Interesting Facts On Sea grapes
Sea Grapes Scientifically called as ” Caulerpa lentillifera “.
Origin Of Sea Grapes
Caulerpa lentillifera is a species of ulvophyte green algae from coastal regions in the Indo-Pacific. This seaweed is one of the favoured species of edible Caulerpa due to its soft and succulent texture.It is traditionally eaten in the cuisines of Southeast Asia, Oceania, and East Asia.
Other Names Of Sea Grapes
In Okinawa, Japan, it is known as umi-budō (海ぶどう), meaning “sea grapes”, or kubiretsuta.
Vietnam, where it is known as rong nho or rong nho biển, meaning “grape algae”
Korea, where it is known as bada podo (바다포도), also meaning “sea grapes”
Indonesia (particularly Bali), where it is known as bulung.
‘latô’ in the Philippines,’latok’ in Malaysia, “umi-budō” in Japan, “green vegetarian caviar” or “sea grape caviar’ in America.
Appearance Of Sea Grapes
sea grape fruit looks like a little, green grouping of grapes.This sea grape seaweed has flavour like sea water and other algae, its texture is crispy, watery, robust, and slimy when you bite it.
It is slightly salty due to prolong exposures of sea water.The softness that is found in this seaweed makes it safe to consume.The sea grape colours are bright green to bluish and olive green.
Tastes Of Sea Grapes
sea grape taste like seaweed with the fresh salty taste of the ocean. But the bite is like caviar with the crunchy pop of the bubbles, which is the best part.
sea grapes taste either sweet or sour like acidic flavour. “The taste is like a combination of wine, grapes and a little cocktail”.
Varieties Of Sea Grapes
Blue algae – Chlorella, Spirulina.
Brown algae – Kombu, Kelp, Wakame (used in miso soup) and Arame.
Green algae – Ulva, sea grapes, Sea lettuce.
Red algae – Dulse, Nori, Laver.
Green algae is often mixed up with sea grapes from the Caribbean, but they are totally different.Sea grapes are a type of seaweed while sea grape is a tropical tree (coccoloba uvifera) that’s native in the Caribbean.
Nutritional Contents Sea Grapes
Sea Grapes are very salt resistance, wind tolerant, and can hold some shade but prefer full sun. They are unable to withstand deep cold. The nutritional value of Sea Grapes is thought to be the same as to other purple grapes, being immersed in copper, iron, potassium and manganese.
• Vitamin A Retinol Equivalent: 10ug
• Vitamin E Alpha Tocopherol: 0.2mg
• Vitamin K: 35ug
• Vitamin B2: 0.01mg
• Folate: 4ug
• Biotin: 0.1ug
• Sodium: 330mg
• Potassium: 39mg
• Calcium: 34mg
• Magnesium: 51mg
• Phosphorous: 10mg
• Iron: 0.8mg
• Copper: 0.01mg
• Manganese: 0.08mg
• Iodine: 0.8g
• Sodium Chloride Equivalent: 0.8g
Interesting Facts On Sea grapes
Strengthen Bones & Joints: Sea Grapes has healthy contents of protein, calcium and polyunsaturated fatty acids , omega 3 group DHA, EPA, ALA which smoothen inflammations and reduce the symptoms of bone loss.
Enhances Vision Power: Sea Grape contains unsaturated fatty acids AA, LA, DHA, EPA, and ALA that help to enhanced eyesight.
Rejuvenates Skin: Sea guard against dehydration. The plant has hygroscopic abilities – this means that it’s able to hydrate and improve water retention by simply using moisture absorbed from the air.
Manages Heart Health: Sea Grape contains unsaturated fatty acids AA, LA, DHA, EPA, and ALA that help to lowering cholesterol, enhancing the fluidity of blood vessels, prevent oxidation, maintain collagen structure of skin in the arteries.
Prevents Diabetic: vitamin C, in Sea Grapes also help regulate sugar level and prevent the spread of free radicals and the binding of glucose and protein, lowering of diabetes.
Controls Blood Pressure: Sea Grapes, loaded with calcium, potassium and vitamin C regulate normal blood pressure for patients with high blood pressure.
Treats Thyroid Gland Problems: Sea Grapes is also said that abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland can be prevented by consuming 150g of Sea Grapes that provide about 2mg Iodine.
Cures Obesity: Sea Grapes contains lower sugar but heavy in vegetable protein, vitamin C, calcium, zinc, iron and unsaturated fatty acids are regarded to be nutritious value and great food for overweight and dieting consumers.
Combats Cancer: Fucoidan is a natural substance contained in much different shaped of seaweed. These substance in seaweed ,is helpful for avoiding of cancerous cells.
Reduce Depression: B vitamins pyridoxine (B6) and pantothenic acid (B5) present in Seaweed is also efficient to cure stress , depression and regulate the adrenal glands.
Helps Digestion: The sea grapes juice helps in healing dysentery, hemorrhages and prevent constipation.
Other Ailments: Seaweed had vitamins and minerals that may be helpful in curing against tuberculosis, worm infections, arthritis, and influenza disease. Latest study has released that news that Seaweed is used as an additive in some pills and it has a filling sensation on the stomach.