The Muskmelon scientifically called as “ cucumis melo ,” receives its name from the musky aroma it produces whilst ripe. Muskmelon fruit is also called as cantaloupe. Muskmelon available in the summer contain remarkable high percentage of water content material that make our body cool and hydrate. Musk melons are a powerhouse of fitness and loaded with so many nutrients like the superhero of culmination. Muskmelon is a high fiber fruit, with an abundance of vitamins A and C, and potassium.
Health Benefits of Cantaloupe or Kharbuja provide Strong Immune System,Weight loss,Purifies Blood Vessels,Improve Sexual Desire,Cure Stomach ulcers,Liver Health,Re hydrates Body.
26 Top Benefits Of Muskmelon | Health Benefits of Cantaloupe (Kharbuja)
Strong Immune System
Muskmelon fruit is a rich source of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant agent. Muskmelon also act as anti inflammatory agent that fight against disease that reduce immunity level.
Stress Level
Muskmelon is a mild anti-depressant and also improve blood flow level throughout the body. Thus Muskmelon stimulates the proper brain functioning and increase memory power. Muskmelon also controls blood pressure and stress level.
Weight loss
A cup of Cantaloupe daily in the breakfast can reduce weight since it hold 95% of water and fiber.
Purifies Blood Vessels
Muskmelon has the capacity to solve internal problems like purifying the blood ,making the joints healthy and strong, protect from inflammation, protect from early aging.
Improve Sexual Desire
Muskmelon is a natural aphrodisiac which improve sexual desire among men and also clear erectile dysfunction.
Cure Stomach ulcers
Muskmelon hold high quantity of vitamin C. Muskmelon due to its hydrating and cooling property cure lot of intestinal problems and also helps in curing ulcer.
Liver Health
Muskmelon make liver healthy by regularizing its functioning. Muskmelon when consumed regularly can remove liver swelling problems.
Nutritional Value Of Musk Melon/Cantaloupe in a 100 gm
Calories-53 k cal
Fat-0.3 gm
Vitamin A-3126 IU
Vitamin C-40.56mg
Dietary fiber-1.4 gm
Re hydrates Body
Musk melon benefit as rich water content that prevent from the heat stroke during summer and also help in situation like dehydration.
Muskmelon is a good source of water and fiber, that prevent constipation and maintain pH level in our body in all situations.
Hair Growth
Muskmelon contains important nutrients and essential minerals and vitamins which helps in maintaining the growth of hair and health of scalp.
Cough and Congestion
Muskmelon seeds used as home medicine for cough. Muskmelon flush out excess of phlegm from the system and provides relief from coughing.
Health of scalp
When Muskmelon consumed regularly prevents from the hair fall and hair loss by promoting proper hair growth.
Sleeping Disorder
Muskmelons help in good blood flow and relief from stress. Muskmelon also enhance the nerves and brain muscles to relax that reduce sleeping disorders like insomnia.
Hair conditioner
Muskmelon act as a good homemade hair conditioner in the summer season. Muskmelon pulp when massaged on root tip and hair scalp give a good nourishing conditioner effect for scalp and hair.
Prevents from Cancer
Muskmelon contains antioxidant flavonoids and carotenoids which are anti-cancerous in nature.Muskmelon reduces the risk of cancer since it inhibits the growth of cancerous cells.
Skin of the Muskmelon helps in curing toothache. Boiled water of muskmelon shall cure Many dental problems.
Prevents from Ageing
Muskmelon protect the body against harmful effects of free radicals. Muskmelon also prevents from early ageing and various cancers like colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterus cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer.
Regularizes Blood Sugar Level
Damage of the kidney cells due to high blood sugar level known as diabetic nephropathy. Muskmelon prevent from diabetic nephropathy since it has low glycemic index and contains simple sugar.
Lung Health
Muskmelon is rich source of vitamin A, that help in avoiding certain breathing disorders and also maintain healthy lungs.
Eye Health
Muskmelon rich in vitamin A provide good healthy retina nerve tissues and beta-carotene prevent from Muscular degeneration that lead to loss of vision.
Nervous System Maintenance
Muskmelon contain sufficient potassium that store as electrolyte mineral in our body cells. Potassium keeps our blood pressure stable and prevent muscles from cramping.
Stress Relief
The potassium in muskmelon is good for heart health. Muskmelon can reduce stress level and blood pressure level.
kidney stone
Muskmelon contains oxykine, a bio-chemical substance that prevents kidney stone and other kidney disorders.Muskmelon release toxins from kidney because of the presence of abundant water,Minerals and potassium.
Acidity problems
Muskmelons can maintain pH level in our body. Muskmelon prevent acid reflux issues since it contain 90 percentage of water and electrolyte.
Healthy heart
Muskmelon is a good source of potassium that is good for heart problems. The presence of adenosine in muskmelon makes blood thinning and reduces the chances of heart attack and strokes.