Health Benefits On GAC Fruit
Gac is scientifically called as Momordica cochinchinensis .
Gac is an Asian fruit that belongs to the family of the Cucurbitaceae.
It is native to Vietnam and may be found growing all throughout the warmer climates of Southeast Asia.
Baby Jackfruit, Spiny Bitter Gourd, Sweet Gourd ,Cochinchin Gourd.
Fruits are round or ovate (egg-shaped), 10-15 cm long X 10 cm wide, and covered in short spines.
Green, immature fruits turn bright orange or red when ripe.
Just under the spiny skin is a 1-2 cm thick layer of yellow to orange flesh called the mesocarp.
The inner core is packed with edible, magenta-red oily sacs that are very mild in taste. They have a moderate sweetness some may compare to the fresh fruitiness of a cucumber or melon with a hint of carrot.
Every one gram of gac contains:
– 2200 mcg lycopene, which is approximately 75 times more than tomatoes.
– 1600 mcg beta-carotene, which is 20 times more than carrots.
– 250 mcg zeaxanthin, which is 100 times more than carrots and 40 times more than yellow corn.
Minerals found in higher amounts: potassium, calcium, magnesium, and manganese.
100gram of gac fruit contains
79.4g of Water,
80kcal of Calories,
17.4 g of Carbohydrate,
1.6 g of Total dietary Fibre,
2.1 g of Protein,
36 mg of Calcium,
0.3 g of Total Fat and
0.9 g of Ash.
410ug of Beta Carotene
15 mg of carotene and
16 mg of lycopene.
Health Benefits On GAC Fruit
Uplifts Eye Health
Lycopene, Lutein and zeaxanthin protects our eyes from oxidative stress that causes common eye diseases. Lycopene is one of the strongest eye vitamins in gac fruit that have the ability to prevent or delay cataracts to a certain extent.
Maintains Heart Health
Gac contain a multitude of nutrients and plant-based compounds like vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids that reduce risk of developing heart-related diseases, and improving the health of heart.
Growth of Hair and Nails
The high levels of lycopene, beta carotene and vitamin E in the Gac fruit help to promote healthy, glossy hair and repair damage to the scalp and hair follicles. These antioxidants also encourage strong healthy nails and prevent damage caused from splitting.
Good for Brain Health
Lycopene and beta-carotene are essential compound present in gac to protect brain cells and prevent damage. Gac fruit rich in selenium, minerals, and vitamins, which are important to the nervous system, as well as combat depression.
Enhances Skin Health
Gac fruit contains vitamin C in particular is super important for skin repair. More collagen production means our body can make more healthy skin cells more quickly and prevents thinning of the skin.
Combats Cancer
Gac contains substantial amounts of lycopene , zeaxanthin , beta-carotene , mainly concentrated in the pulp and seeds of the fruit. They are carotenoids with anti-oxidative and anti-cancer effects earned the name ‘Heaven’s fruit’.
Controls Cholesterol
Gac Fibre may also prevent our digestive tract from absorbing cholesterol. Gac also believed that in addition to vitamin C, potassium, and flavonoids may also help lower cholesterol.
Boost Immune System
Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Zinc can be a powerful antioxidant that helps body fight off infections. Gac fruit contain iron, which helps our body carry oxygen to cells, plays a part in many of the immune system processes.
Reduces Blood Pressure
Gac fruit is a antioxidant-rich foods that may have an impact on blood pressure levels. Gac fruit is high in vitamin C, E, potassium, selenium are good options for lower our blood pressure.
Eradicate Diabetic
Gac contains fibre that are very good at regulating the carbohydrates (simple sugars) into the bloodstream, thus regulating blood sugar levels, which is significant for people suffering from diabetes.
Fights Anemia
Vitamin C and folic acid present in the Gac fruit shall reduce certain conditions such as anemia and increase the production of blood.
Reduces Weight Loss
Gac fruits are good for trying to lose weight ,reduce obesity for a healthier lifestyle.High-nutrient, low-calorie, and low-fat with high fibre content help people to feel full.
Supports Digestion
Essential minerals, such as potassium, sodium and calcium, Dietary fibre help the muscles of the walls in digestive tract push food smoothly. Consumption of gac fruit may reduce digestive issues, such as diarrhoea, constipation or abdominal pain.