Health Facts On Desert Banana
Desert Banana is scientifically called as “Musa acuminata” .
Musa species are native to tropical Indomalaya and Australia, and are likely to have been first domesticated in Papua New Guinea.
Dessert Banana belongs to Musaceae family, usually found in all parts of India.
Banana, dessert banana, plantain, cooking banana (English), Banane, bananier (France)
Banane, Bananen, Bananenpisang, Bananenstaude (German), Kelaa, Kelaa ka fool (Kere kafool) (flower) (Hindi), Banana, Banane, Banano (plant) (Italian), Banana, Banana no tsubomi (flower) (Japanese), Balayhanu (Kannada), Cheek nam’vaa, Chec (Khmer), Vazhaipazlam, Vazhei (Tamil), Artipandu (Telugu), Kluai / Kluay / Klue / Kluey / Gluai / Glooway / Gkloo ay, Dok kluai (flower), Hua blee (flower) (Thai), Muz (Turkish), Kelaa (Keyla) Kelaa kaa phuul (flower) (Urdu).
Dessert Banana is a curved, yellow fruit with a thick skin and soft sweet flesh.
It is an elongated, edible fruit is variable in size, colour, and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind, which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe.
Almost all modern edible seedless (parthenocarp) bananas come from two wild species – Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana.
Raw banana has bitter taste, while ripe banana has sweet taste.
Same as banana varieties, desert banana is not different
100g of Dessert Banana contains
Energy: 89 Kcal
Carbohydrates: 22.84 g
Protein: 1.09g
Total Fat: 0.33 g
Dietary Fibre: 2.60 g
Folates: 20 µg
Niacin: 0.665 mg
Pantothenic acid: 0.334 mg
Pyridoxine: 0.367 mg
Riboflavin: 0.073 mg
Thiamine: 0.031 mg
Vitamin A: 64 IU
Vitamin C: 8.7 mg
Vitamin E: 0.10 mg
Vitamin K: 0.5 µg
Sodium: 1 mg
Potassium: 358 mg
Calcium: 5 mg
Copper: 0.078 mg
Iron: 0.26 mg
Magnesium: 27 mg
Manganese: 0.270 mg
Phosphorus: 22 mg
Selenium: 1.0 µg
Zinc: 0.15 mg
Carotene-alpha: 25 µg
Carotene-beta: 26 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin: 22 µg
Health Facts On Desert Banana
Normalize Heart Rhythm: Potassium, Magnesium and Vitamin content in Dessert Banana support heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease against high Blood pressure.
Good For Skin: Desert Bananas meets upto 13% of our daily Manganese and Vitamin C that needs to keep our skin young and healthy. Desert bananas also in turn protects our skin from damage and prevents the action of free radicals.
Prevents Diabetics: Desert Banana contain soluble fibre that dissolves in liquid and forms a gel. Thus, Desert Bananas are also good for diabetes but diabetic people should consume them moderately.
Promotes Weight Loss: The presence of dietary fibre and the resistant starch in Dessert Banana plays a vital role in weight loss because it slows digestion, helps to feel full, keeps blood sugar level balanced.
Maintains Vision: Dessert Banana is rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, lutein and antioxidants that helps to keep vision healthy. Lutein is a nutrient that may help to reduce the risk for macular degeneration.
Uplifts Mood and Preserves Memory: The high levels of tryptophan in Dessert Bananas are converted to serotonin, the mood-elevating brain neurotransmitter that helps to overcome depression and boosts the memory.
Helps Muscle: Dessert Banana are good source of magnesium, that can help with muscle contraction and relaxation as well as protein synthesis .
Fortifies Bone Health: Bananas can help to maintain bone health. Banana contains a prebiotic named- Fructo-oligosaccharides. These Fructooligosaccharides help to enhance the ability of the body to absorb calcium. Hence, this prebiotic may help to improve the bone health of our body.
Improves Kidney Health: Potassium is a crucial mineral for healthy kidney function and maintain blood pressure. These potassium present in Dessert Banana reduces blood pressure and slower progression of kidney disease.
Boosts Energy: Low water content in Dessert Banana have more calories as well as a high sugar content compared to other fruits. They contain sugar in the form of sucrose, fructose and glucose in combination with fibre, this allows them to supply an instant energy booster .
Combats Diseases: Carotenoids (provitamin A carotenoids, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene) that the body actually converts into vitamin A which protect against chronic disease.
Increases Sexual Desire: Dessert Banana are a great source of bromelain and vitamin B that regulates the hormone testosterone and increases the sexual desire, performance, and overall virility.
Manages Pregnancy: Folic acid is used to make extra blood in our body that is needed during pregnancy. Dessert Bananas have a high iron content that helps prevent anemia, which keeps enough blood for the growing foetus and the mother.
Supports Digestion: Pectin (a fibre present in ripe and unripe bananas) in Dessert Bananas prevents constipation and improves our bowel movements.