Interesting Facts on Nam Nam Fruit
Nam Nam fruit is Scientifically called as “ Cynometra cauliflora ”.
Nam Nam fruit is a species of the genus Cynometra, native to Malaysia, and found mainly in northern peninsular Malaysia.
Indonesian as namu-namu, Namu-namu, ka-namu-namu, lamuta, ulias, nam-na, kapi anjing, pukih, katong-katong, puki anjing, salah nama, buah katak puru, amphawa, nang-ai, hima.
The Nam Nam fruits are kidney-shaped, 5–10 cm (2–4 in) long and 5 cm (2 in) wide. The pod does not split open readily. The texture of the skin is coriaceous and uneven, coloured a pale greenish/yellow to brown. The Nam Nam fruits pod is edible, with aromatic and juicy yellow pulp, and relatively large seeds.
The Nam Nam fruit is edible having a pleasant sweet, sub-acid taste giving a feeling of unripe apple.
Nam Nam Fruit consists of 87.3% water, 0.34 hkd% abu, 0.63 percent fat, 4.16% protein and 7.6 percent carbohydrate. Every one liter of pure nam nam fruit juice contains 996,03 mg phenolic and 421,09 mg flavonoid. The Nam nam fruit contains Vitamins C and Vitamins A and Anti-oxidants. It is good for mental relaxation and digestion purposes.
Interesting Facts on Nam Nam Fruit
The total tree has medicinal value – the stem bark, leaves, the stems and the fruit.
Promotes Healthy Heart: The polyphenol antioxidants in nam nam fruit is found to reduce the oxidative damage that can lower LDL which also stops the risk of atherosclerosis.
Boosts Immunity: Soluble fibre is rich in Nam nam fruit which helps to produce immune cells that result in anti-inflammatory effects. Also these fibre of Nam nam fruit help us to fight off infections and quick recover form damages due to fungal infections.
Combats Cancer: Eating Nam nam fruit with antioxidant rich and anti-inflammatory properties is a healthy way to avoid developing certain types of cancer cells.
Improves Bone Health: Fibre and Vitamin C present in Nam nam fruit contains flavonoid called phloridzin that may protect post-menopausal and also osteoporosis in women. Nam nam fruit reduce bone damage and also improve and maintain bone density.
Rejuvenates Skin: Vitamin A in Nam nam fruit can improve the texture and skin tone, exfoliate dull skin, fight acne. Vitamin C in Nam nam fruit is an good antioxidant, that prevent from free radical growth and oxidative stress damage.
Helps Weight Management: The 87% of water content in Nam nam fruit paired with the high fibre. These fibre fruits can help in the fight against weight gain and help us lose excess weight.
Treats Diabetics: It is also found that Vitamin C present in nam nam fruit helps control the levels of sorbitol in the blood, retinopathy and kidney damage, due to diabetes. nam nam fruit can also increase insulin and help people lower their blood sugars and improve their Hba1c levels.
Decreases Blood Pressure: Nam nam found high in vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, selenium or L-arginine are good to lower blood pressure. Nam nam fruit also act as antioxidants that protect your cells from damage and can reduce inflammation.
Cures Kidney Stones: The nam nam had alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin antioxidants which help in preventing stone formation. The leaves can be boiled and the water taken for tea that is good for uterine stones. Even the stem bark is good for urinary disorders.
Supports Digestion: The antioxidants and fibre in nam nam can help reduce in constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating.