Health Facts on Jenipapo Fruit
Jenipapo fruit is scientifically called as Genipa Americana .
Genipa americana (/ˈdʒɛnɪpə/) is a species of trees in the family Rubiaceae. It is native to the tropical forests of North and South America, as well as the Caribbean.
In English, the tree is known as the genip tree /ˈdʒɛnɪp/ and the fruit as genipap /ˈdʒɛnɪpæp/.
Colombia: jagua, caruto, huito;
Brazil: jenipapo, formerly genipapo;
Costa Rica: guaitil, tapaculo;
Nicaragua: tapaculo, yigualtí;
Mexico: shagua, xagua, maluco;
Perú: huito, vito, jagua;
Argentina: ñandipá;
Bolivia: bí
The Jenipapo fruit is a thick-skinned edible greyish berry 10–12 cm long, 5–9 cm in diameter.
The Jenipapo fruit, 3 1/2 to 6 in (9-15 cm) long, 2 3/4 to 3 1/2 in (7-9 cm) wide, weighing 7 to 14 oz (200-400 g), is elliptic or rounded-oval tapering briefly at the stem end, and having a short hollow tube at the apex
A brown, woody like Jenipapo fruit with clear pulp that has an acidic flavour that is likened in flavour to dried apples.
Jenipapo fruit are only consumed raw when they are overripe.
There are various species of Jenipapo fruit , namely
• Genipaamericana var. americana
• Genipaamericana var. riobranquensis
• Genipaamericana var. caruto
• Genipaamericana f. jorgensenii
• Genipaamericana f. grandifolia
• Genipaamericana f. parvifolia .
100 grams of Jenipapo fruit are given below:Constituents Amount by weight
Proteins 5.2 g
Glycerides 25.7 g
Lipids 0.3 g
Ash 1.2 g
Fibre 9.4 g
Calcium 40.0 mg
Iron 3.6 mg
Phosphorus 58.0 mg
Vitamin B2 0.04 mg
Vitamin B 0.04 mg
Niacin 0.50 mg
Carbohydrates 11.21%
Sugar 4.30%
Amino Acids
Tryptophan 57 mg
Methionine 178 mg
Threonine 219 mg
Lysine 316 mg
Ascorbic Acid 33.0 mg
Malic Acid 0.63%
Moisture 67.6 g
Calories 113
Health Facts on Jenipapo Fruit
Prevents Eye Disorder: Components such as carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin in Jenipapo is said to cure certain eye disorders. Consuming Jenipapo juice daily can prevent eyes diseases such as glaucoma, cataract and muscle degeneration.
Strengthen Bones: Huito improves bone health , presence of various minerals such as manganese, copper and phosphorus. Regular consumption of Huito juice can prevent age-related bone issues like osteoporosis. Jenipapo fruit is also considered as calcium resource enriched to contain the manganese, copper minerals.
Boosts Immunity: Jenipapo fruit is rich in vitamin C , Polyphenol antioxidants that combat detrimental toxins and lowers the risk of viral infections. It also has antibacterial and anti-viral properties that build immunity in our body.
Rejuvenates Skin: Huito fruit includes vitamin E , vitamin C that prevents the fine lines, wrinkles and saggy skin. Vitamin C present in Huito improves the condition of our overall health. Vitamin E in the fruit provides skin elasticity to the skin that will help delay signs of aging.
Anti-Inflammatory Agents: The high content of tannins in the Jenipapo fruit act as anti-inflammatory agent. Jenipapo helps in improving the health conditions in the digestive tract by preventing diseases like esophagitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome.
Maintains Heart Health: The Huito fruit contains high amount of potassium, that functions to widen constricted blood vessels and protect heart from the adverse effects of free radical cell damage.
Prevents Anaemia: Huito fruit is enriched with iron and copper – helps in increasing the level of hemoglobin in our body. Jenipapo juice can reduce body weakness, fatigue, and improper metabolic functioning that contribute to anemia.
Reduce Blood Pressure: Jenipapo fruit contains minerals that are important for normal blood pressure such as magnesium and potassium. Magnesium involved in the physical and chemical aspects of circulatory system; Potassium helps to remove sodium from our body which are very closely linked to high blood pressure.
Combats Cancer Cells: Jenipapo fruit is a powerhouse of carotenoids and antioxidants that are essential to fight cancer and cut down the presence of free radicals in our body.
Promotes Gut Health: Jenipapo fruit is rich in dietary fibres and a compound named tannins that neutralizes acid secretion in the gut. Hence it is an excellent laxative providing relief and lowers infections in the intestines.