One of my friend suggested this homemade manicure pack for getting smooth skin on hands as well as it provides a good finger massage. For an immediate excellent smooth, soft hands, we shall go for this homemade manicure pack .Regular usage of this simple manicure pack will reduces the roughness over hands and gives a good protection like a moisturizer.
how to do manicure at home? I prefer homemade manicure pack instead of going to par-lour because we don’t have much time to go to par-lour .Home made Tomato Manicure Pack are risk-less, and gives a satisfaction that our own packs for our own skin.
Homemade packs also gives a best result as like par-lour ,so no need to spend lot of money.Combination of Tomato, Lime and glycerin will soften your rough skin on the hands.
Home made Tomato Manicure Pack
Tomato – 1 cup
Glycerin -3 tbsp
Lemon Juice – 2 tbsp
Home made Tomato Manicure Pack
Smash tomato and make a fine paste.Add some glycerin in a bowl – (option for glycerin is coconut oil/olive oil/vinegar )
Add Some Lemon Juice to the glycerin.
Mix some juice of tomato and lime and add some glycerin to it.
Before applying this pack-soak hands in warm water tub (which is mixed with normal skin wash) for 5 min. Wash the hands, afterwards in normal water. Mix some juice of tomato and lime and add some glycerin to it.
Take cotton ball ,soak into the tomato pack and Massage this manicure pack on hands for five to ten minutes then wash it off with warm water,this shall be regularly done once a day.
On regular use of this pack shall result in Smooth skin over the hands,removes excess dead skin,retain moisture over the skin and also works well in removing dark spots , dirts in the fingers.