Health Facts On Black Pomegranate
Black Pomegranate is Scientifically called as “ Punica granatum ”.
Origin Of Black Pomegranate
The Black Pomegranate (Punica Granatum) is a plant of the Punicaceae family, of Asian origin, and present since ancient times in the Caucasus, and in the entire Mediterranean area.
Black Pomegranate is cultivated near the city of Zanjan in Iran.
Pomegranate is Iran’s national fruit and deeply rooted in its culture.
Other Names Of Black Pomegranate
Dwarf black pomegranate, Nana, Black pomegranate .
Appearance Of Black Pomegranate
Black pomegranate peel looks red, white-pinkish fully ripen it becomes black.
The high Anthocyanin makes the skin look black.
The size of the ripe fruit is variable from large too small.
Tastes Of Black Pomegranate
Black Pomegranate arils are bold and tart in flavour, similar to citrus fruit. The taste gets considerably sweeter as the fruit gets riper.
Nutritional Content Of Black Pomegranate
100g of pomegranate contains
Energy: 83kcal
Carbohydrates: 18.70g
Protein: 1.67g
Total Fat: 1.17g
Dietary Fibre: 4g
Folates: 38ug
Pantothenic Acid: 0.135mg
Pyridoxine: 0.075mg
Riboflavin: 0.053mg
Thiamine: 0.067mg
Vitamin C: 10.2mg
Vitamin E: 0.60mg
Vitamin K: 16.4mg
Sodium: 3mg
Potassium: 236mg
Calcium: 10mg
Copper: 0.158mg
Iron: 0.30mg
Magnesium: 12mg
Manganese: 0.119mg
Phosphorous: 36mg
Selenium: 0.5ug
Zinc: 0.35mg
Health Facts On Black Pomegranate
Black Pomegranate is a variety which is valued mainly for its medicinal properties.
Promotes Heart Health: Black Pomegranate Fruit has various antioxidants (polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins) all work together to promote heart health.Consuming Black Pomegranate juice daily can help lower blood pressure by reducing LDL cholesterol and improving blood flow through the arteries.
Manages Brain Function: Black pomegranate hold large amount of antioxidants that help in reducing free radical damage, including damage to the cells, contributing to overall health and support for brain function.Antioxidant such as Vitamin C present in pomegranate synthesis neurotransmitter dopamine, also protects the brain against oxidative stress.
Hydrates Skin: Black Pomegranate juice is also a great source of vitamin C, which, when applied topically, can improve skin’s texture and brightness. Black Pomegranate can help replenish dry, dull skin.
Treats Kidney Stones: Black pomegranate juice fights oxidative stress and reduce the formation of kidney stone because it helps in supersaturation of calcium oxalate.
Boosts Immunity: The powerful antioxidants such as Vitamin C present in Black Pomegranate seeds strengthen the immune system and combat bacteria , viruses that affect human health. Vitamin C in Pomegranate also help in treating obstructive pulmonary disease.
Aids Diabetics: Organic compounds found in pomegranate have anti-diabetic properties that include gallic, ursolic and oleanolic acids which reduces oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in cells that affect type 2 diabetes.
Reduce Breast Cancer Risk: Drinking Black Pomegranate juice may have potential benefits prevent the growth of breast cancer. Ellagitannins found in pomegranate juice can stop estrogen production that help prevent breast cancer.
Strengthens Bone & Muscle: Black Pomegranates provide lots of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) which is essential for good bone structure, cartilage, muscle. Black Pomegranates also aids in the absorption of iron and promotes wound healing.
Increases Fertility and Testosterone Level: Black Pomegranate contain B vitamins for fertility and healthy foetal development . folate or B9 naturally present in Black Pomegranate juice regularly lowers stress, reduces cortisol and increases sex drive in both men and women.
Cures Arthritis: Magnesium, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc have shown anti-inflammatory effects,that is- Black pomegranate juice may have beneficial effects in reducing the cases of osteoarthritis.
Prevents Oral problems: Black Pomegranates had Vitamin C, K, and Calcium work effective against oral bacteria as they possess antimicrobial properties. Research has found that Pomegranate seeds can have a positive effect on dental plaque microorganisms.
Supports Digestion: Black Pomegranate seeds boost digestive health as they have B-complex vitamins. These vitamins help your body convert fat, protein, and carbohydrates into energy which in turn prevents constipation as well.