
Most Of my friends who are visiting this blog calls me and ask me – where do you get these fruits ? Are You a Fruitarian ? I really Appreciate those friends taking interest in eating healthy diet and my answer to their question is –Some Fruit are not available in india , Mainly it is found outside Asia ,And of course , I am not a Fruitarian ,I suggest instead of taking a multivitamin tablet, it is better to eat fruits daily, Your comments are always welcome in my inbox Have a happy life – make your life happy… Cheers

Orange juice prevents kidney stone formation

Orange juice prevents kidney stone formation
Orange juice prevents kidney stone formation

Orange juice provide a wide range of health benefits like – protect against cancer,prevent kidney diseases,fight against liver cancer,lower cholesterol,lower the risk of diseases,protect from viral infection,regulate high blood pressure.

We might have come across certain people admitted in hospital due to kidney stone problem. What cause kidney stone in our body? . Kidney is a part where urine is collected and moved to urinary bladder through urethra tube.Due to lack of sufficient liquid, chemicals form in the kidney.Since these chemicals are not flushed out in the urine they bind each other and form crystals. These crystals are nothing but kidney stone.Kidney stones develop when minerals and these chemicals in the urine become too concentrated.

Doctors advice these patients to take Potassium Citrate to decrease urinary saturation of calcium (crystals) but gastrointestinal side effects are intolerable.

Orange juice prevents kidney stone formation

Recent research has been proved that orange prevent kidney stone formation Orange fruit is rich in Citrate that prevents kidney stone formation by allowing for more citrate in the urine .100g of Orange pulp holds about 181 mg of Potassium where as, a cup of 184g of orange pulp contains about 333 mg of potassium.

Orange juice could potentially play an important role in the management of kidney stone disease and may be considered an option for patients who are intolerant of potassium citrate.It is scientifically evaluated the value of orange juice and lemonade with respect to their effects on acid-base balance and reported that Orange juice is beneficially good for reducing kidney stone formation.

Citrate also decreases urinary saturation of calcium (crystals) and the acidity level in urine.It is also proved that not all citrus fruit has ability to prevent kidney stone like orange.So take precautionary step to prevent kidney stone formation in your body, by drinking orange juice daily for a week with 2 weeks gap.


Apple with honey cure joint pains for arthritis

Apple with honey cure joint pains (arthritis)
Apple with honey cure joint pains (arthritis)

Well we know taking apple a day keeps doctor way, apple is good for various problems in our body. Apple has no protein, no fiber, no vitamin.Apple has a remarkable remedy to cure arthritis. Minor Joint pains and nervous problem can be cured by taking an apple a day.Major joint pains like arthritis can be also solved by apple juice. Doctors usually ask nerve disorder patients to eat an apple a day.

Benefits of Apple include – Avoid Alzheimer,Protect against Parkinson,Reduce cholesterol,Detoxify your liver,Boost your immune system, Control your weight ,Prevent cataracts,Prevent gallstones,Decrease your risk of diabetes,reduce the risk of cancers.

Apple contain rich antioxidants such as quercetin , pectin that can boost immunity against harmful disease like cancer and reduce the risk of heart disease,avoid stroke,avoid high blood pressure.Apple contain high amount of rich soluble fibre that are good for easy digestion, help in maintaining weight and also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.Apple cure arthritis and has the ability to detoxify your liver such as clearing these toxins out of your body.

Apple with honey cure joint pains for arthritis

What you mean by arthritis?

Arthritis is due to acid and crystal form in the joint and tissues, this result in stiff joints and hardened tissues. Arthritis is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. Common symptom of arthritis is inability to use the hand or walk.

Apple showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in testing with maze  than those on other regular food diet.A new research held over mice result proved that drinking apple juice shall keep Alzheimer’s away.

Apple juice can dissolve these harmful crystals thus arthritis shall be healing through apple. Eating apple mixed with honey daily will give you a good result for all joint pains.


A cup of Papaya after a meal

Papaya  also known as pawpaws that reduces the risk of heart disease,cancers, improving blood sugar level,diabetes.Papaya a rich source of antioxidant and nutrients like flavonoids ,carotene,vitamin C, vitamin B.Papaya is a good source of fiber and minerals such as magnesium.Papaya mainly help to improve cardiovascular health and protect against colon cancer.

A cup of Papaya after a meal
A cup of Papaya after a mea

Benefits of Papaya for Health are

  • Lowers cholesterol level,
  • Boost immunity,
  • Protect bones,
  • Prevent anti aging,
  • prevent cancer,
  • Regulates menstruation,
  • Provide stronger immunity,
  • Weight loss,
  • Skin care.

We might have experienced a slow, poor digestion after heavy meat meal. Even after having a walk we may feel as if food is not yet digested. Why this does happens so?Meat we eat has animal protein that contains cholesterol and fats rich in protein.

Person may not produce enough stomach acid ,protein digesting enzyme (papain)is not active enough.A clear solution for this problem is “a cup of Papaya might help you after a meat meal”.

A cup of Papaya after a meal

PAPAYA can help to balance diet sins .Our body needs protein for body building and at the same time digestion of Protein food is also much more important.We know papaya fruit as a low protein content fruit.One of the remarkable quality of Papaya is papain present in papaya fruit.The presence of papain , a digestive super enzyme, help in digestion by breaking down proteins and also clear the digestive tract .

PAPAIN AS THE STRONGEST PROTEIN DIGESTING ENZYME .Papain can digest high protein food and set amino acid for easy and quick digestion.papain is active in the digestive system in sour,alkaline.papaya is much more helpful in old people who might have a improper digestion.

 A cup of Papaya might help you after a meat meal.Daily intake of papaya reduces colon cancer, constipation, cardiovascular problem,piles,stroke.

A cup of Papaya after a meal


Breast cancer growth cured by grape juice

Breast cancer growth cured by grape juice
Breast cancer growth cured by grape juice

Daily intake of Grapes ,shall provide certain benefits such as

  • Cures Digestive disorder
  • Boosts Immunity,
  • Delays Ageing Signs,
  • Prevents Cancers,
  • Relieves from Headaches,
  • Improves Metabolism,
  • Maintains Bone Strength,
  • Instant Energy Booster,
  • reduce constipation,
  • fight against colds and coughs,
  • Reduce Bowel Disorders,
  • Maintain blood pressure level and cholesterol level.

Grape cure breast cancer.The anti-oxidants and resveratrol present in grape juice are also known to prevent the formation of cancer causing tumors in the body. Latest research showed that grape juice can prevent cancer and the red-colored grapes helps in preventing breast cancer.Grapes also cures bacterial infections like colds, coughs.Grapes has natural laxative properties that help in curing digestion related problems like constipation.Grapes help in maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol level in our body.

Breast cancer growth cured by grape juice

The antioxidants present in grapes prevent all types of cancer.The high levels of Vitamin C, K, and A in grapes boost your immune system.Grapes is an anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that fight against harmful bacterial infections.

Daily intake of Grape prevent breast cancer.All the Ladies above age 30  have a doubt in their mind whether their breast is cancer proof.What you mean by breast cancer “Aromatase enzyme change androgen to estrogen, which lead to breast cancer growth in women”.     No need to scare you can prevent yourself from breast cancer.

Grape juice as an effective preventive measure against breast cancer.Grapes juice contain polyphenols such as resveratrol and delphinidin that can act as antioxidants, antiangiogenics.Polyphenols present in grapes have chemopreventative properties that prevent breast cancer cell growth .

Grape juice is capable of suppressing breast cancer cell growth by preventing the synthesis of the female hormone estrogen.Grape juice has been found to suppress breast tumor formation.Grapes also contain lupeol, pterostilbene, oleanolic acid,ellagic acid and fisetin.polyphenols in Grape such as quercetin have  chemotherapy effect and increase the effects of radiation treatment.


35 Grapes daily Remedy for Asthma

Ladies can avoid Breast Cancer
35 Grapes daily Remedy for Asthma

Now a days Asthma has become as a common disease like fever and cold. Asthma is a disease that affects your lungs.

Grapes is a rich source of  vitamin A,vitamin C,vitamin K,vitamin B6 and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium.Grapes holds significant amount of phytonutrients – phenols and polyphenols,thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate.

Grapes load with antioxidants such as Flavonoids, myricetin and quercetin that reduce the damage caused by free radicals and slow down aging .Grapes made of dietary fiber and maintain water balance in our body.

Grapes has high health benefits that treat asthma,strengthen Bones,prevent Heart diseases,Treat Constipation,relieve stomach disorder,Control Diabetes,treat Kidney disorders,prevent Breast Cancer,reduce risk of Alzheimer’s.

35 Grapes daily  Remedy for Asthma

The lungs are two spongy organs surrounded by a thin, moist membrane called the pleura. Each lung is made up of smooth, shiny lobes. About 90% of the lung is filled with air and only 10% is solid tissue.

Asthma occurs due to inflammation in the airways.Asthma causes wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing at night or early in the morning.Health Benefits grapeThe high levels of Vitamin C, K, and A in grapes boost your immune system.Grapes are therapeutically very effective in curing the asthma by increasing the lungs moisture since it holds High levels of fiber and resveratrol(antioxidant).

Grapes are the great anti-inflammatory agents, they provide relief from asthma.So don’t give chance to asthma, increase your immunity, just by taking a cup of grape juice (35 grapes) daily.

35 Grapes daily Remedy for Asthma
35 Grapes daily Remedy for Asthma

Reason why Grapes Cure Asthma

  • Grapes has good hydrating power .
  • Grapes has High levels of fiber.
  • Grapes contain antioxidant called resveratrol.
  • Grapes increases the moisture present in the lungs.
  • Grapes reduces asthmatic occurrence.
  • Grapes contain anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Grapes reduce the inflammation in the lungs.
  • Grapes removes mucus and phlegm from airways.

Banana Coconut Smoothie Benefits

Banana Coconut Smoothie Benefits
Banana Coconut Smoothie Benefits

Common Banana recipes are banana delight ,choco banana , banana milkshake, Arabian dates and banana juice.

Banana Coconut Smoothie Benefits

Benefits are

  • provide fat,
  • protect from digestion disorder,
  • antioxidants and antibacterial,
  • cure depression,
  • cure sore throats.

Banana:Banana contain Potassium that is essential for blood pressure control and healthy kidney function.Banana is a rich source of vitamins and minerals.It is proved that medium-sized Banana contains about 3 grams of fiber that help in good digestion and reduce pile,colon cancer.Eating more Banana help in reducing body weight,keeps away from cancer,high blood pressure and stress.

Coconut milk :100ml of coconut milk contain – 154 calories  –  1.4g protein – 15g fat  -3.4g carbohydrate .Coconuts milk contain rich amounts of fat,protein,carbohydrate.Coconuts milk provide fat that is mostly in the form of medium chain saturated fatty acids that is called as lauric acid.Lauric acid converted as  monolaurin that act as antiviral,antibacterial and help to protect the body from inflammation and viruses.

Rosewater:Rose water contains vitamin A,vitamin C,vitamin E and vitamin B that help in curing depression as well as for those with sore throats.Drinking rose water hydrates the skin from inside.Rose water also protect from digestion disorder like bloating, stomach upset and constipation.

Rose petals:Rose petals application over the skin treats skin irritation on sensitive skin, remove excess oil in the skin, used as a toner for the skin.As rose petals contain antioxidants and antibacterial property help in providing  smooth skin,relief from irritation and itching.

My grandma said they used to have banana with coconut milk. This seams to be a new idea but it’s a old recipe.i tried this banana and coconut milk juice , it is awesome and different taste.Main Ingredient used for this coconut milk juice are banana,coconut milk,rosewater.

Banana Coconut Smoothie Benefits

Benefits are

  • provide fat,
  • protect from digestion disorder,
  • antioxidants and antibacterial,
  • cure depression,
  • cure sore throats.


  • Banana – 4
  • Coconut milk -2 glass
  • Rosewater – 8 tbsp
  • Rose petals dipped in honey


  • Grind banana and Grind coconut milk.
  • Mix rosewater and honey to the mixture.
  • Server honey dipped rose petals as topping

Facts On Fruits

Fruit Recipe

Skin Care From Fruits