Health Benefits On Dragon Fruit
Dragon Fruit is scientifically called as Selenicereus undatus .
Dragon Fruit refers to fruit of the genus Selenicereus (formerly Hylocereus), both in the family Cactaceae.
Dragon Fruit is native to the region of southern Mexico and along the Pacific coasts of Guatemala, Costa Rica, and El Salvador.
In English it is called as “dragon fruit”, strawberry pear.
Pitaya roja in Central America and northern South America.
other names – Pitahaya, pitaya
The Dragon Fruit has a dramatic appearance, with bright red, purple or yellow-skinned varieties and prominent scales. The Dragon Fruit is oval, elliptical or pear-shaped. The flesh has a subtly flavored sweet taste or sometimes slightly sourish taste.
The flavor has been described as a cross between kiwifruit and pear. The texture of dragon fruit is similar to that of kiwifruit, with small black seeds throughout the flesh. Dragon fruit is not as acidic as some other fruits, but it does have a slightly acidic taste.
• Yellow Dragon is a sweet fruit with bumpy yellow skin and creamy white flesh.
• Costa Rican Sunset has pink skin and dark pink flesh with very few seeds.
• Makisupa has pale pink and green skin and bright pink flesh, and it leaves the mouth feeling dry.
• Natural Mystic has pink skin, deep pink flesh, and is grown in Florida.
Dragon Fruit contains various anti-oxidents and pigments like Betacyainins, Hydroxycinnnamates, Flavonoids, Astaxanthin, Phytoalbumin.
white-fleshed pink-fleshed
• Energy (kj): 130 283
• Protein (g): 0.5 0.2-1.1
• Fat (g): 0.1 0.6-0.9
• Carbohydrates (g):9.5 11.2
• Glucose (g): 5.5 4.7-5.7
• Fructose (g): 1.9 1.8-3.2
• Crude Fibre (g): 0.3 0.7-1.3
• Calcium (mg): 3.1-6 2.3-10.2
• Magnesium (mg): 26.6 31.3-38.9
• Sodium (mg): 3.3 7.3-8.9
• Potassium (mg): 399.5 272-328.4
• Iron (mg): 0.4 0.6-3.4
• Phosphorus (mg): 19 27.5-36.1
Health Benefits On Dragon Fruit
Reduces Risk of Diabetes: Dragon Fruit contains high amounts of fibre that maintains blood sugar levels and avoids spikes among people suffering from diabetes. Regular consumption of this Dragon Fruit can help balance blood sugar levels and prevent further medical consequences among diabetics.
Fights Cancer: Dragon Fruit provide anti-cancer properties that can reduce the risks of colon cancer. Dragon Fruit also holds high source of vitamin C which plays an important role in boosting the immune system such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s, cancer, etc.
Good for Eyes: Dragon Fruit contains beta-carotene that(the pigment that gives the fruit its colour) prevents eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
Boost Immunity: Dragon Fruit contains high levels of vitamin C that boosts immunity and helps you stay healthy. More Vitamin C means that your body is capable of fighting deadly infections that you might be prone to.
Promotes Heart Health: Dragon fruit with red coloured pulp contains betalains that reduces bad cholesterol and tiny dark black seeds inside the fruit are rich in omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids that are good for the heart and reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases.
Rejuvenates Skin: Rich source of antioxidants in Dragon fruit that can treat sunburn, dry skin and acne. Dragon fruit also contain vitamin C that can aid in brighter skin.
Nourishes Hair: The high source of nutrients vitamin C in the Dragon fruit reduces hair damage and improves hair texture, thus, leaving it soft and shiny.
Fortifies Bones: Dragon fruit Super fruit contains 18% magnesium, Calcium, phosphorous and aid in stronger bones and good bone health.
Helps Pregnancy: Dragon fruit also contains vitamin B, folate and iron that making it an ideal fruit for pregnant mothers. calcium content is responsible for the bone development of the foetus.
Supports Digestion: Dragon fruit has a rich source of oligosaccharides (a carbohydrate) that helps in the growth of good bacteria like flora, which aids in smooth digestion.