I made orange-apple punch fruit juice for the first time and also it came with a good taste. After a long time i met my fathers friend ,she is a doctor .I asked her to tell a different juice recipe ,which juice she liked the most.She suggested this recipe,she said she used to eat this orange and apple punch juice in her hospital canteen daily I felt orange and apple combination to be different and thought of sharing this idea in this blog.
Know more on Apple benefits – Apple help in curing diabetes – reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.Potassium in Apple that prevent cardiac related problems and makes your bone stronger.Eating apple regularly help in weight loss,prevent asthma,promote liver health,prevents cancer formation,boost immunity.Regular consumption of apple improves all digestive problems like constipation.Apple is a rich source of vitamin C, help in preventing asthma and respiratory problems.
Know more on Orange benefits – Orange juice contain vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, folate, potassium, fiber, proteins, copper, magnesium, flavonoids.Orange juice contain antioxidant enzyme act as the anti inflammatory,anti bacterial that fight against cancer formation.Orange juice also Prevent from kidney stones formation,improve blood flow and circulation,regularize the blood pressure level,reduced skin inflammation and skin disorder,boost immunity.
How to Prepare orange apple punch
- apple – 2
- orange – 2
- crushed ice cube -4
- sugar – 6 tbsp
- mint -8 leaves
1. Squeeze Orange and take Orange juice.Cut the Apple and Mint leaves and take in a blender.2. Grind Apple,Mint content into a fine paste and filter the content .
3. Add orange juice and sugar to the filter content of Apple,Mint and stir it well.Add ice cubes to the juice if wanted.Add mint leaves as the topping.
Orange Apple Punch is ready to serve. Enjoy 🙂
- Instead of sugar we shall use honey or palm sugar.
- You can also use ginger to the juice while blending.