Health Facts On Fei Banana
Fei Banana is scientifically called as Musa × troglodytarum L .
Fei bananas are believed to originate in the New Guinea area but have been found from the Molluccas, in Indonesia, to Tahiti in the east.Also Found mainly in the islands of the Pacific, particularly French Polynesia.
Fei banana, Fehi banana, Hueta, Tahitian Red cooking banana, MaiA HeI in Hawaiian, and Fei Shi Jiao in Chinese .
Fe’i bananas are squat, thick, and have prominent ridges running the length of the peel making them slightly angular and round.
The peel, when mature, is bright orange with blushes of red, yellow, with black cracking.
Fe’i bananas grow in an upright pattern, and the bracts are a bright shiny green.
When cooked, Fe’i bananas are tender and starchy with sweet and tangy flavours.
Karat Fe’i bananas have a soft texture and a sweet taste and were a traditional weaning food in the Micronesian island of Pohnpei.
1 medium-sized banana (100 grams)
• Calories: 89
• Water: 75%
• Protein: 1.1 grams
• Carbs: 22.8 grams
• Sugar: 12.2 grams
• Fibre: 2.6 grams
• Fat: 0.3 grams
Health Facts On Fei Banana
The Fei banana fruit have a higher starch content than other banana and are usually consumed roasted or boiled.
Normalize Heart Rhythm: Potassium, Magnesium and the Vitamin content in Fei bananas ,support heart health. Fei bananas are rich in high potassium and low sodium that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease against the adverse effect of high blood pressure.
Good For Skin: Fei bananas meets 13% of our daily manganese and vitamin C that needs to keep our skin young and healthy. It is a compound your body requires to produce collagen, which in turn protects our skin from damage and prevents the action of free radicals.
Prevents Diabetics: Fei bananas contain soluble fibre that dissolves in the liquid and forms a gel. Whereas unripe Fei bananas are also rich in resistant starch that control our blood sugar level, especially after a meal.
Promotes Weight Loss: The presence of dietary fibre and the resistant starch in Fei bananas plays a vital role in weight loss because it slows digestion, helps to feel full, keeps blood sugar level balanced.
Maintains Vision: Fei Bananas are rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, lutein and antioxidants that help to keep our vision healthy. Lutein is a nutrient that may help to reduce the risk for macular degeneration.
Uplifts Mood and Preserves Memory: The high amount of tryptophan in Fei bananas produce serotonin, the mood-elevating brain neurotransmitter that helps to overcome depression and boosts the memory.
Helps Muscle: A good source of magnesium, Fei bananas can help with muscle contraction and relaxation as well as protein synthesis — which, in turn, increases lean muscle mass.
Fortifies Bone Health: Fei bananas are not high in calcium, they can help to maintain bone health. Fei Banana contains a prebiotic name – Fructooligosaccharides which help to enhance the ability of the body to absorb calcium and improve the bone health of our body.
Improves Kidney Health: Potassium present in Fei Banana reduces blood pressure and slow progression of kidney disease.
Boosts Energy: Fei bananas typically have more calories as well as a higher sugar content in the form of sucrose, fructose and glucose in combination with fibre, this allows them to supply an instant yet sustained boost of energy.
Combats Diseases: Carotenoids that the body actually converts into vitamin A shall protect against chronic disease, including certain cancers, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Increases Sexual Desire: Fei bananas are a great source of bromelain and vitamin B that regulates the hormone testosterone and increases the sexual desire.
Manages Pregnancy: Fei bananas have a high iron content that helps to prevent anaemia, which is perfect since the body needs to keep enough blood for the growing foetus and the mother.
Supports Digestion: Pectin ,a fibre present in ripe and unripe Fei bananas shall prevents constipation and improves our bowel movements. These produce Prebiotics accumulate in the large intestine which is good for our gut bacteria.