List of Fruit Names in Portuguese Language
List of Fruits Name in Portuguese Language
The fruit Apricot is called as Damasco in Portuguese .
The fruit Apple is called as maçã in Portuguese .
The fruit Avocado (Butter fruit) is called as Abacate in Portuguese .
The fruit Banana is called as Banana in Portuguese .
The fruit Blueberry is called as Mirtilo in Portuguese .
The fruit Cantaloupe is called as Cantalupo in Portuguese .
The fruit Coconut is called as Coco in Portuguese .
The fruit Custard Apple is called as Nao Maçã in Portuguese .
The fruit Cherry is called as cereja in Portuguese .
The fruit Dates is called as datas in Portuguese .
The fruit Fig is called as Fig in Portuguese .
The fruit Gooseberry is called as Groselha in Portuguese .
The fruit Grapes is called as Uvas in Portuguese .
The fruit Guava is called as Goiaba in Portuguese .
The fruit Jackfruit is called as Jaca in Portuguese .
The fruit Jambu fruit / bell fruit is called as JambuFruit in Portuguese .
The fruit kiwi is called as kiwi in Portuguese .
The fruit Lemon is called as Limão in Portuguese .
The fruit Lime is called as Lima in Portuguese .
The fruit Mango is called as Manga in Portuguese .
The fruit Mulberry is called as Mulberry in Portuguese .
The fruit Musk Melon is called as Muskmelon in Portuguese .
The fruit Orange is called as laranja in Portuguese .
The fruit Papaya is called as Mamão in Portuguese .
The fruit Pear is called as Pera in Portuguese .
The fruit Pineapple is called as Abacaxi in Portuguese .
The fruit Pomegranate is called as Romã in Portuguese .
The fruit Sapota is called as sapoti in Portuguese .
The fruit Plum is called as ameixa in Portuguese .
The fruit Sweetlime is called as Cal doce in Portuguese .
The fruit Watermelon is called as Melancia in Portuguese .
The fruit Tomato is called as Tomate in Portuguese .
Fruit Name in Portuguese