Interesting Facts On Korean Melon
The Korean melon is scientifically called as “ Cucumis melo var. Makuwa ” .
The Korean melon (Cucumis melo Makuwa Group), is a group of Cucumis melo cultivars that is cultivated in East Asia. Phylogenetic studies tracing the genetic lineage of the plant suggest that it may have originated in eastern India, having then spread to China over the Silk Road, from which it was introduced to Korea and Japan.
Korean Melon, Oriental melon, Sun Jewel, Golden melon, Japanese Cantaloupe in American markets, Chamoe ,Chameh in China as Huangjingua and Tian Gua, In Korea: chamoe (참외 [tɕʰa.mwe]), In China: xiāng guā (香瓜, fragrant melon).
Korean melons are small to medium fruits, averaging 10 to 20 centimetres in length, and have an oval to oblong, uniform shape with blunt, curved ends.
The melon’s rind is thin, smooth, waxy, and matte, bright yellow, showcasing evenly spaced, linear white sutures extending the length of the fruit.
White flesh is crisp, firm, and aqueous, encasing three cavities filled with small, semi-soft ivory seeds suspended in a gelatinous liquid in between strings of white fibres.
The rind bears a somewhat bitter taste, and the seeds and fibres are often considered the sweetest portion of the melon. The flesh has a crunchy, succulent texture with a mild, subtly sweet, and floral flavour with banana, cantaloupe, cucumber and honeydew nuances.
There are many varieties of oriental melon.
• Ginsen–makuwa from Japan.
• Gaeguri-chamoe ( frog chamoe ) from Korea.
• New Melon from Japan.
• Ōgon-makuwa ( golden makuwa ) from Japan.
• Sagwa-chamoe ( apple chamoe ) from Korea.
Calories: 48
Protein: 2g
Dietary Fibre: 2g
Carbohydrates: 12g
Sugar: 10g
Iron: 0.2mg
Calcium: 20mg
Sodium: 15mg
Vitamin C: 37.2mg
Interesting Facts On Korean Melon
Supports Digestion: Korean melon is loaded with both soluble and insoluble fibre that stimulate the release of certain enzymes that take part in our digestion process. Also improves the functioning of our digestive system by reducing the risk of gas, bloating.
Improve Bone Strength: The high amounts of calcium found in Korean melon improves the bone mineralization in your body and reduce risk of developing osteoporosis.This melon fruit also has vitamin K which aids in calcium absorption into our bloodstream.
Enhance Skin Health: Korean melon’s contain high-water content that helps to keep your skin hydrated from inside. Korean melon’s also contains good amounts of vitamin C which aids collagen production and further improves skin’s overall texture.
Reduce Risk of Cancer: Korean melon is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which prevents the growth and development of cancerous cells in the body. Lycopene compound in melon reduce your risk of cancer in colon, prostate, lungs.
Promote Heart Functions: Korean melon is high in potassium and low in sodium which regulates the blood pressure levels in your body. Melon’s high fibre content, helps in reducing LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol levels in blood.
Encourages kidney functions: Korean melon is packed with potassium with quite low sodium content. Some studies stated that one of the benefits of potassium is possible to reduce the risk of kidney stones.
Aid in Weight Loss: Korean melon is great for weight loss, because it is low in calories, and rich in fibre source with excellent source of vitamin C to make sure optimal absorption of nutrients.
Boost the Immune System: Vitamin C benefits are essential for human body metabolism because it promotes the optimal absorption of iron and other nutrients. Vitamin C is also powerful antioxidants to help fighting free radicals while at the same time acting as immunity booster.
Keeps Body Hydrated: 80% of Korean melon is with water, so just a glass of Korean melon juice will solve dehydration problems because healthy metabolism is only happening when our body is fully hydrated.
Increases Digestion: Fibre in this melon can help keep you regular in digestion process. It has both soluble and insoluble fibre, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, flushes toxins and other unwanted nastiness from the body.