When I thought a recipe in banana my first idea striking my mind was Panchamirtam.Panchamirtam is a traditional famous food available in all south Indian temples as prasatham( prasatham recipe , temple recipe ,Banana palm sugar recipe ).Panchamirtam is a old common food has lot of medicinal value.
Main ingredient is Banana.Reason why Panchamirtam means we are using panch(5) delicious ingredient banana,dates,honey,palm powder,sugar.
Dates :Dates help in absorbing the nutrition in our diet.Dates meant for its health benefits such as preventing abdominal cancer,prevent anemia,regulate blood flow level,provide a high immunity to fight against disease.Dates also rich in certain minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Dates also contain vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin A and vitamin K.
Banana:Potassium is essential for blood pressure control and healthy kidney function.Banana is a rich source of Potassium and minerals.It is proved that medium-sized Banana contains about 3 grams of Dietary fiber that help in good digestion and reduce pile,colon cancer.Eating more Banana help in reducing body weight and stress.
Honey: Honey provide you a good immunity that counter act as antibacterial and anti-fungal it is an ancient medicine.Honey can be stored for long period.Honey includes vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and minerals like calcium, iron, sodium chlorine, magnesium, phosphate, and potassium.Honey also helps the brain to absorb calcium, which improve memory power as well as relieve from stress.
How to prepare Panchamirtam
Banana -10
Palm powder – ¼ kg
Dates -30
Honey – 200 ml
Palm sugar(optional) – 5 tbsp
- Smash Ripe banana with spoon . make it as a paste.
- Add palm powder to the mixture.
- Cut the dates into small pieces and add to the mixture.
- Add honey and palm sugar to the mixture.
- Mixture need to be mixed properly.
Sever it after 15 minutes. Panchamirtam has rich iron content as well as reduces high pressure.