Health Benefits On Chayote Fruit
Chayote fruit is scientifically called as Sechium edule .
Chayote is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae.
Chayote fruit was first cultivated in the Mesoamericas between southern Mexico and Honduras, with the most genetic diversity available in both Mexico and Guatemala.
English: chayote, Madeira marrow, vegetable pear;
Nahuatl: chayote (Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama);
Spanish cidrayota (Colombia), gayota (Peru), huisquil, güisquil or uisquil (Mexico [Chiapas], Guatemala, El Salvador), papa del aire, cayota (Argentina);
Portuguese: chocho, chuchu, xuxu, machiche, machuchu (Brazil);
French: christophine, mirliton (Haiti, Guadeloupe, Bermuda, Trinidad and Tobago, United States [Louisiana], French Guyana)
Assamese: Squash
Hindi: Chow- chow
Tamil: Seemai Kathirikai
Telugu: Seema Vankaya
Kannada: Seema Badanekaayi
Odia: Phuti kakudi
Malayalam: Seema Kathirikai
Chayote fruit is roughly pear-shaped, somewhat flattened and with coarse wrinkles, ranging from 10 to 25 cm in length.
Chayote fruit can weigh up to 1.2 kg. It looks like a green pear, and it has a thin, green skin fused with the green to white flesh, and a single, large, flattened pit.
The Chayote has a mild taste that balances between apple and cucumber with a jicama like fresh crispiness.
There are two types of Chayote.
Common Chayote is the type find in the supermarket and in people’s gardens.
Wild Chayotes grow by streams and rivers.
100gms of Chayote
• Energy: 80kJ (19kcal)
• Carbohydrates: 4.51g
• Sugars: 1.66g
• Dietary Fibre: 1.7g
• Fat: 0.13g
• Protein: 0.82g
• Thiamine(B1): 0.025mg
• Riboflavin (B2): 0.029mg
• Niacin (B3): 0.47mg
• Pantothenic Acid (B5): 0.249mg
• Vitamin B6: 0.076mg
• Folate (B9): 93ug
• Vitamin C: 7.7mg
• Vitamin E: 0.12mg
• Vitamin K: 4.1ug
• Calcium: 17mg
• Iron: 0.34mg
• Magnesium: 12mg
• Phosphorous: 18mg
• Potassium: 125mg
• Zinc: 0.74mg
Health Benefits On Chayote Fruit
Promotes Healthy Skin
Chayote squash is rich in vitamin C that minimize acne and dark spots. Zinc plays a role in wound healing and supports proper sense of taste and smell.
Strengthen Bones
Calcium and magnesium in Chayote keeps bones strong, Chayote contain Phosphorous and potassium that supports nerves and helps maintain a healthy metabolism, make up part of the body’s hormones and enzymes.
Eradicate Kidney Stones
Chayote squash is rich in potassium that help eliminate the extra fluids in the kidneys and prevent the formation of kidney stones . The juice from chayote leaves may also help one to manage kidney stones.
Protects Heart
The presence of myricetin, an antioxidant not only brings down the levels of cholesterol but also fights against inflammations, thus preventing chronic cardiovascular diseases. Rich in phytochemicals, Chayote plays a major role in improving blood flow, thus regulating high blood pressure.
Regulates Blood Sugar
Chayote is low on carbs and loaded with dietary fibre prevents the faster absorption of carbohydrates thus regulating blood sugar levels.
Supports Healthy Pregnancy
Vitamin B9, folate in Chayote recommended to every woman trying to get pregnant as it plays a crucial role in the healthy development of foetal brain, spinal cord and proper growth of the baby.
Prevents Cancer
Chayote, being rich in antioxidants fights against free radicals thus slowing down the progression of cancer cells, especially in those suffering from leukaemia and cervical cancer.
Triggers Cognitive Function
Being rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and other plant compounds of Chayote is extremely beneficial in those suffering from cognitive decline.
Rich in Antioxidants
Chayote Squash is loaded with a wide range of antioxidants including quercetin, myricetin, kaempferol, morin which fight against various chronic conditions including diabetes, cancer, and inflammation.
Helps Digestion
Eating Chayote boosts digestive health, ensures regular detoxification. Presence of flavonoids, plant compounds in Chayote prevent constipation, regulate bowel movement, maintain the growth of healthy gut bacteria thus optimizing various functions of digestive tract.