Interesting Facts On Saguaro Fruit
Saguaro Fruit is scientifically called as “ Carnegiea gigantea ”.
The saguaro is a tree-like cactus species in the monotypic genus Carnegiea that can grow to be over 12 meters (40 feet) tall.
It is native to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, the Mexican state of Sonora, and the Whipple Mountains and Imperial County areas of California.
The saguaro cactus grows as a column at a very slow rate, with all growth occurring at the tip, or top of the cactus. It can take 10 years for a saguaro cactus to reach 1 inch in height.
Carnegiea gigantea, Saguaro Cactus, Red-headed Ok’ko-koi is only around for a short while during the bahidaj.
The ruby red fruits are 6 to 9 cm (2+1⁄2 to 3+1⁄2 in) long and ripen in June, each containing around 2,000 seeds, plus sweet, fleshy connective tissue.
The fruits are often out of reach and are harvested using a pole (made of two or three saguaro ribs) 4.5 to 9 m (15 to 30 ft) long, to the end of which cross-pieces, which can be made of saguaro rib, catclaw, or creosote bush, are attached.
Saguaro seeds are small and short-lived. Although they germinate easily, predation and lack of moisture prevent all but about 1% of seeds from successful germination.
The fruit has a mild sweet taste. The small black seeds of the fruit give it a nutty flavour.
Saguaro National Park is famous for its namesake giant cactus, but many might be surprised to learn that the park is home to an amazing variety of other cacti — 25 species in all.
• Cereus giganteus Engelm.
• Pilocereus engelmannii Lem.
• Pilocereus giganteus Rumpler.
Calories 167
Total Fat 5 g
Total Carbs 27 g
Protein 4 g
Interesting Facts On Saguaro Fruit
Immune System Booster: Vitamin C content in Saguaro fruit increases the body’s immune response against various infections and increases the production of white blood cells that undertake the process of killing and eliminating infectious microorganisms from the body.
Reduces Cancer: Saguaro contains various types of antioxidants like flavonoids, quercetins, gallic acid, phenolic compounds, betacyanins. Quercetin, present in Saguaro especially, plays a key role in the disruption of development of Cancer cells.
Enhances Skin: The vitamin C content in the Saguaro fruit is extremely high. The vitamin of Saguaro fruit has anti-aging properties that prevent premature wrinkles of the skin.
Protects Heart Health: The fibre content of saguaro helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and maintain blood pressure. Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other heart diseases are said to reduce by intake of this Saguaro fruit,Since antioxidants present in it shall help to enhance cardiovascular health.
Osteoporosis Protection: This saguaro fruit is anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antihistamine in nature. Saguaro also contains flavonoids that prevent the release of the compounds that help in inflammation of the joints and muscles caused due to arthritis, exercise, fibromyalgia and allergies.
Encourage Nervous system: The Saguaro fruit is rich in vitamin B12 that is needed to produce blood cells and keep the nervous system healthy.
Alleviates Blood Pressure: Saguaro fruit is rich in potassium. The Betalain found in saguaro fruit strengthens the inner walls of the blood vessels, further aiding in the promotion of cardiovascular health.
Maintains Blood Sugar: Low sugar and high fibre content of saguaro not only regulates blood sugar but is also good for your gut. Saguaro helps to slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which regulates our blood sugar levels.
Promotes Digestion: Fibre is an important part of our diet when it comes to digestive health. Saguaro fruit is loaded with fibre that aids in smooth digestion of various components of the food we eat and enhances the activity of the digestive enzymes.