As We Know Lemon rich in vitamin C provide anti-aging, anti-dry,anti-tan Effect and antioxidant property. Mostly Lemon used in our food as dessert, salads, juices and also like medicine, fertilizers, beauty products. In this article, we shall see how lemon is useful to make face pack as well as hair pack.Apply Lemon and Honey Homemade Mask for Skin and Hair for good cleansing affect that removes excess oil, impurities, dirt on the skin as well as scalp.
Apply Lemon and Honey Homemade Mask for Skin and Hair
Excess oil secretion on scalp and body can cause blackheads, bacterial inflammations, dark skin, itchy over the skin.
Lemon face pack for Oily Skin
Lemon juice with honey give a glowing effect to the skin. Lemon and honey is a good moisturizer maintain pH and hydration of the skin. Daily usage of lemon juice and honey on the skin maintain smoothing and glowing effect of the skin.
Use this pack daily to get a better result. Continues using this pack will make your skin beautiful smooth glowing flawless skin tone.
Lemon and honey hair Mask
Lemon and honey hair mask give a shining, brighter, silky, smooth hair. Lemon and honey hair mask,nourishes your scalp deeply,remove dandruff and other bacterial infections give us strong protection to your scalp,strengthen your hair roots.
You shall use this honey and lemon hair mask weekly twice to get a better result.Lemon juice mostly meant for its citric acid that act as natural bleaching agents for whitening skin and reducing wrinkles, diminishing, blemishing the dark spots.Lemon juice is an astringent juice, which is a best antioxidant that reduce wrinkles, blackheads, suntan, dandruff, acne, pimples, dryness.