Facts On Cubed Water Melon Fruit
Cubed Water melon is Scientifically called as “ Citrullus lanatus ”.
Square or cube watermelons are watermelons grown into the shape of a cube.
Cubed Watermelon: It is considered a luxury item in Japan, and it’s usually given as a gift. . They are also available in other countries now, such as in Germany.
• Cube watermelons are commonly sold in Japan, where they are essentially ornamental and are often very expensive, with prices as high as US$200.
• It is first emerged in Japan in the late 1970s, but have now become a novelty item in many other parts of the world.
• The cube -shaped watermelon was first noticed in supermarkets during 2009 and has become a watermelon icon in Japan. These cube -shaped watermelons will set back $200.00 USD to $300.00 USD each!
Origin Of Cubed Watermelon
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a flowering plant species of the Cucurbitaceae family and the name of its edible fruit.
Price Of Cubed Watermelon:
In 2001, square watermelons sold for 10,000 yen in Japan (about US$83), two to three times the price of regular watermelons in Japanese stores. In the United States in 2014, some sold for $200.
In 2013, watermelon enthusiasts in Russia paid up to $900 for a cubed watermelon The method used to train these watermelons is similar to how people trained bonsai trees for decades. In Tokyo in 1979, cubed watermelons sold for 20 USD compared to normal watermelons at 9 USD.
Other Names Of Cubed Watermelon
English: Watermelon, Hindi: Kharbuza ( kharmuja), Tarabuuza (Tarbooz, Tarbuj, Tarbuz, Tarmuj), Japanese: Suika, Suika, Shokuyou suika (Shokuyô suika), Shokuyou suika, Shokuyou suika, Chinese: Xi gua ( Cantonese Si koa), Shi yong xi gua, Choei koa, Ts’ing teng koa, Han koa, Hia koa.
Appearance Of Cubed Watermelon
Cubed Watermelon has Square shaped 19 centimeter or 12 inches outer thick rind has green and its striped, inner flesh resembles melon like red with yellowish it tastes little sour, bitter, bland, no taste because its unripe fruit.
Taste Of Cubed Watermelon
Cubed Watermelons were to cut into one of the fruits, you would find a yellow flesh, that is blander than its sweet red counterpart.
Varieties Of Cubed Watermelon
There are about 1200 different varieties of watermelons worldwide.
Watermelon varieties: –
Carolina Cross, Golden Midget, Orangeglo, Moon and Stars, Cream of Saskatchewan , Melitopolski , Densuke
Nutritional Value Of Cubed Watermelon
Cubed Watermelons contains only 40 calories per cup.
100g of watermelon
• Energy: 30kcal
• Carbohydrates: 7.6g
• Protein: 0.6g
• Total Fat: 0.15g
• Dietary Fibre: 0.4g
• Folates: 3ug
• Niacin: 0.178mg
• Pantothenic Acid: 0.221mg
• Pyridoxine: 0.045mg
• Thiamine: 0.033mg
• Vitamin A: 569IU
• Vitamin C: 8.1mg
• Vitamin E: 0.05mg
• Sodium: 1mg
• Potassium: 112mg
• Calcium: 7mg
• Copper: 42ug
• Iron: 0.24mg
• Magnesium: 10mg
• Manganese: 0.038mg
• Zinc: 0.10mg
Facts On Cubed Water Melon Fruit
Rejuvenates Skin: Watermelon contains vitamin C and 92% water, Collagen which are essential for cell structure and immune function. Vitamin C present in Watermelon also promotes wound healing, and also reduce the risk of age-related damage.
Enhances Eye Sight: Vitamin A and lycopene, two antioxidants found in the watermelon nutrition ,good for vision. Lycopene, a plant chemical found in watermelons, may help to prevent the degeneration of the tissues in the eyes.
Uplifts Immunity: Watermelon contains a good amount of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), thiamine (vitamin B-1), vitamin-C, and manganese. Consumption of rich in vitamin-C ,manganese helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents.
Maintains Brain & Nerve function: Watermelon fruit contains Vitamin B6, which help the human body to break down protein and also instrumental in bolstering your immune system and improving nerve function.
Fights Inflammation: Vitamin A, and Zinc also has a role as an anti-inflammatory agent fight against disease include heart disease, cancer, and fibromyalgia. Watermelon contains antioxidants like lycopene and Vitamin C, which may help combat inflammation and oxidative stress .
Eradicate Cancer: Watermelon contains antioxidant flavonoids ,cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, and alpha-carotene. These antioxidants have been shown to provide defense against malignancies of the pancreas, colon, prostate, breast, endometrium, and lung.
Promote Healthy Heart: Watermelon fruit is a good source of potassium protect against stroke and coronary heart diseases. Lycopene is a substance that is found in the watermelon reduce the risk of developing heart-related diseases.
Reduces Lose Weight: Watermelons are very low in calories (just 30 calories per 100 g) and carry negligible amounts of fats. Dietary fibre and phytonutrients and antioxidants compound essential for optimum health .
Manages Blood Sugar: This juicy watermelon fruit helps your kidneys convert L-citrulline (amino acid) into L-arginine (amino acid) and the L-arginine supplement that watermelon has is crucial for regulating glucose metabolism and insulin .
Muscle Soreness: watermelon juice contain L-citrulline, may reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time.
Cures Oral Problems: Vitamins C and A present in watermelon are the main compounds that lessen the negative consequences of tooth disease.
Good for Kidneys: The main nutrients in watermelons are calcium and potassium which help in fighting toxins and toxins are flushed out by kidneys in order to keep kidneys healthy.
Aids Digestion: Watermelon has Lots of water and fibre that help in healthy digestion that can lead to avoid constipation and other issues. watermelon are rich fibre fruit that help to prevent any indigestion or constipation.