation, morning sickness and indigestion.