Interesting Health Facts On Black NightShade Manathakali
Black Night Shade is Scientifically called as “ Solanum nigrum ” or Solanum Americanum or Makoy
Origin Of Black Night Shade
Solanum nigrum, The Solanaceae or nightshades, are a family of plants the European black nightshade or simply black nightshade or blackberry nightshade.
Solanum, native to Eurasia and introduced in the Americas, Australasia, and South Africa. The plant is native to Tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans, including Africa, Indochina, Hawai, and Madagascar.
Appearance Of Black Night Shade
The rounded fruit (i.e. globular berries) turn from green to dull black or purplish-black in color when mature. The berry is mostly 6 to 8 mm (0.24 to 0.31 in) in diameter,
They contain numerous small seeds (about 1.5 mm long by 1 mm wide) discoid , and creamy in color, often purple.The flesh has 40 to 100 seeds and 0 to 4(8) sclerotic granules.
In India, another strain is found with berries that turn red when ripe.
Taste Of Black Night Shade
The flavor is like a cross between a tomato, a tomatillo, and a blueberry, both savory and sweet.
Other Names Of Black Night Shade
Black berry nightshade, black-fruited nightshade, black nightshade, blackberry, blackberry nightshade, common nightshade, deadly nightshade, garden huckleberry, garden nightshade, harsh, hound’s berry, ink berry, nightshade, nightshade black-berry, poisonberry, potato bush, tomato bush, wild currents, American black nightshade, Glossy nightshade, Small-flowered nightshade, Large-fruited black nightshade, White nightshade, Black berried nightshade, Common purple nightshade, Garden Nightshade, Apple of Sodom, Popolo-kikania, and Petty morel.
English Name: Black Nightshade
Tamil Name: மணத்தக்காளி / Manathakkali
Malayalam Name: മാനതക്കാളി / mānatakkāḷi
Telugu Name: కసక / Kasaka
Kannada Name: ಕಾಕಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು / Kakki Soppu, ಕಾಗೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು / Kage Soppu
Hindi Name: मोकोय / Mokoi
Marathi Name: लघुकावली / Laghukavali
Urdu Name: مکویا
Varieties Of Black Night Shade
Four of the nightshade species that occur in North America. they are
species Solanum. americanum (American black nightshade)
s. nigrum (black nightshade)
s. ptycanthum (eastern black nightshade)
arid s. sarrachoides (hairy nightshade)
These weeds are all classified in the “Solanum niqrum complex”, so named because it is composed of species most closely related to s. niqrum
Nutritional Content Of Black Night Shade
100grams of Nightshade berries
• Calories 68
• Moisture 82.1%
• Carbohydrates 8.9 grams
• Minerals 2.1 grams
• Fat 1 gram
• Protein 5.9 grams
• Calcium 410 mg
• Phosphorus 70 mg
• Vitamin C 11 mg
• Niacin 0.9 mg
• Riboflavin 0.59 mg
• Iron 20.5 mg
Chemical Constituents of Black Nightshade
1. Alkaloids
• Glycosides
• Solamargine
• Alpha
• Beta solanigrine
2. Tannins
3. Saponins
4. Glycosides
5. Flavonoids
6. Proteins
• Glycine
• Proline
7. Carbohydrates
8. Phytosterols
9. Minerals
• Niacin
• Riboflavin
• Calcium
• Phosphorus
• Iron
The essential chemical compound found in fresh and ripe fruits of Solanum is solasodine. The oil extracted from the plant has an abundant amount of linoleic acid.
Interesting Health Facts On Black NightShade Manathakali
Treats Skin Problem: The Manathakkali / Nightshade fruit paly a major role as antioxidants and antimicrobial agent. The Manathakkali / Nightshade fruit contain rich antioxidant that helps to fight off acne-causing bacteria .Calcium present in Manathakkali also helps to maintain soothe the skin, helping it renew and regenerate by keeping proper lipid (or fat) content in the surface cells.
Anti-Cancer Properties: Manathakkali / Nightshade can fight against cancer causing cells by giving a Chemotherapy effect to treat inflammations , cancers such as the cervix, stomach, breast, and respiratory tract cancer.Nightshade fruit include compounds such as solamargine, solasonine, solanine, and solasodineis that are used to treat recurrent cancers,such as breast cancer and mouth cancer. Solasodine in this berry helps relieve cancer pains, reduce body temperature, and treat inflammation, and it possesses anti-shock property also. Solamargine and solanine have anti-bacterial properties, whereas Solanine has anti-mitosis properties.
Maintains Bone Health: Phosphorous present in nightshade fruit behaves as as Part of bone minerals and is important for neutralizing acidic foods that could otherwise be harmful to bone. Nightshade has many nutrients such as calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, potassium, and fluoride that also helps to maintain collagen formation and increases the absorption of iron content.
Regulates Kidney Function: Black nightshade hold Renal vitamins such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and a small dose of vitamin C. Black nightshade help to stimulate kidney functions and helps in filtering urine from the kidney.
Boosts Immune System: Black nightshade also act as antiproliferation, antibacterial, antiviral, insecticidal, and antimetastatic agent on various types of cancer.The phytochemicals present in the fruit such as Alkaloids, and saponins may stimulate the immune system, slow the growth rate of cancer cells, and prevent DNA damage. these phytochemicals works well with antioxidant protect the cells of the body from oxidative damage.
Controls Blood Pressure: Cholesterol is bad for the body and can lead to serious problems like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Black nightshade with vital minerals and vitamins like calcium, magnesium, and potassium that benefits to prevent hypertension and high blood pressure.
Helps Good Digestion: Night Shade fruit loaded with rich amount of fibers, that is good for digestion .Night Shade behaves as a cooling agent with good antioxidant cures constipation and cancer problems. When you consume Manathakkali fruit regularly, it provides better digestion and keep healthy stomach .
Prevents Liver Damage: Black nightshade helps prevent liver damage. hepatoprotective properties of black nightshade can treat liver diseases and Jaundice.manathakkali are effective in curing hepatitis C, and other liver problems such as hepatocellular carcinoma , liver cirrhosis, liver-related issues.
Treats Diabetics: the manathakkali plant has proved to be the best medicine for diabetic patients. Manathakkali is an excellent natural remedy to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Manathakkali or Black Nightshade has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the burning effect on swollen fingers and joint pains. The Solanin A compound present in Black nightshade is highly helpful in reducing inflammation.