Interesting Health Facts On Blue Java Banana
Scientifically named ” Musa acuminata × balbisiana ”
Why was it named Blue Java Banana?
Blue Java bananas are a type of banana cultivar known for its unique flavor and appearance.Blue Java bananas are a real kind of fruit. They have a “silver-green” or “blue-green” color, which they get from a heavy coating of wax.Before Blue Java bananas fully ripe, have a light blue-green tint, but as they mature, they tend to become yellow.
Origin Of Blue Java Banana
The Blue Java Banana originated in South East Asia and spread through continents including Northern Australia, Hawaii, Central America, and Fiji.
Other Names Of Blue Java Banana
The Blue Java also known as blue bananas, Ice Cream banana, Hawaiian banana, Ney Mannan, Krie, or Cenizo.
Appearance Of Blue Java Banana fruit
Blue Java Banana fruit is 18 to 23 centimeters (7 to 9 in) in length and exhibits a characteristic silvery-blue color when unripe. The Blue Java Banana turns a pale yellow when ripe, with white creamy flesh and small black seeds.
Taste Of Blue Java Banana fruit
Blue Java Banana are known for their fragrant flavor which has a vanilla-like custard taste. The fruit goes well with ice cream.
Variety Of Blue Java Banana fruit
A hybrid of two species in Blue java bananas are Musa balbisiana and Musa acuminata, ABB group (type) of Cultivar, genera in the family Musaceae.
While the blue java banana tree is a famous fruit tree, there are other species found are
Cavendish Banana, Gros Michel, Lady Finger.
Nutritional Contents Of Blue Java Banana fruit
Blue java banana is basically a type of banana cultivar, they are loaded with almost the same nutrient value as compared to other varieties of bananas.
Just like other types of bananas, they are a great and natural source of vitamins C and B6, manganese, and fiber.
The nutritional content of blue java banana is almost the same as given below:
• Calories: 105
• Protein: 1.5 grams
• Carbs: 27 grams
• Fat: 0.5 grams
• Fiber: 3 grams
• Vitamin B6: 26%
• Manganese: 14%
• Vitamin C: 11%
• Copper: 10%
• Potassium: 9%
• Pantothenic acid: 8%
• Magnesium: 8%
• Riboflavin: 7%
• Folate: 6%
• Niacin: 5%
In addition to the above, blue java bananas also have some amounts of selenium,thiamine, phosphorus and iron.
Interesting Health Facts On Blue Java Banana
Moderate Blood Sugar Levels
Amazing health benefits of Blue Java bananas come with pectin ,a type of fiber and starch which maintain blood sugar levels after meals and help reduce appetite by slowing the emptying of your stomach. Bananas rank low to medium on the glycemic index (GI) with more fiber and that help regulate your blood sugar level completely.
Improve Mood
Daily Consumption of banana juice increase the folate,serotonin compound and reduce the anti-depression rate naturally .Blue Java bananas are a rich source of vitamin B6, which is necessary for helping the body to synthesize its own serotonin,hence it is said to be a mood improving agent.
Support Heart Health
Its Common fact that Potassium and heart health are interlinked since potassium helps in good blood flow and decrease the risk of formation of blocks in heart.Blue java banana are full of potassium play a key role in preventing instances of bad LDL cholesterol clogging the arteries, thus effectively keeping cardiac ailments at bay reducing the risk of stroke.
Prevents Cancer
Blue java banana composed of good and plenty amount of powerful antioxidants, such as gallic acid, quercetin, ferulic acid, and dopamine. These Antioxidants in blue banana can help prevent many diseases, can prevent cell damage, and can protect against cancer.
Aids Digestion
Bananas are mainly concerned due to its fiber content like cellulose, hemicellulose, and alpha-glucans that, treat several digestive disorders, including hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and also Prevent constipation.and restore and maintain regular bowel function.
Reduce Insomnia
Blue java Banana Fruit contains tryptophan, serotonin, and dopamine. It helps to improve sleep levels and reduce insomnia. Regulating the sleep cycle helps in balancing female hormones.
Promote Weight Loss
Blue java Banana is also a good source of dietary fiber with low calories help in good bowel movement and provide a fullness in stomach. Fiber rich blue banana consumption may be associated with weight loss.It also prevent from gastrointestinal disorder and colon cancer.
Muscle Regeneration: Banana contain high levels of potassium can avoid muscle cramps and muscle soreness. A banana include potassium, magnesium, and carbohydrates nutrients that enhance recovery, restore glycogen stores, and support muscle growth.
Fights Inflammation: Blue Java Bananas contain natural flavonoids such as Quercetin plays an important role in fighting free radical damage and reduce swelling, irritation, and inflammation. These Flavonoids improve blood flow and protect brain cells from neuro inflammation.Blue java Banana fruit also include iron that work wonder to maintain defense mechanisms in the body.