Interesting Facts On Karonda Fruit
Karonda fruit also called Black Currant or Christ’s thorn.
Karonda fruit Scientifically termed Carissa carandas
Origin of Karonda fruit
Karonda is a fruit that belongs to the berry family.Carissa carandas or Carissa congesta is a species of flowering shrub in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae.The plant is native and common throughout much of India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, java, Pakistan, and Myanmar.
In regions with high temperatures, it flourishes well.It grows naturally in the Himalayas at elevations of 300 to 1800 meters, in the Sivalik Hills, the Western Ghats, and in Nepal and Afghanistan.
Other Names of Karonda fruit
English common names: Bengal-currants, Carandas-plum, Karanda, Christ’s thorn, Jasmine flowered carrisa, Karanda, and black currants.
Locally, it is called “ Vaakkai ” in Telugu, “ Kauli Hannu ” in Kannada, “ Kilakkai ” in Tamil, and “ Koromcha ” in Bengali. “ Karaunda ” in Hindi
APPEARANCE of Karonda fruit
Karonda fruit, a berry, is globular or oblong, broad-ovoid.
1/2 to 1 inch (1.25-2.5 cm) long, and fairly thin in shape.
2 to 8 small, flat, brown tiny seeds within, occurring in clusters of 3 to 10 fruits.
The Unripe fruit is pinkish-white and becomes red to dark purple when Ripened fruit. purplish-red turns dark purple or nearly black and shiny.
Red or pink, juicy pulp secreting tasty liquid content inside with a delicious sweet flavor.
Taste of Karonda fruit
Karonda fruits have a subtly sweet, herbal taste with prominent sour, bitter, tart, and acidic notes. Each berry will vary in flavor depending on the growing environment and maturity.
Varieties of Karonda fruit
• Carandas var. Amara: the fruit has oval, dark-purple, red-fleshed fruits, of acid flavor.
• Carandas var. Dulcis: The fruit has round, maroon, with pink flesh and sweet-sub acid flavor.
Nutritional content OF Karonda fruit
100gms of Karonda fruit contains
Fruit is rich in iron, vitamin C, vitamins A, calcium and phosphorus, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Pantothenic acid (B5), Pyridoxine ( B6), Biotin ( B7), Folic acid (B9).
1.6 g total dietary fiber
0.4g soluble fiber
1.2g insoluble fiber
0.2g manganese
80.17 g of water
10.33 mg iron
81.26 mg potassium
3.26 mg zinc
1.92 mg copper
51.27 mg vitamin C
Interesting Facts On Karonda Fruit
Protects Skin Health
Karonda fruit has rich in iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and phosphorus nutrient that fight against skin problems. iron make your skin glow,vitamin C content prevent sun damage by interrupting the process that breaks down collagen ,vitamin A present in karonda fruit may give your skin some protection against sunburn.Zinc Compound present in Karonda fruit helps to heal injury. Iron helps make your skin glow by activating B vitamins.
Enhances Vision Health
Lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc, reduce the risk of certain serious eye diseases like (AGM) and cataracts. Zinc helps maintain the health of the retina, cell membranes, and protein structure of the eye. Karonda fruit rich in vitamin C vitamin E include Melanin pigment that protects the eyes from ultraviolet (UV) light.Zinc present in Karonda fruit allows vitamin A to travel from the liver to the retina to produce melanin.
Improves Mental Health
Serotonin act as neurotransmitter which works towards bettering overall mental well-being and produce a good mood.magnesium along with the vitamins and tryptophan help stimulate the production of the neurotransmitter – serotonin.magnesium along with the vitamins and tryptophan help stimulate the production of the neurotransmitter .Vitamin B12 and folate supplements are combined, they enhance the production of serotonin and dopamine.Minerals like zinc, magnesium, and iron present in Karonda fruit are important for the neurological functions of the brain.
Protection of Liver Health
Karonda fruit is a rich source of iron,vitamin C, which helps fighting infections, inflammations, cell-damages. The Karonda fruit is known to keep the liver healthy, by stopping its excessive secretion of bile that result in boosting immune system and reduce inflammation.
Increases Immunity
The karonda fruit is enriched with vitamin C and vitamin B act as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor properties. vitamin C and vitamin B provide body’s natural defenses against diseases.karonda fruit hold antioxidant compounds to protect the cells from damage and increase the infection-fighting ability.
Strengthening Cardiac Muscles
Coronary Heart Disease can occur when plaque builds up along the walls of the coronary arteries. Drinking the juice of karonda fruit enhance the stimulation of blood flow and also strengthen cardiac muscles.karonda fruit lowers the risk of heart diseases like heart attack and hypertension.
Treats Inflammation
karonda fruit can help reduce and treat infection and inflammations since it act as good antiinflammatory agent .Vitamin C present in the fruit help in Reducing the formation of the toxic agents in the body. Vitamin C, D is a powerful antioxidant, so it can reduce inflammation by neutralizing free radicals that cause oxidative damage to your cells.
Combats Infections
High amount of vitamin C present in the karonda has Antipyretic property to reduce a sore throat and inflammatory illnesses. karonda rich in antioxidants, helps in bringing down the fever by fighting off the infections. Consuming ripe or dried fruit boost your immune system and reduce inflammation.
Alleviates Abdominal Pains
karonda fruit juice is Rich in fiber,eliminates the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers and treat abdominal problems. Dried Karonda fruit powder can be mixed with water and consumed to ease the stomach tissues and help eliminate indigestion, gas, and bloating.karonda fruit juice prevent constipation and boost your colon health.
Regulates Blood flow
Karonda fruit antioxidant slows down premature aging,speed-up wound healing and treat inflammation.Karonda fruit has a rich source of iron which is an essential mineral to build hemoglobin. karonda can stimulate the production of blood preventing anemia.
Supports Digestion
Karonda fruit juice can help in eliminating symptoms like bloating and indigestion. Karonda has a fiber called pectin which improves gut health and hep in the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract and helps in better bowel movement.