
Most Of my friends who are visiting this blog calls me and ask me – where do you get these fruits ? Are You a Fruitarian ? I really Appreciate those friends taking interest in eating healthy diet and my answer to their question is –Some Fruit are not available in india , Mainly it is found outside Asia ,And of course , I am not a Fruitarian ,I suggest instead of taking a multivitamin tablet, it is better to eat fruits daily, Your comments are always welcome in my inbox Have a happy life – make your life happy… Cheers

Health Facts On Fairchild Tangerine



Health Facts On Fairchild Tangerine

Fairchild tangerine is scientifically called as Clementine mandarin x Orlando tangelo .


Fairchild tangerines, botanically classified as Citrus reticulata, are a hybrid variety belonging to the Rutaceae family.
It is a popular variety in the United States, available from October until the middle of January and especially during the winter holidays. The Fairchild tangerine is one of California’s most heavily planted varieties.


Fairchild, Fairchild tangerine, first of the season .

Fairchild tangerines are a small to medium-sized varietal, averaging 5 to 7 centimetres in diameter, and have a round to oblate shape with a flattened top and bottom and broad centre.
The tangerine’s rind is semi-smooth and textured, covered in pitted oil glands giving the surface a pebbled, sometimes leathery feel.

The bright orange flesh is firm, tender, aqueous with a succulent, fine-textured, pulpy consistency.

Fairchild tangerines have relatively low acidity, creating a sweet, subtly tangy flavour.

The tangerines have a rich, bright, refreshing nature, of the sweetest fruits are harvested in their late season, ripening on the tree for maximum flavour.

Per 100 g (3.5 oz)
• Energy: 223 kJ (53 kcal)
• Carbohydrates: 13.34 g
• Sugars: 10.58 g
• Dietary fibre: 1.8 g
• Fat: 0.31 g
• Protein: 0.81 g
• Vitamin A equiv: 34 μg
• beta-Carotene: 155μg
• Thiamine (B1): 0.058 mg
• Riboflavin (B2): 0.036 mg
• Niacin (B3): 0.376 mg
• Pantothenic acid (B5): 0.216 mg
• Vitamin B6: 0.078 mg
• Folate (B9): 16 μg
• Choline: 10.2 mg
• Vitamin C: 26.7 mg
• Vitamin E: 0.2 mg
• Calcium: 37 mg
• Iron: 0.15 mg
• Magnesium: 12 mg
• Manganese: 0.039 mg
• Phosphorus: 20 mg
• Potassium: 166 mg
• Sodium: 2 mg
• Zinc: 0.07 mg
• Water: 85.2 g

Health Facts On Fairchild Tangerine

Nourishes Skin: Fairchild tangerine holds Vitamin D , vitamins C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K which are good for skin and these water-soluble vitamins help to remain youthful as it improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles.

Smooth & Shiny Hair: Fairchild tangerine is rich in Vitamin E that increase capillary circulation in the scalp and increase hair growth. Vitamin A present in Fairchild tangerines also supports the skin glands to make an oily substance called sebum, which moisturizes the scalp and maintain hair health.

Strengthens Teeth & Gums: Fairchild tangerines fruit contains Vitamin C which is also vital in collagen production. This collagen protein comprises of all the connective tissues which include the gums and helps them to remain tight to the teeth and the jawbone.

Sharpens Vision: The Fairchild tangerine is abundance in B-complex vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, choline, biotin, folic acid. They help to decrease vascular problems in the retina of the eyes and aid in producing protective pigment melanin in the eyes and also enhance night vision.

Fortifies Bone Health: Fairchild tangerine rich in Vitamin A ,Vitamin K is important to normal bone growth and development. It helps attract calcium to the bone.  These Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important in building strong, healthy bones.

Boosts Immunity: Fairchild tangerines contains powerful antioxidant, it can fight free radicals, which may prevent or delay certain cancers, heart disease and aging. Vitamin C present in Fairchild tangerines can also help prevent and treat respiratory infections and help shorten the duration of cold infection.

Improves Muscle Growth: Fairchild tangerine provide Vitamin B6, folate and Vitamin B12 which are important B vitamins when it comes to muscle growth and recovery. Vitamin B6  also help in increasing muscle mass and providing structural strength.

Prevent Diabetics: Fairchild tangerines enhance like a amazing antioxidant that helps to protect against type 2 diabetes and prevent the build-up of fat in the liver by encouraging the body to burn fat .

Promotes Heart Health: Fairchild tangerine in Vitamin B generally refers to a group of riboflavin , niacin, pyridoxine, vitamin B6 that are in charge of keeping the immune system strong, aiding in the production of white blood cells and T- cells and helping transport oxygen throughout the body.

Fights Cancer: Fairchild tangerines contains lots of minerals and vitamins that provide supplements for cancer prevention and treatment. Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene in tangerines contain antioxidants to help in preventing cancer.

Supports Digestion: Fairchild tangerins contains Potassium mineral that check whether our cells, nerves, muscles need to function properly. It also helps with digestion and repair the cells that line your intestinal tract.

Health Facts On Fazli Mango


health facts on fazil mango
health facts on fazil mango

Health Facts On Fazli Mango

The Fazli mango is scientifically called as  Mangifera indica .

The ‘Fazli’ mango is a mango cultivar primarily grown in Bangladesh and Indian state of West Bengal.Fazli Mango is one of the best mango varieties in Bihar and West Bengal.

Fazli mango

The storage life of the Fazli mango is about 11 days at ambient temperature. The Fazli mango has an attractive light-yellow colour, is sweet to taste with a juicy yet firm flesh and a pleasant smell. Fazli mango is quite large in size and weighty with the heaviest mango weighing about 700 g – 1500 g.

The aroma of this mango is very good and the taste is very sweet.

An 80g serving of fresh fazli mango provides:
· 48kcal/200kj
· 0.7g protein
· 0.3g fat
· 11.2g carbohydrate
· 1.3g fibre
· 134mg potassium
· 29mg vitamin C

Health Facts On Fazli Mango

Rich in Protective Antioxidants: Fazli Mangos are a good source of protective compounds with antioxidant properties, these plant chemicals include gallotannins and mangiferin. These both chemicals counter the oxidative stress associated with day to day living and exposure to toxins.

Aid Digestion: The Fazli mango contains polyphenols, a protective compounds like gallo-tannins offer both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to the digestive system, and help in reducing inflammation conditions like ulcerative colitis.

Nourishes Skin: Fazli Mangoes contain reasonable levels of both vitamin A and vitamin C. Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen – the protein that acts as a scaffold to skin, keeping it plump and firm.

Maintains Healthy Hair: Fazli Mangoes are good for hair because, it holds vitamin C which is enhance collagen production and also to help with the absorption of iron .

Promotes Heart Health: Fazli Mangoes contain mangiferin, which are considered as a heart protective, reduce inflammation and aid cholesterol balance.

Boosts Immunity: Fazli Mangoes may help in boosting immunity because of the presence of Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

Support Eye Health: Fazli mangoes are rich in carotenoids which support eye health. Fazli mangoes provide lutein and zeaxanthin, these two carotenoids that play an important role in the retina of the eye, protecting it from sunlight and from the blue light emitted from digital devices.

Combats Cancer: Polyphenols like gallic acid, galloyl glycosides and gallotannins in Fazli mangoes might have a chemotherapeutic potential against breast cancer.

Controls Diabetics: Fazli mangoes reduce blood glucose levels in both females and males. Fazli mango fruit contains tocopherols, carotenoids, dietary fibre, ascorbic acid, gallic acid, quercetin and mangiferin compounds that may help in normalising blood glucose levels.


Health Facts On Flatwoods Plums

facts on flatwoods plums
facts on flatwoods plums

Health Facts On Flatwoods Plums

Flatwoods Plums are Scientifically called as Prunus umbellate .

Prunus umbellate is a plum species native to the United States from Virginia, south to Florida, and west to Texas.

 flatwoods plum, hog plum ,sloe plum

Flatwood plums are round and purple, with a diameter of .5 to 1 inch. Even when they’ve been on the tree ripe for a month, they remain firm because they are naturally dry.

Flatwoods contain a chemical called hydrogen cyanide, making the fruit taste too bitter when you first bite into it. The bitterness fades to a tart and eventually sweet flavour. Hydrogen cyanide is a common acid in the rose family that makes fruit and other sources bitter or tart, like a fresh almond. With just the right amount of sugar, Flatwoods are perfect for jellies and jams.
100g of flatwoods plums
• Carbohydrates: 13.80g
• Fats: 0.62g
• Protein: 1.06g
• Ash: 0.75
• Moisture: 83.6g
• Energy: 65.4g
• Dietary Fibre: 1.87g
• Sodium: 5.5mg
• Iron: 0.33mg
• Potassium: 287mg
• Phosphorous: 32.7mg
• Manganese: 0.03mg
• Magnesium: 15mg
• Calcium: 11mg
• Copper: 0.12mg
• Lutein: 634μg
• β-carotene: 314μg
• α-carotene: 340μg
• Zeaxanthin: 550μg
• β-cryptoxanthin: 1700μg

Health Facts On Flatwoods Plums

Treats Respiratory Track: Zinc and Anti-bacterial properties in Flatwood plums acts as a gatekeeper for immune functions and low levels of zinc are directly related to increased susceptibility to respiratory tract infections.

Good for Eyes: The pigment Rhodopsin, which is a type of vitamin A, that found in flatwood plums is a  essential for the development of rod cells, the photoreceptors that give you “night vision” and the ability to see in dim light .

Cures Oral Problems: Flatwood plums contains Phosphorus which strengthens teeth by repairing and preserving tooth enamel and aids the body in absorbing calcium.

Controls Kidney & Bladder Problems:  Flatwood Plums has diuretic characteristics, that can be used to treat kidney stones, fluid retention and other kidney issues.

Maintains Healthy Heart: Strong flavonoids like Quercetin, Binofuranoside and Kaempferol are found abundant in this Flatwood plums. It contains phenolic acids and anthocyanins, both of which help improve heart health.

Promotes Muscle Strength:  Thiamine is one of the vitamins which could be found in flatwoods plum which has ability to help in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve signals.

Anti- Inflammatory Properties: Flatwood Plums has anti-inflammatory, astringent and laxative properties that has great amount of anti-bacterial agents which also help fight bad breath, asthma , breathing disorders.

Boosts Immune System: Minerals and vitamins abound in flatwood plums act as antioxidant that serves to safeguard the integrity of cell membranes from harm brought on by free radicals. These antioxidant also maintaining the health of the skin, tissues in the mouth, stomach, intestines, respiratory system and prevent from infections.

Detoxification of Body: This Flatwood plums tends to eliminate any toxic substances present in the blood and is known to be rich in rutin which is one of the prime compounds which helps in detoxification.

Enhances Skin Health: Pulp of ripened Flatwood plums contains astringent face masks to enhance our beauty to maintain skin elasticity for younger looking skin as it is rich in vitamin C and tannins can prevent stretch marks.

Improves Haemoglobin Production:  Flatwood Plums is a good source of minerals such as iron, which helps produce haemoglobin and myoglobin, which transfer oxygen throughout the body systems.

Improves Digestion: Flatwood plums helps to improves digestion and also contain good dietary fibre, which helps in relieving constipation, healing dyspepsia, reduces bloating and diarrhoea.

Health Facts on Fukushu Kumquat

facts on fukushu kumquat
facts on fukushu kumquat

Health Facts on Fukushu Kumquat

Fukushu kumquat is scientifically called  as Fortunella obovata .

Fukushu kumquat are a group of small fruit-bearing trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae.
The kumquat plant is native to Southern China.
The historical reference to kumquat appears in Imperial literature from at least the 12th century.

Kumquat (/ˈkʌmkwɒt/; Chinese: 金桔), or cumquats , Fukushu kumquat.

Fukushu kumquat are a larger variety, averaging 3 to 7 centimeters in diameter, and have a distinct round to oval, bell-shape with a slightly depressed apex.
The rind is thin, glossy, and semi-smooth, covered in prominent oil glands, giving the surface a textured appearance.The rind also transitions from golden to dark orange as the fruits are left to naturally ripen on the tree.

The rind has a sweet, sometimes acrid flavour mixed with a tart, acidic flesh, giving the Fukushu kumquat fruits a tangy, sweet, sharp, subtly fruity, floral flavour.
In addition to the Fukushu kumquat fruit and evergreen leaves, white fragrant flowers appear seasonally and traditionally bloom in the summer.

There are four main species of kumquat available: The Marumi, Meiwa, Nagami and the ornamental Hong Kong Wild. In addition to these, there are many unique varieties of kumquat hybrids.
Here are 8 Great Kumquat Varieties:
• Nagami Kumquat
• Marumi Kumquat
• Meiwa Kumquat
• Nordmann Seedless Kumquat
• Fukushu Kumquat
• Centennial Variegated Kumquat
• Eustis Limequats
• Indio mandarinquats

Calamondin , calamondin, Calamansi.

Per 100 g.
• Energy: 71 Kcal
• Carbohydrates: 15.90 g
• Protein: 1.88 g
• Total Fat: 0.86 g
• Dietary Fibre: 6.5 g
• Folates: 17 µg
• Niacin: 0.429 mg
• Pantothenic acid: 0.208 mg
• Pyridoxine: 0.036 mg
• Riboflavin: 0.090 mg
• Thiamine: 0.037 mg
• Vitamin A: 290 IU
• Vitamin C: 43.9 mg
• Vitamin E: 0.15 mg
• Sodium: 10 mg
• Potassium: 186 mg
• Calcium: 62 mg 6%
• Copper: 0.095 mg
• Iron: 0.86 mg
• Magnesium: 20 mg
• Manganese: 0.135 mg
• Zinc: 0.17 mg
• Carotene-α: 155 µg
• Cryptoxanthin-ß: 193 µg
• Lutein-zeaxanthin: 129 µg

Health Facts on Fukushu Kumquat

Promotes Heart Health: Nutrients in Fukushu Kumquat like Vitamin C, fibre, antioxidants and vitamin A collectively reduce the fat accumulation in the arteries and reduce the risk of blockages. Therefore, it protects from the possibility of heart failure, stroke, and high blood pressure conditions.

Good For Digestion: Fukushu Kumquat is filled with insoluble fibre as dietary fibre that allows good digestion.These insoluble fibre removes conditions like constipation, disturbed bowel movements, gastrointestinal problems and gastritis.

Controls Diabetes: Fukushu Kumquat fruit has zero GI and low sugar content, making it a superfood for diabetic people. It does not increase blood sugar levels after consumption.

Helps In Weight-Management: Dietary fibre in Fukushu Kumquat food slows digestion and keeps a person feeling full for a longer time. kumquat fruit also contains poncirin flavonoid which is associated with reducing obesity.

Anti-Cancer Properties: Fukushu Kumquat is rich in powerful antioxidants that kill free radicals in the body. This citrus fruit also contains apigenin flavonoid that reduces the risks of cancer.

Rejuvenates Skin: Fukushu Kumquat is a rich source of Vitamin C which increases collagen formation, giving firm, radiant, wrinkle-free, and healthy skin. This protects the skin from aging.

Enhances Eye Health: Fukushu Kumquat fruit is rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, promoting eye health. Carotenoids help in improving eyesight and also help in controlling night blindness.

Boosts Immunity: Antioxidants in Kumquats like flavonoids also strengthen immunity , which is a good antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent that fight off various infections and fevers.

Mood Elevator: Fukushu Kumquats can also improve mood swings, reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Vitamin C in Fukushu Kumquat plays a vital role in enhancing mental health.

Good For Bone Health: Fukushu Kumquat contain adequate amount of calcium which meets 6% of our daily calcium requirement and increases bone density. It also prevents fractures and low bone density.

Breaks Gallstones: This Fukushu Kumquat tiny fruit is helpful to reduce these painful gallstones because of limonene, a compound found in it.Fukushu Kumquat helps in breaking gallbladder stones.


Health Facts On Fishberry Fruit


facts on fishberry fruit
facts on fishberry fruit

Health Facts On Fishberry Fruit

Fishberry is scientifically called as Anamirta cocculus .

Anamirta cocculus (Marathi: काकमारी) is a Southeast Asian and Indian climbing plant. Its fruit is the source of picrotoxin, a poisonous compound with stimulant properties.

Fish Berry, Indian berry, Levant nut
• Hindi: काकमारी Kakamari
• Kannada: ಕಾಕಮಾರಿ Kaakamaari, ಕಾಕಿಸೊಪ್ಪುಗೆಡ್ಡೆ Kaakisoppugedde
• Malayalam: anakrytu, anamrytu, garalaphala
• Marathi: काकमारी kakmari, kaarvi, kadu-phal
• Sanskrit: dhvankshanakhi, garalaphala, kakadani, kakahva, kakamari
• Tamil: cantiropam, kakamari, kakanacam
• Telugu: kaaka maari, kaaki chempa
Anamirta cocculus, Anamirta paniculata, Coca de Levante, Cocculus, Cocculus indicus, Cocculus lacunosus, Cocculus suberosus, Coculus Fructus, Coque du Levant, Fish Berries, Fish Killer, Hockle Elderberry, Louseberry, Menispermum cocculus, Menispermum lacunosum, Poisonberry.

The Fish Berry fruit produced is a drupe, about 1 cm in diameter when dry.
Fish Berry fruit crushed seeds are an effective pediculicide (anti-lice) and are also traditionally used to stun fish or as a pesticide.
The name “fishberry” comes from the use of the dried fruit as a method of fishing.

Anamirta paniculata contain different active principles such as alkaloids such as berberine, palmatine, mangoflorine, colubamine, picrotoxin, minispremine, paraminispermine, and fatty acids like stearic acid, palmatic acid, fumeric acid, oleic acid, and linolenic acid.

Important Medicinal Properties
1. Anodyne: Fish Berry fruit Relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness
2. Antifungal: Fish Berry fruit effective against fungus
3. Antiulcer: tending to prevent or heal ulcers
4. Hypnotic: sleep-inducing
5. Insecticide: Fish Berry fruit shall kills insects
6. Narcotic: addictive drug affecting mood or behavior
7. Nerve stimulant: Fish Berry fruit stimulates nerves
8. Sedative: promoting calm or inducing sleep

Uses of Anamirta cocculus
1. The seeds of Fish Berry fruit shall be used for preparation of ointment for obstinate skin diseases.
2. The juice of Fish Berry fruits is applied externally on scabies, and ulcer.
3. The Fish Berry fruit paste is applied topically to treat tinea/ringworm.
4. For itch, and herpes, the fine powder of seeds is mixed with castor oil, and applied topically.

Health Facts On Fishberry Fruit

The dried Fish Berry fruit and seeds are used to make medicine in some parts of the world.
But medicinal use has been abandoned in the US and Europe due to safety concerns.
Some people take levant berry to treat abnormal movement of the eyeball and dizziness.
Some people apply levant berry powder directly to the skin to treat a skin disease called scabies.
In India, Fish Berry fruit leaves are inhaled as snuff to relieve malaria. Whole fruits are used for paralyzing fish and killing birds or dogs. Jungle tribes apply picrotoxin taken from the seeds to arrow tips for hunting.

How does it work?
Levant berry contains a chemical that stimulates the central nervous system, irritates the stomach and intestines, and stimulates the brain causing changes in breathing. It also slows heart rate and increases blood pressure.


Health Facts On False Jaboticaba

health facts on false jaboticaba
health facts on false jaboticaba

Health Facts On False Jaboticaba

False jaboticaba is scientifically called as Myrciaria vexator .

False jaboticaba is a species of plant in the family Myrtaceae.
False jaboticaba Fruit is native to South America also Myrciaria vexator is endemic to Costa Rica, Panama, and Venezuela. It is frequently found growing on road verges.

Myrciaria vexator, false jaboticaba, or blue grape tree .

The False jaboticaba fruit is dark purple and plum-sized.
The False jaboticaba fruit of the blue grape is a thick-skinned berry, measuring from 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter.
The False jaboticaba skin changes from bright green to a dull bluish-purple as the fruit ripens.
The False jaboticaba pulp is gelatinous and somewhat translucent.
The False jaboticaba colour of the pulp is whited tinged with pink or orange.

The False jaboticaba flavour is sweet and mildly aromatic.

100g of False jaboticaba
• Vitamin C: 22.7 mg
• Calcium: 6.3 mg
• Phosphorus: 9.2 mg
• Iron: 0.49 mg
• Thiamine: 0.02 mg
• Riboflavin: 0.02 mg
• Niacin: 0.21 mg

Health Facts On False Jaboticaba

Fortifies Bone Health
False jaboticaba is notably high in essential minerals — such as calcium, magnesium and potassium — that promote bone strength and integrity. This, in turn, lowers the odds of developing bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Promotes Healthy Heart
The anthocyanins and polyphenols in False Jaboticaba is also known to promote overall cardiovascular profile and help in reducing total serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as increase good cholesterol rates.

Enhances Skin
Vitamin C in False Jaboticaba fight against infection and speeds up the healing process. False Jaboticaba aids skin rejuvenation, hydration and improves skin elasticity and suppleness.

Improves Oral Health
False jaboticaba fruit contain Vitamin C and Vitamin D, which play a vital role in keeping teeth protecting and rebuilding tooth enamel.

Alleviates Respiratory system
False Jaboticaba boosts with strong astringent properties that protect from respiratory conditions . vitamin A, E, and D in False Jaboticaba fruit that may help in preventing from respiratory illness, such as colds, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Boosts Immunity
False jaboticaba fruit peel found with rich antioxidant, antibacterial compounds, the majority of antioxidants and polyphenols like as quercetin, ellagic acid and anthocyanins that keeps the body’s defence mechanisms healthy and strong.

Eradicate Cancer
Antioxidants such as anthocyanins found in false jaboticaba prevent cellular damage and increases the ability to fight cancer. These antioxidants assist in the battle against free radicals, which cause cell damage and DNA alterations.

Good For Pregnant Women
False jaboticaba was given to pregnant women because of the high amount of iron content, which is also a good source of folic acid that plays a major role in the growth and development of the baby.

Treats Diabetics
False jaboticaba peels are effective in regulating blood sugar levels. It has high fibre and low-calorie content that make an ideal food for people already have diabetes.

Supports Liver Health
False Jaboticaba juice help to relieve liver stress as well as filter toxins in the liver while supplying the body with vitamins and minerals.

Fight Moods
Mineral salts and anthocyanin are the main elements present in false jaboticaba that help fight stress and consequently avoid diseases resulting from stress.

Helps to Lose weight
False jaboticaba fruit is good for weight loss because this fruit found low in calories and carbohydrate but packed with vitamins, minerals and protein.

Cures Digestion
The false jaboticaba fruits are high in fibre content that help with bowel movements and the digestive process. It contains a type of pectin, which aids digestion and enhances gut health by allowing good bacteria to flourish in the digestive tract.


Facts On Fruits

Fruit Recipe

Skin Care From Fruits