Banana payasam is my husband’s favorite side , he insisted me to write about this recipe . Banana Payasam is a instant payasam,very yam-me dish ,we can prepare this in 5 min to 10 min.Specialty of this dish is, we no need to cook banana just mix the ingredient and store it in fridge. As all we know banana has lot of medicinal value.
Bananas contain high amount of fiber content with vitamins as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium to speed recovery from health problems.Health supplements in Banana also help in curing heart related problems,provide easy digestion. Potassium present in Banana avoid sudden rise of blood pressure and also increase the iron level in our blood. Banana is also known as good neurotransmitter since it regulate into happy mood and maintain our stress.Banana act as natural antacid that provide relief from acid reflux,heartburn,kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and blindness.Banana help in type 2 diabetic patient and also maintain the blood flow level in our body.
Bananas has the capacity to ripe very quickly,so no need to refrigerate them.
How to Prepare Banana Payasam Banana Kheer Recipe
sugar – 1/4 kg
banana – 4
ghee – 3 tbsp
coconut – 1/2 cup
grapes – 10
dates- 5
nuts – 15
For making this banana recipe,Fry nuts in ghee,until it become golden brown. grind coconut and take coconut juice.
Filter the coconut mixture and take coconut milk extract. if you want you can heat the coconut milk extract(or no need to heat).Once it get boiled,Add sugar to coconut juice.
Grind the banana and add to the Coconut milk extract. Add fried dates,nuts,grape to the mixture.if you want keep it in fridge for 5 min . Thats all banana payasam is ready to serve.
In case if you are heating the coconut milk , put it in low flame and heat for just 5 min . Not more than that.If you want banana too be cooked please be sure,not to keep high can use normal milk instead of coconut milk. we shall add palm sugar instead of white sugar.
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