Facts On Mahkota Dewa Fruit
Mahkta Dewa Fruit is scientifically called as “ Phaleria macrocarpa ”.
Phaleria macrocarpa is a species of flowering plant in the family Thymelaeaceae. It is a dense evergreen tree, indigenous to Indonesia.
The origins of Mahkota Dewa are native to the island of Papua, formerly known as Irian Jaya.
It is commonly called as Buah Mahkota Dewa, God’s crown, pau, Makuto Rojo, Makutadewa, Makuto Mewo, Makuto Queen, Crown of Gods.
Eclipse-shaped fruits are green when unripe, and have a diameter of 3 cm (1.2 in).
The white, round pits are poisonous and fruit is of eclipse shape with a diameter of 3 cm (1.2 in).
The inner flesh is white, fibrous, watery that contains one to two brown poisonous seeds. Mahkota Dewa cannot be consumed raw, but when processed, it has a slightly sweet flavor.
The compounds such as polyphenol substances, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins are found in Mahkota dewa fruit.
Facts On Mahkota Dewa Fruit
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Mahkota dewa fruit contain an anti-inflammatory compounds like terpenoids, saponins. Phyto-nutrients like flavonoids protect our cells from oxidative damage that can lead to disease.
Maintains Healthy Heart
Mahkota Dewa fruit contains polyphenols that can help to keep our blood vessels healthy and flexible, promote good blood circulation.
Controls Cholesterols
Fruit of Mahkota dewa conserves potential compound like gallic acid, which regulates the cholesterol homeostasis by lowering the level of cholesterol in body.
Enhances Male Fertility
Mahkota dewa enhance the secretion of testosterone hormone due to the presence of saponin. Mahkota dewa act as an alternative to enhance the male fertility by enriching the quality of sperm.
Improves Metabolism
Body’s metabolism shall be improved due to Mahkota dewa‘s flavonoid content. Consumption of Mahkota dewa fruit can decrease body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose and by improving lipid metabolism.
Rejuvenates Skin
Polyphenols in Mahkota dewa fruit can protect our skin from cancer and other forms of sun damages. These Polyphenols can also reverse signs of aging like sun spots, fine lines and wrinkles.
Boosts Immunity
Mahkota Dewa fruit contains antiviral and antibacterial properties which can help strengthening immune system. Mahkota Dewa also protects from various immune diseases.
Manage Blood Pressure
Mahkota Dewa fruit contains polyphenols that can help manage blood pressure levels and keep your blood vessels healthy and flexible, promoting good blood circulation.
Control Blood Sugar
Mahkota Dewa fruit holds polyphenols that can reduce and help control our blood sugar levels and type 2 diabetes (T2D) and also promote the uptake of glucose in tissues, by improving insulin sensitivity.
Burn Fat
Mahkota Dewa fruits are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols compoundmthat can boost our digestive system, and also helps to lose weight and burn fat.