Combination of vanilla cheese dip and apple will be a perfect and fantastic for a evening salad.It takes only few minutes to prepare, very simple recipe to prepare.Vanilla cheese dip is my favorite fruit dip ,one of my friend suggested me to put this recipe for her kid.I love to eat this vanilla cheese dip with banana and apple,its a very excellent recipe for vanilla lovers .
very very yummy dish and makes a much tempting taste.when ever i prepare a vanilla dip i go for a bread toast with banana pieces inside it.vanilla cheese dip will be helpful for every mother to make their kids to eat fruits, because now a days its really a challenging task for ladies.
Kids special – 2
How to Prepare Creamy Vanilla cheese Fruit Dip Recipe
- Cheese – 1/2 cup
- Sugar powder-6 tbsp
- brown Sugar – 6 tbsp (optional)
- Vanilla powder – 3 tbsp
- milk cream-6 tbsp
- vanilla essence -2 tbsp (optional)
How to Prepare Creamy Vanilla cheese Fruit Dip
Select cream cheese for best result , Add milk or fresh cream with the cheese to get a smoothy paste .Add one tbsp vanilla powder with the mixture for a good taste.mix sugar powder with the cheese. mix cheese until all lumps dissolve and you will get a pure creamy mix with a vanilla flavor.
(if you want, you can add Add vanilla essence with the mixture) ,mix the content for 10 min for better result . Thats it your vanilla dip is ready to serve.Store the dip in refrigerator for 10 min before serving.This dip can also be used as the dessert for making bread toast.
Dip can be kept for more than a week in refrigerator.Add fruits before you serve.Do not add ice cube with dip.usually for a dip we use marshmallow cream but this is a marshmallow free recipe.