Most Of my friends who are visiting this blog calls me and ask me – where do you get these fruits ? Are You a Fruitarian ?
I really Appreciate those friends taking interest in eating healthy diet and my answer to their question is –Some Fruit are not available in india , Mainly it is found outside Asia ,And of course , I am not a Fruitarian ,I suggest instead of taking a multivitamin tablet, it is better to eat fruits daily,
Your comments are always welcome in my inbox
Have a happy life – make your life happy… Cheers
Mango is considered in treatment for various disease like diabetics, ulcer, cardiovascular, allergic, liver and kidney disorder, fungus infection, nervous disorder, cancer, bacterial infection. Mango is rich in lots of phyto-chemicals, beta-carotene, high in vitamin C, polyphenols, prebiotic dietary fiber and pro-vitamin A carotenoids that prevent cancer, diabetics, cardiac problem and renal problem.
Top 7 Health Benefits of Mango
Complete Nutrition
Mango is considered as a super food since it provide more than 25 vitamin compounds, enzyme that protect over body. A cup of mango consists of more than 100 calories which help in daily activities. Daily eating mango helps in regulating diet and provide a balanced diet through out the day.
Enhance immunity
Research on Mango proved that it is an antidiabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, cardiotonic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory,antibacterial, anti fungal, anti parasitic, anti tumor, anti HIV, antibone resorption, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antidiarrhoeal, antiallergic, immuno modulation, hypolipidemic, anti microbial, hepatoprotective, gastro protective.
Important health benefit of mango is protecting human body against damage by providing lot of reactive oxygen and nitrogen supply. Compounds present in Mango protect us from various disease hence it act as best anti body and increase immunity for long run.
Improve vision
20% of vitamin A and rich source of flavonoids which are like beta carotene, alpha carotene and beta cryptoxanthin present in Mango. Vitamin A compounds present in Mango helps in Good vision.
Improve Blood vessel and skinVitamin-B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin E present in Mango provide anti inflammatory and antibacterial property result in good skin health. Enzyme like flavonoids, copper, vitamin C, Iron in Mango regains blood vessel and decrease anaemic and enhance Memory power. Mango seed kernal exact used for food cosmetic and pharmaceutical application.
Act as Antibody Mango is a good source of antioxidant compounds that prevent cancer such as colon cancer,Breast cancer,leukemia. Important health benefit of mango is protecting human body against damage by providing lot of reactive oxygen and nitrogen supply that helps in cell damage.
Regulates CholesterolMango is free from fat, sodium and cholesterol.Mango includes lot of lipo-protein that regulates cholesterol level in our body.
Mango Scientific name –“ Mangifera Indica” .The fruit of the Mango is called a Drupe – consisting of the mesocarp (edible fleshy part) and endocarp (large woody, flattened pit).
15 Interesting Funny Facts on Mango
Ancient story says that an evil sorceress had burnt the sun princess to ashes from which grew the mango tree and also An emperor fell in love with the mango flower and fruit of that tree. So when the ripened mango fell to the ground, it turned into a beautiful princess.
Mango originated in East coastal lines of India bordering Andaman and Burma .Buddhist monk introduced mango to Malaysia,eastern Asia .Persian traders took mango to Africa then Portuguese brought it to Brazil and the West Indies
The name ‘Mango’ is derived from the Tamil word ‘mangkay’ or ‘man-gay’ then Portuguese traders who settled in Western India named mangay as ‘manga’.
Mango considered as king of fruits for its wide variety found throughout the world and for its Nutritional Benefits .Mango is also called as super food that holds more than 20 different vitamins and minerals.
Some of the popular types of Mangoes in India are Alphonsos,Badami,Chausa and Dasheri,Bombay Green, Amrapali, Kishenbhog, Mankurad,Pairi and Fazli.
Very interesting facts about mango tree is that it can bear fruits even after 300 years.
The mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, Philippines and Mango tree is also the national tree of Bangladesh.
Telugu or Kannada New Year Day (also known as Ugadi festival in Kannada ) celebration meals adds with ugadi pachadi (mango pieces – side dish as one of the main ingredients).
The leaves of the Mango tree used ritually for decorations at ceremonies and even weddings in Indian cultures
Offering basket of Mangoes to someone is considered a gesture of friendship and also it stands for love according to Hindu mythology.Over 20 million tons of Mangoes are grown in the tropics and sub tropics.
Research on Mango tree indicated that seed,pulp,steam,leaves are medicinally potential.Mango is considered in treatment for various disease like diabetics,ulcer,cardiovascular,allergic,liver and kidney disorder,fungal infection,nervous disorder,cancer,bacterial infection.
Mango seed is rich in Stearic acid which is used to make soap.Mango seed kernal extract used for food cosmetic and pharmaceutical application.
Important health benefit of mango is protecting human body against damage by providing lot of reactive oxygen and nitrogen supply .
Mango peel contains pigments with antioxidant properties including carotenoids, polyphenols that counteract free radicals in different disease processes
Scientific Name Mango fruit – Mangifera indica . Mango Fruit Family – cashew family Anacardiaceae . Mango fruit Names in Indian Language – மாம்பழம்(Mam pazham) , Mangga , आम Aam . Mango fruit Origin – The mango is native to southern Asia, especially Burma and eastern India. It spread early on to Malaya, eastern Asia and eastern Africa.
Amazing Health Benefits Of Mango fruit are Prevent Cancer,Prevent Heart Disease,Help Lower Cholesterol,Treat Diabetes,Healthy Sex,Improve Digestion,help in Weight Loss,Prevent Asthma.
Eating Mango improves calories,protein,fat,carbohydrate,vitamin level in our body. Mangoes also contribute copper, calcium and iron to the diet as well as antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and beta-carotene.Mango contain over 20 different vitamins and minerals, helping to make them a Super food.One mango without peel contains 1.06 grams of protein, 135 calories and 3.7 grams of dietary fiber.
Mango Nutrition chart
Mango is rich in lots of phytochemicals and nutrients(that is high in vitamin C, polyphenols, prebiotic dietary fiber, and provitamin A carotenoids).Mango also possesses antioxidant vitamins A, C and E forms 25%, 76% and 9% of 167 grams serving.A cup of mango consists of more than 100 calories which helps in daily activity.Daily eating mango helps in regulating diet and provide a balanced diet throughout the day.
1-cup serving of Mango contains about 100 calories and some vitamin C, calcium, vitamin E and vitamin A that initiates a balanced diet throughout the day.Mango Calories in Frozen form 60 kcal. Calories in Mango Jam -250 kcal.Mango Nutrition chart – Article shows you the exact minerals, vitamins, cholesterol, carbohydrate, protein, fat compound present in the fruit based on the reference from Source: USDA Nutrient Database
Mango Nutrition chart from Source: USDA National Nutrient data base
Mango Nutrition chart
Water is an essential compound needed in the diet to promote good digestion,blood circulation and to flush out the waste toxin – chemical compound from our body .
100g of Mango contains 83.46g of water .
165g of Mango contains 137.71g of water .
366g of Mango contains 280.43g of water .
Proteins are essential nutrients for our body. Proteins are one of the building blocks of body tissue, and can also serve as a fuel source throughout the day.
100g of Mango contains 0.82g of PROTEINS .
165g of Mango contains 1.35g of PROTEINS .
366g of Mango contains 2.76g of PROTEINS .
FAT (lipid)
Cholesterol is a fatty substance known as a lipid and is vital for the normal functioning of the body. Too much fat in your blood, it can increase your risk of heart disease.
100g of Mango contains 0.38g of Cholesterol .
165g of Mango contains 0.63g of Cholesterol .
366g of Mango contains 1.28g of Cholesterol .
Iron is a mineral that is required for our bodies to function properly. Most of the iron in our body is found in the blood as hemoglobin, which is a protein used to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues.
100g of Mango contains 0.16mg of IRON .
165g of Mango contains 0.26mg of IRON .
366g of Mango contains 0.54mg of IRON .
Calcium is the most plentiful mineral found in the human body. The teeth and bones contain the most calcium.
100g of Mango contains 11mg of CALCIUM .
165g of Mango contains 18mg of CALCIUM .
366g of Mango contains 37mg of CALCIUM .
Carbohydrates are energy-providing nutrients.
100g of Mango contains 14.98g of CARBOHYDRATE .
165g of Mango contains 24.72g of CARBOHYDRATE .
366g of Mango contains 50.33g of CARBOHYDRATE .
Potassium is a mineral that help muscles contract, regulate fluids and mineral in and out of body cells, and helps maintain normal blood pressure by blunting the effect of sodium.
100g of Mango contains 168mg of POTASSIUM .
165g of Mango contains 277mg of POTASSIUM .
366g of Mango contains 564mg of POTASSIUM .
Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid, which is the form of vitamin C found in most foods.Vitamin C is needed for proper growth, development, and to heal wounds.
100g of Mango contains 36.4mg of VITAMIN C .
165g of Mango contains 60.1mg of VITAMIN C .
366g of Mango contains 122.3mg of VITAMIN C .
100g of Mango contains 0g of VITAMIN B12 .
165g of Mango contains 0g of VITAMIN B12 .
366g of Mango contains 00g of VITAMIN B12 .
Sodium in the diet (called dietary sodium) is measured in milligrams (mg).
100g of Mango contains 1mg of SODIUM .
165g of Mango contains 2mg of SODIUM .
366g of Mango contains 3mg of SODIUM .
Fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and increases stool bulk, so it can be of benefit to those who struggle with constipation or irregular stools.
100g of Mango contains 1.6g of DIETARY FIBER .
165g of Mango contains 2.6g of DIETARY FIBER .
366g of Mango contains 5.4g of DIETARY FIBER .
Guava Smoothie Benefits
Guava acts as an anti-inflammatory agent contain antimicrobial properties to help fight against infections.Potassium present in guavas helps to maintain Blood pressure levels. Combination of Banana and Guava gives you a rich source of potassium that help in regulating pressure and stress level.Guava is also a nervous relaxant provide a immunity against certain disease like cancer,heart attack,constipation,piles.Potassium present in Banana and Guava contribute much in kidney disorder and reduce kidney stone formation.
Guava Smoothie Health Benefits include Lowers Risk of Cancer,Treats Constipation,promote good vision,avoid heart disease,avoid stroke,reduce Stress and help in baby formation during Pregnancy.Guava is a rich Immunity Booster that holds about zero fat, with good dietary fiber content regulate the sugar level in diabetic patients.
Main ingredient for preparing Guava Smoothie – guava,milk and banana.I have used red colored Guava fruit ,but you can also use white color guava( it is better to choose ripen fruit). Health benefits of Guava and Banana are mostly common since both include high fiber content and high amount of potassium and decrease your weight.Guava regulate Diabetics since it regulate blood sugar level in our body.
How to Prepare Guava smoothie
Guava - 1 cup
Milk - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 4 tablespoons
Banana pieces - ½ cup chopped
Chop Guava into small pieces,same like Banana into small pieces. Take equal proportion of Guava,Banana.Add Boiled and chilled Milk with the banana and guava.Add Sugar to the milk,banana and guava. Grind these mixture into fine paste.( if necessary water shall be added)Note for Guava smoothie
To reduce calories you can choose low fat milk for preparing this Guava Recipe.
We can also use palm sugar inside of white sugar in Guava Smoothie.
Guava juice Reduce your weight and also Constipation Problem.
The more you blend the Guava juice recipe more you get the creamy texture.
Banana,Basil seeds,sev,milk are the essential ingredient in making falooda recipe.
Sabja Seeds also called as Basil Seeds help in reducing weight,treat digestion disorder, protect from skin infection, lung disorder, prevent from sore throats,cure constipation and reduce stress.Basil Seeds contain vitamin A,vitamin K, protein,iron,beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, folates, and magnesium.
Banana is a Powerful Antioxidant that also maintain Blood Sugar level, improve Intestine health,avoid Heart problems,improve Kidney Health.One glass serving of falooda includes calories of about 217, 12.6g fat ,21.3g carbohydrate and 5.9g of protein.
Basil Seeds can be used in Falooda Recipes like Banana Falooda,Mango Falooda,Muskmelon Falooda,Apple Falooda,Rose Falooda,kulfi Falooda.
How to Prepare Banana Falooda
Basil seeds / Sabja Seeds - 2 tbsp
Falooda Sev- 1 tbsp
Milk - 1 cup
Sugar - 4 tablespoons ( chilled thick sweet milk )
Banana puree - 1/2 cup
Banana pieces - ½ cup chopped
Add sev to the boiling water,wait until sev cooks well.Once sev gets cooked ,drain sev and cool it aside ,let it cool for 10 min. Meanwhile soak Basil seeds for 30 minutes. Once Basil seeds gets ready Make banana Puree(blend banana to thick and fine paste).Add 4 tbsp Banana puree in the serving bowl then add chilled milk and 1/2 tbsp Basil seeds.Add cooked sev 4 tbsp over it. Repeat this for making 3 layer(puree next milk next basil seeds next cooked sev)Add some Banana Puree and chopped Banana pieces as topping. Add Vanilla Ice cream as final layer .Note:
To make Banana puree just grind Banana fruit with normal water.
layer might differ according to the container height.
Milk needs to be boiled and then should be chilled.
Sabja Seeds can be added more or little according to the person need.
Milk should be thick.
Instead of milk we shall add sweet cream too.
Crushed Nuts shall be added to improve the calories.
In the above recipe i have add the sugar with milk.
Important ingredient for avocado smoothie / butter fruit smoothie is banana,butter fruit,milk.When we speak smoothie – it can be usually a combination of banana with milk.Avocados provide more than 20 essential health nutrients such as fiber, vitamin E, vitamin B and folic acid.
One cup of Avocado and butter fruit contain about – Total Carbohydrate – 12.8g / Total Fat-22.0g
The milk contain rich vitamins and minerals like potassium ,calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus.
Avocado provide antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin A,vitamin E,vitamin C,vitamin K,vitamin B-5,vitamin B-6 and the minerals like potassium and copper. Avocado smoothie / butter fruit smoothie is a rich fiber content food that lowers blood cholesterol levels .
Butter smoothie / Avocado smoothie helps to regulate blood sugar levels even though it is rich in fat content. Avocados provide fat that are considered as unsaturated fat known as monounsaturated fat.Avocados benefits in increasing heart health. Butter fruit smoothie improve our body absorbing capacity.Avocados also have fat-soluble nutrients such as alpha- and beta-carotene and lutein that protect our body from the effect of cancer causing free radical.
Avocados smoothie will help you absorb more of the antioxidants and protect against harmful diseases like cancer,piles,cardiovascular problem .
How to Prepare Avocado Smoothie Butter Fruit Smoothie
Banana - 1/2 cup
butter fruit - 1/2 cup
Milk - 1 cup
Sugar - 4 tablespoons ( chilled thick sweet milk )
Take inner yellowish portion of butter fruit / avocado fruit and 1/2 cup banana in a mixer bowl.Add chilled milk and sugar to the mixture bowl and grind until you get a smooth paste. creamy texture will be seen on the top layer of the butter fruit smoothie.Add water if necessary.Note
We shall low the calorie by using low fat milk.
We shall also use dried nuts and chocolates as toppings.
The more you blend,you shall get more creamy smoothie.
Consuming butter fruit smoothie will increase your weight.