Health Facts On Jungle jalebi Fruit Kodukkapuli
Jungle Jalebi Scientifically termed as ” Pithecellobium dulce “.
Origin Of Jungle Jalebi
Jungle Jalebi is a species of flowering plant in the pea family, Fabaceae.
Jungle Jalebi Fruit native to the Pacific Coast and adjacent highlands of Mexico, Central America, and northern South America.
Other Names Of Jungle Jalebi
The ” Jungle Jalebi ” is an exotic Indian fruit, called so in Hindi.
Jungle jalebi is known by many names such as English Manila tamarind, Vilayati imli, Ganga tamarind, Madras thorn, Black bead, Sweet Inga, Devils necklace, and Monkeypod.
Locally, it is referred to as ” Seema Chintakaya ” in Telugu, ” Kodukka Puli ” in Tamil and ” Seema Hunase ” in Kannada.
Appearance Of Jungle Jalebi
Jungle Jalebi is circular, similar to the shape of a jalebi. Kodukkapuli is a rather strange looking fruit that resembles tamarind. The seed pods are green when raw and turn pink when ripe and open up for the white pulp, which is thick, sweet, and tart. The edible pods contain a thick fairly sweet acidic pulp.The fruits are red-pinkish to greenish-brown in color.Each pod contains 10 seeds, which are flattened, black and shiny.
Tastes Of Jungle Jalebi
The Jungle Jalebi fruit is sweet to taste, musky, and acidic, simply resembling desiccated coconut meat. With a flavor that varies considerably, the flesh of the fruit melts on the tongue and it has a chewy, doughy, wispy, and mildly grainy texture.
Just like tamarind, the fruit has a shiny black seed surrounding the flesh, but they are not edible.
Nutritional Contents Of Jungle Jalebi
Jungle jalebi contains potent phytochemicals, such as tannin (phenols) and quercetin (flavonoid). Hexadecanoic acid, tetracosanol, heptacosannoic acid, and stigmasterol are also present in ethanolic extracts of the fruits.
The seeds contain saponins, glycosides, polysaccharides, quercetin, kaempferol, ascorbic acid, and formic acid.
Leucine, glutamic acid, and arginine are the three major amino acids.
Its leaves contain kaempferol, quercetin, afezilin, and dulcitol while its bark contains 37 percent tannin.
100gram of Madras thorn contains
• Energy – 78 kcal
• Water – 77.8%
• Protein – 3%
• Fat – .4%
• Carb – 18.2%
• Fiber – 1.2%
• Ash – .6%
• Calcium (1.3% RDI) – 13 mg
• Phosphorous (4.2% RDI) – 42mg
• Iron (2.7% RDI) – .5mg
• Sodium – 19mg
• Potassium (6.3% RDI) – 222mg
• Vitamin A – 15mg
• Thiamin/B1 (16.6% RDI)- .24mg
• Riboflavin/B2 (5.8% RDI)- .10mg
• Niacin/B6 (3% RDI) – .60mg
• Vitamin C (221% RDI)- 133mg
Health Facts On Jungle jalebi Fruit Kodukkapuli
Boosts Immunity
Madras Thorn contains antioxidants compound ,such as Vitamin C which can be proven to be helpful in increasing immunity. It acts as an excellent antioxidant in the body and increases the body ability’s to fight many harmful free radicals.
Fortifies Bone & Muscles
Jungle jalebi found with high amount of calcium,vitamin C and phosphorous nutrients.These Compounds help in bones,muscles flexible movement, as well as balance the stability.Calcium rich Jungle jalebi considered as vital for maintaining strong bones and protein content in these pods assists in developing healthy and robust muscles.
Enhances Skin
The presence of Saponins in Jungle jalebi act as good Anti-oxidants, Anti-bacterial agent that help skin, with dry, itchy, inflamed, or cracked to heal very fastly. Vitamin-C in Jungle Jalebi fruit act as antibiotic property , helps to fight inflammation and hyper-pigmentation, skin dryness and also improves skin elasticity and texture.
Promotes Oral Health
Jungle jalebi are packed with calcium, magnesium and phosphorous cures mouth ulcers.These tart-tasting fruits minerals strengthen teeth enamel,toothaches, sore gums, and mouth ulcers.
Reduces Weight Loss
Jungle jalebi fruit consist of dietary fibers with high nutrients and make you feel stomach fullness.jungle jalebi also hold 77.8% of water content that help to regulate maintain healthy body weight.
Maintain Heart Function
Madras thorn helps lower the total serum cholesterol and slow cholesterol absorption.Jungle jalebi contain rich fiber and water content that prevent build-ups in the arteries and enhance smooth blood flow to the heart.It also Reduce LDL levels in the body while increasing the HDL cholesterol level due to its anti-hyper-lipidemic activity.
Controls Brain Moods
Jungle jalebi fruits antioxidants removes the symptoms of anxiety , depression and increase the positive moods.Jungle jalebi fruits are loaded with tannin, flavonoid and alkaloid which enhance memory, cognition,increase the sleep,relax the nerves and make good mood and brainpower.
Manage Diabetics
Jungle Jalebi is called as Hyperglycemic which helps to regulate blood sugar and protect against diabetes.The extracted juice of Jungle Jalebi lowers blood sugar levels of people who suffer from type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Therefore, this tangy juice of Jungle Jalebi lower glycemic index and raise glucose levels more slowly.
Aids Lung infections
Leucine, glutamic acid, and arginine are the three major amino acids present in jungle jalebi. It says that the leaves extract of the plant have alkaloids, coumarin, anthocyanins, triterpenoids, flavonoids, and tannins that possess strong antifungal activities against serious infections.
Anti-Cancer Properties
The leaves of jungle jalebi have potent cytotoxic or cancer-preventive effects. Jalebi fruit is rich in thiamine (vitamin B1) and its consumption may help prevent tumor growth.
Treats Liver function
Sometimes, on exposure to excessive chemical substances, hepatic injuries may occur that can cause abnormality in liver functions. Jungle jalebi fruit juice loaded with Hepatoprotection nutrients and may help the liver protect from toxin-induced hepatic damage.
Prevents Stomach Problems
Jungle jalebi contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and quercetin that effectively protect the harmful free radicals and toxins in the stomach and intestines, thereby curing diarrhea and dysentery. The jungle jalebi provide anti-diarrheal property that is more than Loperamide drug(anti-diarrheal drug) help treat diarrhea by relaxing the muscles of the stomach and inhibiting the growth of bacteria.