Amazing Health Facts on Elephant Apple Fruit
The scientific name of the elephant apple is Dillenia Indica L (Family Dilleniaceae).
Elephant Apple plant is native to Southeastern parts of Asia
Elephant Apple is also found in India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka from east to southwest China and Vietnam and in southern Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal.
The name of Elephant Apple fruit came from the belief that it is one of the favorite foods of wild elephants.
Chulta, Hondapara Tree, Ma-tad, Elephant Apple, Simpoh Air, Simpoh Kuning, Simpuh, Chalta, Indian Simpoh, Chimpoh, Simpoh, Simpor, Peradun ,Tipor.
English : Elephant Apple,
Hindi :Gimar, Chulta, Chalta,
Kannada: Betta kangalu,
Marathi: Karmel,
Tamil: Kurukati,
Telugu: Uva,
Malayalam: Punna Vazhunna pinay, Karmal,|
Bengali: Chalta,
Assamese: Ou Tenga
The fruit is hard round to oval, 12 cm in diameter knobbly scurfy rind ¼ inch thick, greenish-yellow and sub-globose.
It consists of 15–20 carpels, each carpel has 1–8 small, brown hairy fringed, endospermic, uniform seeds surrounded in an edible. Glutinous pulp found is brown made up of the large fleshy imbrication sepals which strongly enclose the true fruit.
The plant is a rich source of triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins, and minerals.
100gm of Elephant Apple Fruit Pulp contains
Total 59kcal
0.8% Protein
0.2-2.5% Fat
2.1-2.5% Fiber
3.54% Ash
16mg of Calcium
26mg Phosphorous
4mg Ascorbic Acid
82.3% Moisture
13.4% Carbohydrate
0.8% Minerals
20mg Vitamin-C
Amazing Health Facts on Elephant Apple Fruit
- Uplifts Metabolism: High amount of vitamins found in Elephant apple with Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and Vitamins B are essential for a fully functioning metabolism. Elephant apples gives high energy levels to maintain good elevated brain operations, as well as enhanced stamina for physical and sexual activities.
- Rejuvenates Skin: Main three antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids found in Elephant chalta fruit help in collagen synthesis to maintain the elasticity of the skin and slows down premature aging. chalta fruit juice immensely enriches strengthen connective tissues, improving skin tone and protecting against scare created due to UV radiation..
- Enhances Vision Power: The ripe chalta fruit found to possess vitamin A as well as the carotenoid,lutein and zeaxanthin antioxidant that strengthen the lens and retina for clear sharp vision and also prevent visual disorders of cataracts, glaucoma,. These anti-inflammatory compounds in elephant apple lower your risk of long-term eye diseases, including AMD and cataracts.
- Alleviates the Mood: Important compound like phytonutrients in Elephant apple fruits, including sterols, saponins, and tannins act as prominent neurotransmitter-modulating properties, which adjust neuronal signalling in the brain and normalize central nervous system function. This vastly improves memory, uplifts mood, and efficiently pacifies anxious and depressed behavior.
- Soothes Respiratory tracks: Elephant fruit is a plethora of bioactive components with decongestant traits effectively eliminates phlegm trapped in the nasal, throat, and lung passages that defend itself from infection and injury.Elephant fruit is a good antimicrobial and antioxidant property work wonder in alleviating common respiratory complaints of cough, cold and sore throat.
- Prevents Kidney Problem: Elephant apple is one that is low in sodium, phosphorous and high in protein, potassium and calcium enables the smooth functioning of kidneys, by getting rid of harmful free radicals and protecting them from renal diseases. Drinking Elephant apple juice regularly help us to flush out toxins accumulated in the system.
- Boosts Immunity: Elephant apple is a rich source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) defend itself from all type of infection such as respiratory tract infection, or common cold and injury. Antioxidants in Elephant apple fruit get away the existing inflammation and prevent free radicals from triggering new inflammation.
- Treats Hypertension: Eating a small portion of chalta fruits with meals vastly lowers high blood pressure, regulates heartbeat.Elephant apple found low in cholesterol promoting heart health ideal remedy for those with hypertension.
- Cures Stomach Problems: Elephant apple fruit help you avoid common gastrointestinal symptoms .Tannic acid in Elephant apple possess spectacular antidiarrheal properties, which aid in slowing down intestinal peristalsis or the movement of solids, fluids from the gut via the kidneys to the bladder.
- Lowers Blood Pressure: cholesterol is bad for the body and can lead to serious problems like heart disease, high blood pressure Potassium-rich Elephant apple may be easier to keep high blood pressure under control hence avoid conditions like heart attack and stroke.
- Reduce Sugar level: Elephant apple possess phytonutrients that are anti-diabetic agents consist of Flavonoids could improve glucose metabolism, and lipid profile, regulating the hormones and enzymes in the human body.
- Supports Digestion: Chalta fruit had laxative properties which helps manage constipation and indigestion naturally. It contains tannin and phenolic compounds that are high in anti-oxidant properties and helpful against ulcers and piles.
- The plant including antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties
- fruit’s gummy substance treats dandruff and reduces hair shedding.
- Roots are also one of the main ingredients of a paste used in the treatment of burning sensation in the chest.