Interesting Facts On Lakshman Pal
Lakshman phal is scientifically called as “ Annona muricata L ” .
Lakshman phal is a fruit of Annona muricata, a small deciduous tropical evergreen tree that belongs to Annonaceae family.
Lakshman phal is native to Brazil and can be found in Venezuela, Central America, Peru, Columbia, Mexico and Cuba and other tropical areas around the world.
Mullan Chakka, Lakshmana Pazham , Soursop, graviola, guyabano, guayabano guanabano , babana, Mullu Seetha Pazham .
Soursop or paw-paw is a large, heart-shaped (or more or less oval or irregular) and green fruit with a diameter of 15 to 20 cm. The inside of the Lakshman phal fruit has white pulp with a buttery and smooth texture, which is sweet to taste and has a delightful aroma.
Lakshman phal often tastes like a mix of strawberry and pineapple with a citrus flavour.
Different types of soursops in an area between Aibonito and Coamo.
In El Salvador, 2 types of soursops are distinguished: guanaba azucaron (sweet) eaten raw and used for drinks; and guanaba acida (very sour), used only for drinks.
100g (3.5oz) of Soursop
• Energy: 66kcal
• Carbohydrates: 16.84g
• Sugars: 13.54g
• Dietary Fibre: 3.3g
• Fat: 0.3g
• Protein: 1g
• Thiamine(B1): 0.07mg
• Riboflavin(B2): 0.05mg
• Niacin(B3): 0.9mg
• Pantothenic Acid(B5): 0.253mg
• Vitamin(B6): 0.059mg
• Folate(B9): 14ug
• Choline: 7.6mg
• Vitamin C: 20.6mg
• Calcium: 14mg
• Iron: 0.6mg
• Magnesium: 21mg
• Phosphorous: 27mg
• Potassium: 278mg
• Sodium: 14mg
• Zinc: 0.1mg
• Water: 81g
Interesting Facts On Lakshman Pal
Preventing urinary infection: Lakshman fruit can help fight this urinary tract infection problem. Lakshman fruit is rich in Vitamin C and helps in maintaining the acidic level in urine, Since fruit is a great antioxidant, it has high nutritive value.
Improves Eye Health: Vitamin A and Vitamin C present in the Lakshman fruit ,increase the production of visual cells, and provides a solid barrier to the onset of macular degenerative diseases such as cataracts that damages the visual cells slowly.
Eradicate Cancer: The Lakshman phal leaves contain Acetogenins that help in killing at least 12 types of cancer cells. It helps to prevent colon, breast, prostate, lung and even pancreatic cancer.
Enhances Skin: Lakshman phal contains vitamin A which is necessary for the maintenance and repair of skin tissue. Lakshman fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties to soothe dry, irritated skin, reduce the damage caused by free radicals, wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Decreases Breast Cancer: Lakshman fruit have annonaceous acetogenins which don’t let the damaged cells in the body to become cancerous. Lakshman tree leaves help cells grow naturally while stopping cancerous growths, , especially in the case of breast cancer.
Fortified Bones: The Lakshman Phal is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which helps in strengthening bones. Vitamin B3 or Niacin of Lakshman Phal prevents inflammation caused by arthritis and helps in easing the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Boosts Immunity: Vitamins C and Zinc present in the Lakshman fruit provides a boost to the immune system to fight against day to day ailments caused by microbial infections, such as common cold, measles, influenza. Lakshman Phal has been effective in the treatment of herpes.
Releases Constipation: Constipation is a common problem that can be eliminated by increasing the fibre content in the diet. The Lakshman phal fruit is known to contain a soluble and insoluble fibre content that helps to fight constipation naturally.
Manages Diabetics: Antidiabetic and Hypolipidemic activities of Lakshman Phal can help to reduce blood glucose concentration when taken daily for two weeks. Antioxidant effect of Lakshman can protect beta cells of the pancreas against oxidative damage which is the main cause of type 1 diabetes.
Treats Muscle Cramps: People are known to suffer from severe bouts of leg cramps due to lower potassium level. Soursop is rich in potassium with small amounts of magnesium, calcium, and sodium that helps to overcome muscle weakness and prevent muscle cramps.
Raises Energy and Stamina: Lakshman phal is known to contain thiamine and Vitamin B2, which is known to increase the production of energy in body. The benefit of consuming soursop is like natural carbs, which keeps you fresh and prevents an energy drain.
Maintains Heart Health: Lakshman is known to contain a large amount of niacin, Vitamin B9 that helps to maintain high levels of good cholesterol and regulate the amount of homo-cysteine, an amino acid associated with a possible risk for blood clots, found in the bloodstream.
Fights Anaemia: Anaemia is caused mainly due to iron deficiency, which leads to lack of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Lakshman phal contain Iron content that supports red blood cells production and help the transport of oxygen throughout the body.
Curbs Migraines: Lakshman fruit to fight against various ailments. Even those who are diabetic are known to benefit from these high amount of fructose.
Water Retention: Lakshman phal contains high amounts of magnesium and potassium that can help to keep from feeling bloated all day . Lakshman fruit with magnesium can help to curb other symptoms of menstrual cycle like mood swings.
Cures Ulcers: Lakshman phal has anti-ulcerogenic activities due to the presence of active compounds such as flavonoids, tannins and triterpenes. Lakshman help decrease the ulcerative lesions or gastric ulcers of the stomach.
Encourages Sleep: Lakshman Phal contains tryptophan, a chemical that relaxes and helps them sleep.Lakshman Phal leaves can be used in aromatherapy.