Interesting Facts On Rambutan Fruits
Rambutan Fruit is Scientifically called as ” Nephelium lappaceum “.The Rambutan is part of the Sapindaceae family of flowering plants in the soapberry family of fruits.
Origin Of Rambutan Fruit
It is native to Southeast Asia and widely cultivated in places like Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, etc.
The Rambutan Fruit also grows in some areas of East Africa, India, and South America. In the United States, the best places to try and grow them would be Florida, some parts of California, and Hawaii.
Why it is called as Rambutan
The name “Rambutan” is derived from the Malay word rambut meaning ‘hair’ referring to the numerous hairy protuberances of the fruits, together with the noun-building suffix -an. Similarly, in Vietnam, they are called chôm chôm (meaning ‘messy hair’).
Other Names Of Rambutan Fruit
- Ramboutan or ramboutanier in French
- Ramboetan in Dutch
- Ramboostan in India
- Shao tzu in Chinese
- Chom chom or vai thieu in Vietnam
- Ser mon, or chle sao mao to Kampucheans
Appearance Of Rambutan Fruit
The Rambutan fruit is a round to oval single-seeded drupe, 3–6 cm (rarely to 8 cm) long and 3–4 cm broad, borne in a loose pendant cluster of 10–20 together.
The leathery skin is reddish (rarely orange or yellow) and covered with fleshy pliable spines, hence the name, which means ‘hairs’.
The Rambutan fruit flesh, the aril, is translucent, whitish or very pale pink, with a sweet, mildly acidic flavor reminiscent of grapes.The single seed is glossy brown, 1–1.3 cm, with a white basal scar. Soft and containing equal portions of saturated and unsaturated fats, the seeds may be cooked and eaten, but is bitter and has narcotic properties.
Tastes Of Rambutan Fruit
The flavor of Rambutan is a little like grapes with a slight strawberry quality, slightly acidic and sweet. It’s not as sweet as the lychee and also is a little less acidic.
Varieties Of Rambutan Fruit
In the Malay peninsula, commercial varieties include ‘ Chooi Ang ‘, ‘ Peng Thing Bee ‘, ‘ Ya Tow ‘, ‘ Azimat ‘, and ‘ Ayer Mas ‘.
Yellow-fruited Rambutan are called ‘ Atjeh koonig ‘ in Batavia. In Malaya, ‘ Rambutan gading ‘ indicates a yellow type.
Selected Indonesian Varieties:
- Lebakbooloos
- Seematjan
- Seenjonja
- Maharlika
- Sectangkooweh
- Seelengkeng
- Seekonto
- Maharlika
Selected Philippines Varieties:
Queen Zaida,Baby Eulie,Princess Caroline,Quezon,Roxas,Zamora,Quirino,Magsaysay,Santo Tomas,Victoria,Baby Christie,Governor Infantada,Laurel,Fortich,Osmeña, Sr,Ponderosa Ferreras,Rodrigas,Manahan,Santan,Arago,Cruz,Cruzas.
Nutritional Contents Of Rambutan Fruit
100gram of Rambutan fruit
- Calories : 123
- Fat : 0.3g
- Sodium : 16.5mg
- Carbohydrates: 31.3g
- Fiber : 1.4g
- Protein : 1g
- Manganese : 0.5mg
- Copper : 0.1mg
- Thiamin : 0.01mg
- Calcium : 33.0mg
- Vitamin A : 4.5 IU
- Potassium : 63.0mg
- Iron : 0.5mg
- Vitamin C : 7.4mg
Interesting Facts On Rambutan Fruits
- Boosts Immunity: Rambutan fruits with a hairy structure ensure us to meet daily vitamin C which is also necessary for the growth and development of all bodily tissues. Rich antioxidant remove of toxins from the system aids in iron absorption for better blood circulation, and increase immunity.
- Enhances Skin Health: Rambutan contain spermidin, which helps to keep skin cells from dying. Rambutan includes a number of necessary amino acids that aid in the formation of healthy skin cells as well as the reduction of redness and swelling that help fight free radical damage, reduce acne, scars, and dark spots, and soothe skin irritation.
- Improves Vision: Rambutan fruit has high Concentration of Zinc, vitamin A and C mineral nutrients that helps to maintain the health of the retina, cell membranes, and protein structure of the eye. Also especially vitamin A and vitamin C in this fruit can alleviate from eye problems.
- Promotes Hair: The Antifungal characteristics of Rambutan fruit provide the added benefit of eliminating all irritants from the scalp, promoting healthy hair development by strengthening the hair roots .
- Maintains Healthy Heart: The slightly sweet Rambutan juice is high in pectin, which helps to clear arteries of unwanted deposits, as well as vitamin C, which helps to maintain artery tensile strength.
- Uplifts Energy: Rambutans are a good source of energy as 100 grams of Rambutans will provide 82 calories .Carbohydrates of this fruit also provides small amounts of protein and fat with natural sugar such as sucrose, fructose and glucose which are easily absorbed by the body for an instant energy boost.
- Fortifies Bone Health: High potassium concentration in Rambutan aids bone health by boosting mineral uptake by cells and tissues throughout the body. Rambutan fruit had bone-fortifying minerals calcium and magnesium promote connective tissue strength and improve the condition of brittle bones.
- Prevent Kidney Problems: Increased potassium intake from fruits like Rambutan promotes calcium re-absorption in the kidneys and lower risk of kidney stone formation.
- Eradicate Cancer: Rambutan’s natural dietary fibres help to prevent colon cancer. The skin of the Rambutan contains a wealth of minerals, including bioflavonoids, a type of plant-based antioxidant. These reduce the symptoms of pancreatic and intestinal tumors greatly.
- Treats Anemia: Rambutan fruits promotes iron absorption from diets and promotes red blood cell formations and blood flow. Vitamin C also enhances the absorption of iron from eaten food, which is a highly important function in the human body.
- Relaxes Muscle Cramps: The component magnesium in Rambutan is an excellent choice for reducing muscle soreness and cramp. Eating a rRambutan fruit can quickly relieve from pain and suffering.
- Supports to lose weight: Rambutan is a fruit that is abundant in natural fibres. These take a long time to digest and thus help to control hunger.
- Combats Urinary Track Infection: Rambutan contains a lot of vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory qualities and helps to minimize bladder swelling.
- Aids Digestion: Rambutan is high in dietary fibres, which help to maintain normal bowel movement and prevent Haemorrhoids. The vitamin C-rich Rambutan fruit aids the smooth digestion also aids in the maintenance of a normal, healthy stomach pH.ts
Interesting Facts On Rambutan Fruits