Interesting Facts On Mamey Sapote
Mamey Sapote is Scientifically called as “ Pouteria sapota ” .
Pouteria sapota, is an ancient pre-Hispanic fruit belonging to the Sapotaceae family.
Mamey Sapote, is a species of tree native to Mexico and Central America.
Lava Sapote, Mamey Colorado, Mamey Sapote, Mamee Apple, Mammee Sapote, Mamee Zapote, Marmalade Plum, Marmalade Tree, Red Sapote, Sapote, True Sapote, Zapotillo .
The Mamey Sapote fruit is technically a berry, which is about 10 to 25 cm (4 to 10 in) long and 8 cm to 12 cm (3 to 4.5 in) wide and has flesh ranging in color from pink to orange to red.
The brown skin has a texture some what between sandpaper and the fuzz on a peach.
The Mamey Sapote fruit’s texture is creamy and soft, and the flavour is a mix of sweet potato, pumpkin, honey, prune, peach, apricot, cantaloupe, cherry and almond.
A Mamey Sapote is ripe when the flesh is vibrant salmon in colour when a fleck of the skin is removed.
The flesh bears a complex sweet and savoury flavour, containing subtle notes of vanilla, nutmeg, apricots, and root beer mixed with honeyed pumpkin, squash, and sweet potato nuances.
Mamey Sapote Varieties
• Lorito
• Florida
• Malayan
• Copan
• Adelantado
• Pantin
• Tazumal
• Magana
• Adelanatado #2
• Emilio Duran
• Piloto
• Felipe Larguito
• Celso #3
• Vidal
• Felipe Mayo
• Lara
100g of Mamey Sapote contains
• Energy: 124kcal
• Carbohydrates: 32.10g
• Protein: 1.45g
• Sugars: 20.14g
• Total Fat: 0.46g
• Dietary Fibre: 5.4g
• Folates: 7ug
• Niacin: 1.432mg
• Pantothenic Acid: 0.397mg
• Pyridoxine: 0.720mg
• Riboflavin: 0.116mg
• Thiamine: 0.013mg
• Vitamin A: 143IU
• Vitamin C: 23mg
• Vitamin E: 2.11mg
• Sodium: 7mg
• Potassium: 454mg
• Calcium: 18mg
• Copper: 0.213mg
• Iron: 0.78mg
• Magnesium: 11mg
• Manganese: 0.204mg
• Phosphorous: 26mg
• Zinc: 0.19ug
• Carotene-B: 82ug
• Lutein-Zeaxanthin: 204ug
• Lycopene: 199umg
Interesting Facts On Mamey Sapote
Supports Digestive Health: Mamey Sapote fruits are rich in fibre, that improve the consistency of stools to prevent digestive problems like constipation, diverticulitis, piles, or hemorrhoids. Tannins in Mamey fruits help in treating enteritis, irritable bowel disorder, reflux esophagitis and erosive gastritis.
Encourage Metabolism: Manganese is a trace mineral which helps to activate strong antioxidant enzymes and support bone and cartilage formation. Sapote fruit prevents inflammation and free radical damage inside the body.
Improves Skin Health: Mamey Sapote fruit helps to keep skin smooth, healthy, and glowing. Sapote fruit high in vitamin C content, stimulates collagen synthesis and slows down skin ageing. Sapote fruit reduce inflammation and protect against ultraviolet and skin damage.
Fortifies Bone Health: There are many important minerals found in Mamey Sapote, including copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. These bone minerals increase the density of the bone, and also an excellent option for boosting our bone strength.
Protects Against Anemia: The Mamey Sapote fruit is an excellent source of folate that can reduce the risk of anemia and help improve iron absorption.
Increase Brain Function: Mamey Sapote helps to protect against Alzheimer’s Disease . Vitamin B3 niacin with Mamey Sapote reduce the risk for many problems regarding poor brain function or loss of age-related thinking skills, like memory loss, insomnia, migraine headaches, motion sickness, chronic brain syndrome, depression and even alcohol dependence.
Cures Diabetic: Mamey Sapote fruit are high in fibre may help control blood glucose (sugar), that can lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Promotes Heart Health: Mamey Sapote fruit is an excellent source of fibre, potassium and antioxidants compounds which are also a natural diuretic since it helps in removing excess amount of sodium (the primary compound in table salt) from the human body through urine.
Maintains Cholesterol: Copper in Mamey fruit helps to reduce the levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and help to increase beneficial cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). Regular consumption of Mamey Sapote helps to lowers the chances of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.
Lowers Blood Pressure: Mamey fruits contain reasonable amounts of potassium that aids in regulating blood pressure and maintain fluid balance. By consuming these fruits regularly might reduce blood pressure.
Stabilize Mood: Vitamins and Minerals found in Mamey Sapotes, such as vitamin E, potassium, and carotenoids, can soothe anxiety and worry by optimizing the function of the nervous system such as depression, mood swings, improve hormone levels and nervous system functions.
Uplifts Fertility: Zinc in Mamey Sapote is an essential dietary nutrient that is necessary for fertility in both men and women.It can increase serum zinc levels, which in turn contributes to healthy egg production, regulation of the menstrual cycle, and ovulation in women. In men, an adequate level of zinc would mean an increase in the sperm count , sperm motility and testosterone levels.
Improves Immunity: The Mamey Sapote fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C which can reduces the harmful effects of free radicals and reduce inflammation. It may also prevent other kinds of respiratory infections and can enhance immune function.
Aid Weight Management: Selecting foods with very few calories is a healthy way to burn fat . The high dietary fibre in Mamey Sapote contributes to filling the stomach, reducing craving for food, that may promote weight loss