Health Facts On Aguaje Fruit
Aguaje is scientifically called as “ Mauritia flexuosa ”.
Mauritia flexuosa is a member of the Arecaceae, or palm family .
Aguaje is native to tropical regions of South America and grows in swamps , flooded forests known as aguajales and also present in warm areas of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.
moriche palm, ité palm, ita, buriti, muriti, miriti, canangucho , aguaje .
Aguaje is an oval-shaped fruit with curved edges, similar in shape to an egg and averages six centimeters in length and four centimeters in diameter.
The skin is firm, glossy, textured, covered in small maroon-brown segments giving it a snake-like, scaled appearance.
Aguaje has a complex sweet, salty and sharp flavour combined with mild acidity.
yellow aguaje, which can have either a pale or dark yellow hue, with a bittersweet flavor;
Blue aguaje, which acquires a blue coloration when soaked in hot water;
Reddish aguaje, which can exhibit a red hue on the outside, or can have a meaty and Greasy pulp of red-orange color that gets quickly oxidized when opened.
The most notable nutrient in aguaje is vitamin A, present in the form of beta-carotene at a rate of 260 mg per 100 g of fresh aguaje pulp.
The main bio active compounds in aguaje, or buriti fruit, are carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds, fibre, phyto estrogens, and essential fatty acids.
100 g of aguaje contain:
• 526 calories,
• 46% as carbohydrate,
• 38.6% from fat and
• 11% in the form of proteins.
• 0.85 mg of riboflavin
• 2.57 mg of niacin
• 0.11 mg of thiamine
• 91 micro grams of carotene
• 415.4 mg of calcium
• 69.9 mg of phosphorus
• 12.9 mg of iron
• fibres (41.9%)
Health Facts On Aguaje Fruit
Alleviating Symptoms of PMS and Menopause
Aguaje fruit is rich in phyto estrogens, which can relieve menstrual discomforts as well as symptoms of estrogens deficiency during menopause.
Promoting Eye Health
Pro-vitamin A compounds, in Aguaje fruit helps to prevent xerophthalmia, which is the progressive loss of vision due to vitamin A deficiency.
Strengthens Bone & Muscle
Aguaje fruit provide lots of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), calcium, copper and manganese. These vitamin and mineral are essential for good bone structure, cartilage, muscle, aids in the absorption of iron and promotes wound healing.
Supporting Healthy Skin
Aguaje Fruit is rich in oleic acid, tocopherol (vitamin E) and carotenoids (mainly beta carotene) which are used in cosmetics preparation for skin care. High levels of antioxidant compounds in aguaje fruit support hair, nails, and skin health.
Boosts Immunity
Beta-carotene in Aguaje helps the immune system to function properly. Aguaje also hold content like vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids antioxidant that prevents from free radicals.
Combats Inflammation
Buriti fruit contain essential fatty acids like oleic, palmitic, and linoleic acids, aguaje provides good amounts of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) which are anti-inflammatory compounds.
Maintains Healthy Heart
Aguaje fruit contain vitamin E that can help prevent coronary heart disease. Fibre inhibits the formation of low-density lipo-protein cholesterol and may thus help prevent blood clots.
Reduces Hormonal Imbalances
Aguaje fruit contains lespeflorin G8 (LF) and 8-hydroxyhomopterocarpan (8-HHP), both of which seem to be responsible for the aguaje’s estrogenic properties of the moriche palm fruit.
Improves Brain Health
Aguaje fruit contains high amount of flavonoids, like flavanol that may aid in maintaining a healthy brain. These neuro protective could improve in learning and brain memory functions.
Helps Weight Management
Aguaje fruit holds fibre content that may help weight loss. Aguaje intake can help in modulating lipid metabolism and may reduce the synthesis and transport of fatty acids.
Increases Digestion
Aguaje fruit boost digestive health as they have B-complex vitamins. These vitamins help our body convert fat, protein and carbohydrates into energy. These Aguaje fibre prevents and treats constipation as well.