
Most Of my friends who are visiting this blog calls me and ask me – where do you get these fruits ? Are You a Fruitarian ? I really Appreciate those friends taking interest in eating healthy diet and my answer to their question is –Some Fruit are not available in india , Mainly it is found outside Asia ,And of course , I am not a Fruitarian ,I suggest instead of taking a multivitamin tablet, it is better to eat fruits daily, Your comments are always welcome in my inbox Have a happy life – make your life happy… Cheers

Interesting Health Facts On Bilimbi Fruit

Interesting Health Facts On Bilimbi Fruit
Interesting Health Facts On Bilimbi Fruit

Interesting Health Facts On Bilimbi Fruit

Bilimbi fruit is Scientifically called as ” Averrhoa bilimbi “.
“Bilimbi” is also known as ” Cucumber Tree “.
The cucumber tree is a fruit-bearing tree of the genus Averrhoa, family Oxalidaceae.
It is a close relative of the carambola tree, the Star fruit.

Origin Of Bilimbi fruit
Averrhoa bilimbi is a small tropical tree native to Malaysia and Indonesia.It is widely cultivated throughout Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Maldives, India, Central and South America.

Other Names Of Bilimbi fruit
Bilimbi Tree, Bilimbi, Cucumber Tree, Bilimbi Plum, Tree-sorrel, Belimbing, Asam, and pickle, Kamias, Mimbro.
Hindi: Belambu, Bilimbi, Kamaranga
Tamil: Koch-Chit-Tamarttai, Pulich- Chakkay, Vilumbi.
Telugu:  Bilimbi, Bilumbi, Gommareku, Pulusukaya, Pulasukaya.
Malayalam: Belimbi, Bilimpi, Elumbipuli, Ilimbai, Irumbanpuli, Irumpuli, Kariccakka, Orakkapuli, Pulinchi, Seemapuli.
Kannada: Belambu, Bilimbi, Bimbli, Bimbuli

Appearance Of Bilimbi fruit
The Bilimbi fruit is ellipsoidal, elongated, measuring about 4 – 10 cm, and sometimes faintly 5-angled.The Bilimbi fruit skin is smooth to slightly bumpy, thin, and waxy is very crunchy when unripe and it turns from bright green to yellowish-green when it is ripe. Once it got ripe it falls to the ground. The outer skin of Bilimbi is shiny, very thin, and the flesh will be greenish-white in color which will be very juicy and extremely sour.

Tastes Of Bilimbi fruit
The Bilimbi fruit flesh tastes crisp and juice is sour and extremely acidic and therefore not typically consumed as fresh fruit by itself.

Nutritional Content Of Bilimbi fruit
100gram of Bilimbi fruit

  • Calcium – 3.4mg
  • Phosphorous – 11.1 mg
  • Riboflavin (V-B2) – 0.026mg
  • Carotene (V-A) – 0.035mg
  • Niacin (V-B3) – 0.302mg
  • Moisture – 95mg
  • Iron – 1.01mg
  • Ascorbic Acid  – 15.5g
  • Thiamine (V-B1) – 0.010mg
  • Ash – 0.30-0.40mg
  • Fiber – 0.6mg
  • Protein – 0.61g

Interesting Health Facts On Bilimbi Fruit

Boosts Immune System
Bilimbi fruit is considered as cucumber variety that hold acidic compounds with calcium of about 3.4 mg per hundred grams of the total fruit. Mainly Bilimbi fruit juice is used to treat fever, cold and cough infections It is also said that high Vitamin C present in this fruit helps to strengthen the immune system, and increases the production of white blood cells and overall lead to protect our body from virus and bacterial inflammations.

Improve Bone Health
Bilimbi is loaded with high amounts of calcium , so daily intake of Bilimbi juice may help in increasing bone density and stimulate bone formation. It is also found that Bilimbi prevent from degradation of bone at early stage and also repairs the injury caused due to joint pains. Vitamin C and calcium in Bilimbi Fruit, increases the bone density, help in re absorption in bones that result in increasing calcium in bones and blood and finally maintains strong structural integrity of the skeleton bones.

Enhances Skin Texture
Bilimbi loaded with vitamin C, Riboflavin, Carotene prevents dark spots, scars, blemishes, lessens swelling, redness in acne, pimples. oxalic acid, and vitamin A antioxidant in Bilimbi helps in reducing cell damages, act as anti-inflammatory agent that prevent skin aging. Vitamin C of the fruit treat dry skin, provide youthful Radiant skin and Vitamin A present in bilimbi accelerate skin healing, maintain healthy epidermal layer of the skin by reducing hyper pigmentation and promotes collagen production.

Promotes Oral Health
Calcium present in Bilimci fruit include one of the essential ingredient for building and maintaining strong teeth and bones. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that helps heal gums and fight gums inflammation.

Treats Vision Health
Bilimbi fruit contains nutrients of Vitamin C, Iron, Thiamine and other antioxidant, which may help reduce the risk of age-related eye disease. It is also a rich source of Vitamin A that improve vision and avoid xerophthalmia, a condition that damages your corneas. Bilimbi fruit juice reduce the situations such as dry eyes, night blindness, blurred vision, retinal damage.

Prevents Iron Deficiency
Due to the high amount of iron present in Bilimbi, prevent anemia symptoms, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, weakness, headache, dizziness. Bilimbi is very beneficial for preventing the risk of anemia, as well as improve the production of hemoglobin in our bloodstream.

Eases Muscle Cramps
Major benefits of drinking Bilimbi juice deals with healing pain, reducing discomfort and stiffness in muscles and joints. Bilimbi is also act as phytonutrients that possess powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, Bilimbi is an amazing natural remedy for reducing muscle pain and soothing cramps in the connective tissues.

Regulates Blood Sugar levels
Bilimbi fruit also help in maintaining low glycemic index .Bilimbi fruits possess rich content of flavonoids and dietary fibers that works good in preventing sudden spike in levels of blood glucose after post meals.

Maintains Heart Function
Antioxidant, proteins present in Bilimbi provides wonderful natural remedy for lowering high blood pressure or hypertension. Daily intake of Bilimbi juice may help to bring down elevated pressure in blood vessels, relax the cardiac muscles and fiber that result in reducing LDL cholesterol and raises the good, HDL cholesterol.

Aids Digestive system
Bilimbi comprises potent anti-inflammatory elements namely tannins and terpenes. These help to lessen swelling in the veins of the anus and rectum, a condition known as haemorrhoids.

Enhance stomach health
The leaves of Bilimbi are used as a treatment for venereal disease, relieve tonic and work as laxative agent. The Bilimbi fruit is also known to control internal bleeding in the stomach and stop rectal bleeding and alleviate internal haemorrhoids.


Interesting Health Facts On Blue Java Banana

Interesting Health Facts On Blue Java Banana

Scientifically named ” Musa acuminata × balbisiana ”

Why was it named Blue Java Banana?
Blue Java bananas are a type of banana cultivar known for its unique flavor and appearance.Blue Java bananas are a real kind of fruit. They have a “silver-green” or “blue-green” color, which they get from a heavy coating of wax.Before Blue Java bananas fully ripe, have a light blue-green tint, but as they mature, they tend to become yellow.

Origin Of Blue Java Banana
The Blue Java Banana originated in South East Asia and spread through continents including Northern Australia, Hawaii, Central America, and Fiji.

Other Names Of Blue Java Banana
The Blue Java also known as blue bananas, Ice Cream banana, Hawaiian banana, Ney Mannan, Krie, or Cenizo.

Appearance Of Blue Java Banana fruit
Blue Java Banana fruit is 18 to 23 centimeters (7 to 9 in) in length and exhibits a characteristic silvery-blue color when unripe. The Blue Java Banana turns a pale yellow when ripe, with white creamy flesh and small black seeds.

Taste Of Blue Java Banana fruit
Blue Java Banana are known for their fragrant flavor which has a vanilla-like custard taste. The fruit goes well with ice cream.

Variety Of Blue Java Banana fruit
A hybrid of two species in Blue java bananas are Musa balbisiana and Musa acuminata, ABB group (type) of Cultivar, genera in the family Musaceae.
While the blue java banana tree is a famous fruit tree, there are other species found are
Cavendish Banana, Gros Michel, Lady Finger.

Nutritional Contents Of Blue Java Banana fruit
Blue java banana is basically a type of banana cultivar, they are loaded with almost the same nutrient value as compared to other varieties of bananas.
Just like other types of bananas, they are a great and natural source of vitamins C and B6, manganese, and fiber.
The nutritional content of blue java banana is almost the same as given below:
• Calories: 105
• Protein: 1.5 grams
• Carbs: 27 grams
• Fat: 0.5 grams
• Fiber: 3 grams
• Vitamin B6: 26%
• Manganese: 14%
• Vitamin C: 11%
• Copper: 10%
• Potassium: 9%
• Pantothenic acid: 8%
• Magnesium: 8%
• Riboflavin: 7%
• Folate: 6%
• Niacin: 5%
In addition to the above, blue java bananas also have some amounts of selenium,thiamine, phosphorus and iron.

Interesting Health Facts On Blue Java Banana

Moderate Blood Sugar Levels
Amazing health benefits of Blue Java bananas come with pectin ,a type of fiber and starch which maintain blood sugar levels after meals and help reduce appetite by slowing the emptying of your stomach. Bananas rank low to medium on the glycemic index (GI) with more fiber and that help regulate your blood sugar level completely.

Improve Mood
Daily Consumption of banana juice increase the folate,serotonin compound and reduce the anti-depression rate naturally .Blue Java bananas are a rich source of vitamin B6, which is necessary for helping the body to synthesize its own serotonin,hence it is said to be a mood improving agent.

Support Heart Health
Its Common fact that Potassium and heart health are interlinked since potassium helps in good blood flow and decrease the risk of formation of blocks in heart.Blue java banana are full of potassium play a key role in preventing instances of bad LDL cholesterol clogging the arteries, thus effectively keeping cardiac ailments at bay reducing the risk of stroke.

Prevents Cancer
Blue java banana composed of good and plenty amount of powerful antioxidants, such as gallic acid, quercetin, ferulic acid, and dopamine. These Antioxidants in blue banana can help prevent many diseases, can prevent cell damage, and can protect against cancer.

Aids Digestion
Bananas are mainly concerned due to its fiber content like cellulose, hemicellulose, and alpha-glucans that, treat several digestive disorders, including hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and also  Prevent constipation.and restore and maintain regular bowel function.

Reduce Insomnia
Blue java Banana Fruit contains tryptophan, serotonin, and dopamine. It helps to improve sleep levels and reduce insomnia. Regulating the sleep cycle helps in balancing female hormones.

Promote Weight Loss
Blue java Banana is also a good source of dietary fiber with low calories help in good bowel movement and provide a fullness in stomach. Fiber rich blue banana consumption may be associated with weight loss.It also prevent from gastrointestinal disorder and colon cancer.

Muscle Regeneration: Banana contain high levels of potassium can avoid muscle cramps and muscle soreness. A banana include potassium, magnesium, and carbohydrates nutrients that enhance recovery, restore glycogen stores, and support muscle growth.

Fights Inflammation: Blue Java Bananas contain natural flavonoids such as Quercetin plays an important role in fighting free radical damage and reduce swelling, irritation, and inflammation. These Flavonoids improve blood flow and protect brain cells from neuro inflammation.Blue java Banana fruit also include iron that work wonder to maintain defense mechanisms in the body.


Interesting Health Facts On Red Banana



Interesting Health Facts On Red Banana

Red bananas are popularly called  as ” Red Dacca ” Scientifically referred as Musa acuminata . Red Banana Fruit is known as a ” rich mans fruit ” as it is marketed at a higher price compared to other varieties of banana

Origin of Red bananas
The red banana or the Dhaka Banana is a triploid cultivar. Red banana belongs to a subgroup of bananas called ‘Dwarf Red’ which is one of the many red-skinned banana cultivars and is found in both Cavendish groups.

Other Name of Red bananas – Cuban Red, Jamaican Red, Colorado, Indio, Macabeo, Red Spanish, Lal Kela

Native of Red bananas
Red Banana is Originated in India and Southeast Asia and is now grown in Australia, New Zealand, and many places in the Pacific Islands.
Kamalapur Red Banana is a special variety of Red banana which is exclusively grown in the valley of Kamalapur village and its surrounding areas in the Kalaburagi district of Karnataka, India

Appearance of Red bananas
As its name suggest Red banana has red in color with skin turns sunset colors through the ripening process from yellow-green to orange and then to red.Inner pulp of red banana is Soft creamy  when it gets fully ripen.

Nutritional Contents(DV-Daily Value, RDI-Reference of Daily Intake)

  • Water: 74.91 grams
  • Calories: 89 kcal
  • Protein: 1.09 grams
  • Fat: 0.33 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 22.84 grams
  • Fiber: 2.6 grams
  • Sugars: 12.23 grams
  • Calcium: 5 mg (0.05 % of the DV)
  • Magnesium: 27 mg (7% of the DV)
  • Phosphorus: 22 mg (3% of the DV)
  • Potassium: 358 mg (10% of the DV)
  • Vitamin C: 8.7 mg (10% of the DV)
  • Vitamin B6: 28% of the RDI

Interesting Health Facts On Red Banana

Enhances Vision: Red Bananas provide good source of vitamin A that prevents night blindness. Vitamin A and zeaxanthin and lutein, beta-carotenoids compounds protect our eyes from age-related macular degeneration.

Lower Blood Pressure: Red Bananas rich in Potassium and magnesium improve blood circulation in the body and reduce blood pressure.

Promote Brain Health: Dopamine is a vital neurotransmitter that helps promote a good mood and emotional stability.The concentration of dopamine in red bananas is 54 mcg/g, compared to yellow bananas (42 mcg/g) and plantain (5.5 mcg/g).  Red bananas prevent the risk of neuro degenerative disease and improve boost your memory function

Control Heart Diseases: Red banana contain good fiber and potassium content that reduces the risks of heart diseases. Red banana provide anthocyanins antioxidant which reduced the risk of coronary heart disease by 9%.

Improves Metabolism: 100 grams of Red banana pulp provides 0.4 mg of vitamin B6 and 0.3 mg of iron. Red bananas rich in iron and Vitamin B6 that is good for red blood cell metabolism and making hemoglobin.

Aids Digestive System: Probiotic fibers like insulin present in red bananas increase the health of digestive gut. Fiber reduces gut inflammation and cures constipation. Regular consumption of red bananas lowers the risk of digestive problems

Protects Skin Health: Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and carotenoids present in red bananas slow down aging,anti-inflammatory compounds that help avoid skin inflammation.Red bananas has high-water content that hydrates the skin.

Boosts Immunity:  Vitamin C and B6, beta-carotene in red bananas are good sources of supporting the immune system and may reduce your body’s production of white blood cells.

Cures Diabetics: Red bananas contain a lower glycemic index that can help reduce the sudden spike in blood glucose levels.

Good Antioxidant: carotenoids, flavonoid, and anthocyanins present in Red Banana – Antioxidants destroy free radicals, which cause cellular damage and protect from metabolic disorders like diabetes.

Prevent Kidney Problem: Potassium in Red banana which is important for bone strength, prevent kidney stone formation and help in the retention of calcium in the body.

Helps Weight Loss: One red banana carries 90 calories with good carbohydrates, and fiber that make us feel full stomach even with single banana.

Purifies Blood: Red banana transformation of tryptophan to serotonin.Red banana contains Vitamin B-6 which improves the quality of blood and hemoglobin count to reduce situation from suffering from anemia.

Increase Energy: carbohydrates (22.84 g), Fructose, sucrose, and glucose are the three types of natural sugars found in a red banana that provide low glycemic index. Red banana is a good source of instant energy that is released steadily into the bloodstream.

Elevates the Mood:  Vitamin B-6 in Red Banana transform tryptophan into serotonin.Red Banana contain “feel-good” hormone that helps with problems like depression and emotional disorder health as well.


Interesting Health Facts on Maraschino cherry


Interesting Health Facts on Maraschino cherry

Maraschino cherry is a type of cherry have natural sugar and fiber ,which resemble as dark and sour,named as marasca cherries in the beginning.Cherries are also a good source of potassium. ‌‌
maraschino cherries are sweet cherries that have been artificially coloured to be very bright red.

Origin Of Maraschino cherry
Maraschino cherries originated in Yugoslavia and northern Italy about 200 years ago. Merchants in these regions used a sweet cherry called the Marasca cherry,a dark and sour variety.

Variety Of Maraschino cherry
commercial Maraschino cherries found in different varieties such as in light color Gold, Rainier, or Royal Ann cherries. Cherries are first soaked in a brine solution that typically contains calcium chloride and sulfur dioxide.

Nutritional Value For 100 gm Of Maraschino cherry

Calories 8 Kcal /cup
Carbohydrate (1.62%)
Copper (0.78%)
Total dietary Fiber (0.53%)
Calcium (0.30%)
Iron (0.25%)
Calcium, Ca  3 mg
Iron, Fe  0.02 mg
Potassium, K 1 mg
Zinc, Zn 0.01 mg
Copper, Cu   0.007 mg
Manganese, Mn   0.001 mg

Interesting Health Facts on Maraschino cherry

Maraschino cherries are a good source of fiber, vitamin, iron, potassium and vitamin with zero added sugar and found 97 calories per cup.

Work as Anti-Inflammatories
Maraschino Cherries contain high source of antioxidant with 6 types of anthocyanins, 6 types of flavanols, 9 types of polyphenols such as melatonin, chlorogenic acid, and gallic acid. These cherries act as protective guard that slow down cellular aging and decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, obesity and inflammation and soreness.

Anti-cancerous property
Red pigment of Maraschino Cherries hold Cyanidin, a flavonoid stops the cancerous cell growth , carotenoids and also Vitamin C prevent in tumor cell formation. The Bright red color of Maraschino is due to anthocyanins,  great source of antioxidants, fight against free radicals causing cancer.

Treat nerve disorders
Maraschino cherries hold small amount of calcium and potassium that help in over all relaxing the nerve and free from anxiety disorder.

Good For Bones
These Cherries also loaded with vitamin A and vitamin K preventing from bone degrading and correct the vitamin deficiency and also may help lessen your joint pain.

Good Blood flow
Maraschino cherries have iron, magnesium and zinc as result in good blood flow through out the body that help in good sleep,immunity and reduce the occurrences of anemia in blood cells.

Good Source Of vitamin C
Maraschino cherries are healthy source of vitamin C and fibre that help reduce belly fat. Cherries contain B vitamins like B6, riboflavin and thiamin increase metabolism and help to convert nutrients to energy.

Guard from Arthritis
Maraschino Cherries have the ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body and thus can minimizes the damaging effects of high C-reactive proteins and Uric acid. Maraschino cherries also contribute to muscle recovery and pain relief associated with arthritis.

Reduce Blood pressure
Maraschino Cherries help to keep a healthy Potassium to sodium balance. This can help to reduce hypertension. One cup of cherries has as much potassium as a banana.

Help in weight loss
Maraschino cherries provides small amounts of calcium and potassium.High pectin in the Maraschino cherries contain soluble fiber that helps reduce cholesterol.


Interesting Health Facts on Black Surinam Cherry

health facts on black surinam cherryhealth facts on black surinam cherry

Interesting Health Facts on Black Surinam Cherry

Surinam cherry Scientifically named called as  Eugenia Uniflora, Eugenia michelii, Surinam Cherry, Pitanga, Brazilian Cherry

Origin Of Black Surinam cherry
This Cherries Originally from the east coast of South America — stretching from Suriname to South Brazil — the Surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora) is now commonly found in tropical climates all over the world, This hearty plant is a member of the Myrtaceae family.

Appearance Of Surinam cherry 
Fruit found with Round, seven to ten deep ribs, slightly flattened at the ends, with small apical sepals.The thin skin turns bright red or almost black when fully ripe, with very juicy, aromatic, orange-red flesh, and a unique,

Tastes Of Surinam cherry
Dark-colored fruit varieties are sweeter and contain little to no resin.Each fruit contains one to three seeds.The fruit size, one-half to two inches, depends on the amount of water the plant receives during fruiting.

Varieties Of Surinam cherry 
Black Star,
Zill Pitanga,
Crimson Tide,
Lolita Surinam Cherry,
Chamba Surinam Cherry,
Florida Giant Purple

Nutritional Content Of Surinam cherry
Surinam cherry or Black star Surinam remains the same
Serving Size: 1 Cup, 173 g with Calories 57 Kcal.
Calories from Fat 6.21 Kcal
Water 157.1 g
Energy 57 Kcal
Energy 239 k
Protein 1.38 g
Total Fat (lipid) 0.69 g
Ash 0.86 g
Carbohydrate 12.96 g

Calcium, Ca 16 mg
Iron, Fe 0.35 mg
Magnesium, Mg 21 mg
Phosphorus, P 19 mg
Potassium, K 178 mg
Sodium, Na 5 mg

Water-soluble Vitamins
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.052 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.069 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.519 mg
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 45.5 mg

Fat-soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A, RAE 130 µg

Kaempferol 0.7 mg
Myricetin 5.8 mg
Quercetin 10 mg

Interesting Health Facts on Black Surinam Cherry

Fortified Bone Health
Black Surinam cherries contain potassium and vitamin A which are important nutrients that support strong bones and muscle contractions in the body. Vitamin A can aid the healthy development of bones and promote healthy growth.

Enhances Eye Health
 vitamin C can protect the eyes from certain diseases such as cataracts. Black Surinam cherries contain vitamin A and D. Hence, it is beneficial for the vision and growth of an individual.

Strengthening Oral Health
vitamin A and D are essential for the protection of the teeth, promoting soft tissue repair and regeneration, vitamin C plays an integral role. This nutrient strengthens the gums and fortifies the connective tissues in the mouth.

Rejuvenates Energy Level
Black Surinam cherries can keep you energized for the entire day.It reduces the food craving for the entire day, thus keeping a check on health as well as body weight.

Boosts Immune System
Vitamin A plays a pivotal role in strengthening the immune system and fights against bacteria and allergies.Black Surinam cherries boost the immune system due to their richness of vitamin C and plenty of antioxidants.

Promote Heart Health
Abnormalities such as high blood pressure can cause cardiovascular arrest, stroke, and ischemic heart disease, while low blood pressure leads to muscle cramps, heart rhythm, and heart attacks. Black Surinam as a rich source of potassium, a vital nutrient for a healthy heart.

Improves Digestive System
Black Surinam the power-packed with an adequate amount of fiber that can fight against diarrhea and further aids in the elimination of waste material from the body faster.

Prevent Birth Defects
Black Surinam cherries are a rich source of folate that can protect the fetus and help it grow in the womb without any complications. Thus, Surinam can prevent the occurrence of deformities in unborn children.

Maintains Blood Pressure
Black Surinam cherries can aid in regulating blood pressure. The diet includes foods that are rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These nutrients help control blood pressure. The diet limits foods that are high in sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars.

Counteracts gout attacks
Gout attacks are complex types of arthritis, Black Surinam cherries contain vitamin C which can help reduce the amount of uric acid in the body, therefore preventing attacks. Vitamin C can also protect the body from iron deficiency by helping the body easily absorb iron from foods.

Muscle Regeneration
A banana can make a great post-workout snack because it contains potassium, magnesium and carbohydrates. These nutrients enhance recovery, restore glycogen stores and support muscle growth.

Controls Diabetics
Antioxidants found that an aqueous extract of dried leaves of Surinam cherry helped preserve insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells.


Interesting Health Facts on Suriname Cherry


Interesting Health Facts on Suriname Cherry

Suriname Cherry is Scientifically named as ” Eugenia Uniflora ” belong to the family Myrtaceae.

Origin Of Suriname Cherry
Surinam cherry is native to tropical South America’s east coast, ranging from Suriname, French Guiana to southern Brazil, as well as Uruguay and parts of Paraguay and Argentina. It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in Samoa, Hawaii, Ceylon and India. But it is occasionally grown in Southern China, tropical Africa and the Philippines.

Other Names Of Suriname Cherry 
Surinam Cherry, Pitanga, Brazilian Cherry, Cayenne Cherry, Florida Cherry, Surinamkirsche, Surinam-Kirschmyrte, Cayena, nagapiry, Barbados cherry, French cherry, Pitanga cherry, and Red Brazil cherry .

Appearance Of Suriname Cherry
The Cherry fruit has the appearance of a Tiny pumpkin. Surinam cherries are small fruits, averaging 2 to 4 centimeters in diameter, and have an ovate to round slightly flattened, Each fruit has one round “stone” or seed inside.
The white seed in the center of the fruit is about 1.2 cm in diameter . Each fruit is deeply ribbed, showcasing 7 to 8 vertical ridges, and the skin is thin, smooth, delicate, and glossy with colors ranging from unripe green to orange to bright red.

Tastes Of Suriname Cherry 
Ripe Surinam cherries are juicy – pulp has a tangy-sweet taste, with a slight bitter hint. Surinam Fruits with deeper red color (almost black) are sweeter and less astringent.

Varieties Of Suriname Cherry 
Lolita variety: black when ripe
Chamba variety: nearly fire engine red when ripe.

Nutrition Content Of Suriname Cherry
About 173 g of Surinam cherries contain the following amount of nutrients:
• Carbohydrates – 13 g
• Protein – 1.4 g
• Vitamin A – 43 g
• Vitamin C – 45.5 mg
• Thiamine – 0.1 mg
• Riboflavin – 0.1 mg
• Niacin – 0.5 mg
• Fat – 0.7 g
• Calcium – 15.6 mg
• Iron – 0.3 mg
• Magnesium – 20.8 mg
• Prosperous – 19.0 mg
• Potassium – 178 mg
• Sodium – 5.2 mg
• Water – 157 g
In addition, the fruit also contains antioxidants, gamma-carotenes, lycopene and rubixanthins.

Interesting Health Facts on Suriname Cherry

Enhances Immune system : Pitanga berries also help increase the production of antibodies and fight against the diseases that lead to microbes. Pitanga berries or cherries contain antioxidants rich in essential vitamins, which are important in fortifying the immune system to fight against highly reactive free radicals that may damage body cells.

Promotes Lung Health: Regular consumption of Pitanga berries helps in the proper functioning of the pulmonary and prevents the lungs from contracting certain diseases or infections. The anti-inflammatory property that is found in it is used in treating lung inflammation and also helps in improving lung function and can even go a long way in treating chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

Rejuvenates Energy Levels: Vitamin B complex present in the fruits provides the body with the amount of energy required for the body’s organ aids a lot in boosting energy levels. They are also necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Treats Heart Health: Polyphenols and vitamin C, present in Pitanga, have antioxidant action that helps reduce cell damage, keep blood vessels healthy, improve the functioning of arteries and  therefore  help protect against cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, heart failure, and stroke.

Prevents Skin: The Pitanga has vitamin C and A which are antioxidants that help fight free radicals that cause skin aging.Vitamin C also works by increasing the production of collagen, which is important to fight sagging. In addition, vitamin A protects the skin from damage caused by the sun’s rays that cause premature aging of the skin.

Eye Ailments: Pitanga cherries has lot of vitamins like antioxidants and minerals keeps eye healthy. The fruit also contains melatonin which regulates the sleep center of the brain and inhibits insomnia.

Muscle Regeneration: This Fruit with Vitamin A ensures the proper growth of muscles and prevents the development of muscular dystrophy .it contains potassium, magnesium, and carbohydrates nutrients enhance recovery, restore glycogen stores, and support muscle growth.

Regulates the Growth and Reproduction: Surinam cheery has Vitamin B2 ensures the proper development and growth of reproductive organs and body tissues growth such as connective tissues, skin, eyes, nervous system, mucous membranes and immune system.

Maintains Digestion: Surinam cherries come with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help to prevent constipation and restore and maintain regular bowel function, reduce stomach inflammation, acidity, bloating, diarrhea.

Controls Diabetics: Recent study published in the journal that Antioxidants found such as aqueous extract of dried leaves of Surinam cherry helped preserve insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells.


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