Health Facts On Date Plum
Date plum is also scientifically called as Diospyros lotus.
Date-plum is a widely cultivated species of the genus Diospyros, native to subtropical southwest Asia and southeast Europe.
It was known to the ancient Greeks as “God’s fruit” (Διός πυρός, Diós pŷrós).
Date plum, Caucasian persimmon, lilac persimmon, American persimmon, Common Persimmon, Sugarplum, Possumwood, Lotus persimmon ,Lotus tree.
Persian Khormaloo خرمالو literally “date-plum”, The fruit is called Amlok املوک in Pakistan.
Fruits are berries with juicy flesh, yellow when ripe, 1–2 cm in diameter. Seeds with thin skin and a very hard endosperm.
Date plums ripen in two colours: orange-yellow, and purple.
Pick when dark and mushy to touch.
Date plums might be small, but their taste is bold. Its soft flesh packs a rich, sweet velvety taste enjoyed by most who try it. Date plums taste has hints of both dates and plums.
Diospyros is a genus of over 700 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.
Diospyros lotus (date-plum)
Diospyros virginiana (American persimmon)
Diospyros discolor (velvet persimmon)
Diospyros texana (Texas persimmon)
100g of Date Plum
• Energy: 46 Kcal
• Carbohydrates: 11.42 g
• Protein: 0.70 g
• Total Fat: 0.28 g
• Dietary Fibre: 1.40 g
• Folates: 5 g
• Niacin: 0.417 mg
• Pantothenic acid: 0.135 mg
• Pyridoxine: 0.029 mg
• Riboflavin: 0.026 mg
• Thiamine: 0.028 mg
• Vitamin A: 345 IU
• Vitamin C: 9.5 mg
• Vitamin E: 0.26 mg
• Vitamin K: 6.4 g
• Sodium: 1 mg
• Potassium: 157 mg
• Calcium: 6 mg
• Copper: 0.057 mg
• Iron: 0.17 mg
• Magnesium: 7 mg
• Manganese: 0.052 mg
• Phosphorous: 16 mg
• Selenium: 1.0 g
• Zinc: 0.10 mg
Health Facts On Date Plum
Enhances Eye Health: Date Plum fruit have high amounts of vitamin A, as well as carotenoid antioxidants – lutein, zeaxanthin, which provide astounding incentives for eye wellness and reduce age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, cataract .
Enriches Skin Texture: Date plum is rich in vitamins C, E, catechin antioxidants that provide anti-inflammatory properties to heal acne, dark spots, scars, besides slowing down skin ageing and minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Diminishes Inflammation: Date Plum fruit is blessed with vitamin C, flavonoids, that hold strong antioxidant qualities to build resistance and safeguard the body from disease. It also prevents seasonal infections such as cough, cold, fever and chronic disorders of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis and dementia.
Promotes Heart Wellness: Date plum with Unsaturated fats and dietary fibres that regulates cholesterol levels and decreases pressure in arteries. Anthocyanin elements with cardioprotective traits, lowers high blood pressure and prevents hypertension, arrhythmia.
Aids Weight Loss: Date Plum fruit possess essential nutrients that supply ample dietary fibers and low calories, low fat, low cholesterol to aid in weight loss.
Boosts Immunity: Vitamin C in dates plum can stimulates neutrophil migration to the site of infection, enhances phagocytosis and oxidant generation, and microbial killing.
Augments Brain Power: Dates palm contain Vitamin B6 which indirectly help with brain function by lowering levels of homocysteine, as high levels of this protein in the body have been linked with a higher incidence of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.
Treats Tissue Repair Mechanisms: Vitamin K in date plum helps in blood clotting, which stops wounds from continuously bleeding so they can heal.
Activates Nervous System: Neurotropic B vitamins such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) contribute essentially to the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.
Alleviates Digestive Disorders: B vitamins – B1, B2, B3 as well as soluble fibres present in the dates plum fruit deliver superb merits for digestive health.