Interesting Facts On Feijoa Fruit
Feijoa fruit is scientifically called as “ Feijoa sellowiana ”.
Feijoa sellowiana is a species of flowering plant in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae.
It is native to the highlands of southern Brazil, eastern Paraguay, Uruguay, northern Argentina, and Colombia.
The name Feijoa was given to the plant and the fruit by the botanist Otto Karl Berg in honor of the Brazilian naturalist Joao Da Silva Feijo.
Brazilian Guava, Fig Guava, Feijoa, Guavasteen, Guava Brazilera, Pineapple Guava, Guayaba Chilena, Chinese gooseberry
Argentina: Falsa Guayaba;
Brazil: Goiaba Serrana, Goiaba Abacaxí, Goiaba Verde, Araçá Do Rio Grande, Goiaba Do Campo, Goiaba-Feijoa, Goiaba Silvestre, Goiabeira-Serrana;
Chinese: Fei Hou;
The Feijoa fruit, matures in autumn and is green, ellipsoid, and about the size of a chicken egg.
The flesh is juicy and is divided into a clear, gelatinous seed pulp and a firmer, slightly granular, opaque flesh nearer the skin.
The fruit pulp resembles the closely related guava, having a gritty texture.
The feijoa pulp is used in some natural cosmetic products as an exfoliant.
It has a sweet, aromatic flavour, which tastes like pineapple, apple and mint.
Numerous cultivars of feijoa have been developed. These varieties include:
• Anatoki
• Apollo
• Bambina
• Barton
• Den’s Choice
• Choiceana
• Coolidge
• Edenvale Improved Coolidge
• Edenvale Late
• Edenvale Supreme
• Gemini
• Kaiteri
• Kakariki (a cultivar developed by Waimea Nurseries, New Zealand, large flavor-filled fruit, named for the Māori word for green)
• Smilax – mid-sized, spherical fruits with smooth texture
• Trask
• Triumph
• Unique (NZ cultivar, particularly tolerant of clay soils, and self-pollinating)
• Vista Long – noted for the long shape of its fruits, developed in Vista, CA
• Wiki Tu
100g of feijoa fruit
Energy 55 Kcal
Carbohydrates 13 g
Protein 0.98 g
Total Fat 0.6 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Dietary Fibre 6.4 g
Folates 23 µg
Niacin 0.295 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.223 mg
Pyridoxine 0.067 mg
Riboflavin 0.018 mg
Thiamine 0.006 mg
Vitamin A 6 IU
Vitamin C 32.9 mg
Vitamin E 0.16 mg
Vitamin K 3.5 µg
Sodium 3 mg
Potassium 172 mg
Calcium 17 mg
Copper 0.036 mg
Iron 0.14 mg
Magnesium 9 mg
Manganese 0.084 mg
Phosphorus 19 mg
Zinc 0.06 mg
Carotene-ß 2 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß 3 µg
Lutein + zeaxanthin 27 µg
Lycopene 5 µg
Interesting Facts On Feijoa Fruit
Strengthen Bone Health
Manganese, copper, iron, calcium, and potassium, of this Feijoa tropical fruit is very effective in boosting the bone mineral density and helping to prevent the onset of osteoporosis.
Boosts Immune System
Vitamins and minerals in the pineapple guava Feijoa fruit,such as Vitamin C is able to stimulate the production of white blood cells and also act as an antioxidant to seek out free radicals.
Enhances Skin growth
Vitamin C found in Feijoa is very beneficial for our skin health and it keeps our skin cells rejuvenate and replenish. It fights against free radical and protect our skin from oxidative damage and prevent various types of skin related disease, such as wrinkles, dark sports, signs of aging.
Spikes Blood Sugar Levels
type 2 diabetes may reuduce by eating Feijoa because of its glycaemic index score. Feijoa is more slow absorbed into the bloodstream, which prevents sugar crashes, sugar cravings, and mood swings.
Increases Blood Circulation
Feijoas can aid in the improvement of blood circulation and other Vitamins like Vitamin B and iron work together to increase the creation of red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body.
Improves Brain Function
Folatein Feijoas reduce the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline. Potassium has been linked to increase blood flow to the brain and enhance cognition.
Eradicate Inflammation
The juice extracted from Feijoa is used to ascertain anti-inflammatory activities. Feijoas contain chemical compounds such as quercetin, eriocitrin, syringic acid, ellagic acid, pyrocatechol, gallic acid, catechin, rutin and eriodictyol.
Maintains Blood Pressure
Feijoa are well known because of its high potassium content that reduce the risk of hypertension by being loaded with potassium and a low content of sodium.
Reduce risk of Anemia
Feijoa is highly rich in iron content, so consuming Feijoa on a regular basis can provide sufficient iron to our body.
Good For Pregnant Women
Feijoa fruit contain folic acid and iron and it helps in preventing the birth defects. Feijoa juice protects the new born from neurological disorders .
Increases Metabolism
Vitamin B are essential for the overall body functions and metabolic activities such as synthesizing red blood cells and proteins which stimulate nervous system function.
Promotes Heart Health
Fibre, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and potassium have been known to improve the heart’s health. It has been known to lower the “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increase the “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
Helps to Lose Weight
Feijoas contain a huge amount of dietary fibre and nutrients, combined with the low carbohydrate level, this means that the body will feel full and access a significant supply of nutrients without taking on too many calories.
Supports Digestion
The Feijoa fruit is made up of a considerable amount of fibre. Feijoa prevents conditions like constipation, and protects the body from more serious conditions like colorectal cancer.