Fruit Name in Japanese

Fruit Name in Japanese Language
Fruit Name in Japanese

List of Fruit Name in Japanese

List of Fruits Name in Japanese

The fruit Apricot is called as アプリコット in Japanese .
The fruit Apple is called as 林檎 in Japanese .
The fruit Avocado (Butter fruit) is called as アボカド in Japanese .
The fruit Banana is called as バナナ in Japanese .
The fruit Blueberry is called as ブルーベリー in Japanese .
The fruit Cantaloupe is called as マスクメロン in Japanese .
The fruit Coconut is called as ココナッツ in Japanese .
The fruit Custard Apple is called as カスタードアップル in Japanese .
The fruit Cherry is called as チェリー in Japanese .
The fruit Dates is called as 日付 in Japanese .
The fruit Fig is called as イチジク in Japanese .
The fruit Gooseberry is called as グーズベリー in Japanese .
The fruit Grapes is called as ブドウ in Japanese .
The fruit Guava is called as グアバ in Japanese .
The fruit Jackfruit is called as ジャックフルーツ in Japanese .
The fruit Jambu fruit / bell fruit is called as ジャンブルフルーツ in Japanese .
The fruit kiwi is called as キウイ in Japanese .
The fruit Lemon is called as レモン in Japanese .
The fruit Lime is called as ライム in Japanese .
The fruit Mango is called as マンゴー in Japanese .
The fruit Mulberry is called as 桑 in Japanese .
The fruit Musk Melon is called as ムスクメロン in Japanese .
The fruit Orange is called as オレンジ in Japanese .
The fruit Papaya is called as パパイヤ in Japanese .
The fruit Pear is called as 梨 in Japanese .
The fruit Pineapple is called as パイナップル in Japanese .
The fruit Pomegranate is called as ザクロ in Japanese .
The fruit Sapota is called as サポタ in Japanese .
The fruit Plum is called as 梅 in Japanese .
The fruit Sweetlime is called as スウィートライム in Japanese .
The fruit Watermelon is called as スイカ in Japanese .
The fruit Tomato is called as トマト in Japanese .

Fruit Names in Japanese

Most Of my friends who are visiting this blog calls me and ask me – where do you get these fruits ? Are You a Fruitarian ? I really Appreciate those friends taking interest in eating healthy diet and my answer to their question is –Some Fruit are not available in india , Mainly it is found outside Asia ,And of course , I am not a Fruitarian ,I suggest instead of taking a multivitamin tablet, it is better to eat fruits daily, Your comments are always welcome in my inbox Have a happy life – make your life happy… Cheers