Interesting Health Facts On Damson Plum
Damson plum is Scientifically called as “ Prunus insititia ”.
Damson plum sometimes refers to jamblang, the fruit from a tree in the family Myrtaceae.
Damson plum is an edible drupaceous fruit, a subspecies of the plum tree.
Varieties of Damson plum are found across Europe, but the name damson is derived from and most commonly applied to forms that are native to Great Britain.
Damson Plums, European Plum, Gage, Garden Plum, Plum, Prune and Prune Plum.
Blue Damson plums are small to medium-sized stone fruit, typically around the same size as a large cherry, and have a round to oval shape, sometimes slightly pointed at one end. The plums have a semi-thick, smooth, taut, dark blue to red-purple skin, covered in a powdery bloom.
Blue Damson plums are high in astringency and sugar, bearing a tart, sour, and subtly sweet flavour.
Several cultivars have been selected, and some are found in Great Britain, Ireland and the United States. There are still relatively few varieties of damson, with the Garden recording no more than “eight or nine varieties” in existence at the end of the 19th century
Farleigh Damson,
Shropshire Prune,
Aylesbury Prune,
King of the Damsons,
Early Rivers,
Blue Violet,
Common Damson
100g of Damson plums
• Energy: 46Kcal
• Carbohydrates: 11.42g
• Protein: 0.70g
• Total Fat: 0.28g
• Dietary Fibre: 1.40g
• Folates: 5ug
• Niacin: 0.417mg
• Pantothenic Acid: 0.135mg
• Pyridoxine: 0.029mg
• Riboflavin: 0.026mg
• Thiamine: 0.028mg
• Vitamin A: 345 IU
• Vitamin C: 9.5mg
• Vitamin E: 0.26mg
• Vitamin K: 6.4ug
• Sodium: 1mg
• Potassium: 157mg
• Calcium: 6mg
• Copper: 0.057mg
• Iron: 0.17mg
• Magnesium: 7mg
• Manganese: 0.052mg
• Phosphorous: 16mg
• Selenium: 1.0ug
• Zinc: 0.10mg
Interesting Health Facts On Damson Plum
Maintains Healthy Heart
The fibre found in damson plums reduce excess cholesterol and maintain a proper cholesterol balance in the body. Potassium in damson plums acts as a vasodilator, relaxing the tension on blood vessels
Increases Energy Levels
The significant levels of copper and iron found in damson plums improve our circulatory system and boosting our RBC count By ensuring proper oxygenation of the body.
Enhances Skin:
Damson Plum consists of huge amount of vitamin C, with other antioxidants, which help to maintain healthy skin, and helps in reducing dark spots and wrinkles.
Uplifts Vision
Carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin present in Damson Plum reside in the macular tissues of the retina and provide protection against the damage caused by UV radiation.Strengthen Bone Health minerals found in damson plums, including manganese, copper, iron, and phosphorous minerals contribute to bone mineral density and the prevention of osteoporosis.
Boosts Immunity
The high level of vitamin C in damson plums defense against illness, and stimulates the production of white blood.
Prevents Cancer
Damson plum extracts has been proved for the treatment of cancer. Epicatechin, present in plums, helps in preventing the cancer cell growth.
Aid in Sleep
Damson plums contains high concentration of magnesium and vitamin C, both of which help to regulate sleep.
Supports Digestion
Damson plums are very high in dietary fibre help to maximize nutrient intake and aid in weight loss efforts.
Controls Diabetics
Damson Plums use anti-hyperglycaemic reduction of blood glucose and levels of triglyceride in the body. Flavonoids present in plums provide protective against insulin resistance and help to enhance insulin sensitivity in the body.
Treats Nervous System
Damson Plums consist of vitamin B-6, which helps in the transmission of nerve signals and aids in the smooth functioning of the nervous system.
Manages to Lose Weight
Damson Plums help in removing toxins and prevent constipation, leading to weight loss naturally. Damson Plum is also rich in fibre and antioxidants, which help in proper digestion and prevents tiredness and cramps.