Health Facts On Fox Grapes
Fox Grapes is scientifically called as Vitis labrusca .
Vitis labrusca is a species of grapevines belonging to the Vitis genus in the flowering plant family Vitaceae.
The native species Vitis labrusca found in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, but also in areas as far south as the Gulf of Mexico, where it has adapted to many different soils and climates.
Vitis labrusca , Fox grape
The Fox Grape is a type of grapefruit that is typically dark purple or black in colour. These Fox grapes have a lovely aroma that is both fruity and flowery.
Fox grapes are musky, aromatic and earthy. They have an intense grape flavour that is sweet, but not overly so. Wild Fox grapes can taste quite sour.
There are several varieties of Fox Fox grape including Concord, Alexander, Delaware, Catawba, Onaka, Niagra, and more. Most varieties are dark red or purple, though there are a few white or pink skinned varieties like Niagra and Catawba.
1 cup (151 grams) of fox grapes
• Calories: 104
• Carbs: 27.3 grams (g)
• Protein: 1.1 g
• Fat: 0.2 g
• Fibre: 1.4 g
• Vitamin C: 5% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
• Vitamin K: 28% of the RDI
• Thiamine: 7% of the RDI
• Riboflavin: 6% of the RDI
• Vitamin B6: 6% of the RDI
• Potassium: 8% of the RDI
• Copper: 10% of the RDI
• Manganese: 5% of the RDI
Health Facts On Fox Grapes
Improves Brain Function: Fox grape contains Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2 which are vital for the growth and development of the body. Vitamin B6 plays an essential role in homocysteine metabolism, which reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia and boosts memory .
Strengthens Bone: Vitamin K in Fox grapes are crucial for blot clotting mechanisms and bone health. Fox grapes have numerous vitamins, plant compounds, and minerals, which improve bone mineral density and decrease bone loss.
Supports Joints: Fox grape are high on antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which help in improving the flexibility and mobility of joints. Fox grape also help in providing relief from knee pain and osteoarthritis.
Promotes Eye Health: Fox grape are high in plant compounds, such as resveratrol, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which lower the risk of eye conditions, mainly age-related macular degeneration, retina damage, glaucoma, and cataracts.
Boosts Immunity: Fox Grape compounds include antioxidants and other polyphenols that protect the health and functions of cells and also beneficial to the immune system.
Protects Skin and Hair: Resveratrol antioxidant and vitamin C protects our skin and hair from damage and promotes new hair growth.
Decreases Cancer: Fox grape contains Polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory properties which slows and prevents the growth of tumours. It also stops cancer cell activity in lymph, skin, colon, liver, stomach, breast.
Regulates Blood Sugar: Fox grape contain a sufficient amount of water and fibres and have a low glycaemic index. So consuming Fox grape in moderate amount help lowering blood glucose level and decreases insulin resistance.
Maintains Heart Health: Fox grape may control blood pressure and prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Prevents Pregnancy Problems: vitamin C, K, B, E, Folate, antioxidants and fibres found in Fox grape balances the hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy. Antioxidants in Fox grape such as flavanol, tannin, anthocyanins and geraniol shall prevent infections and promotes optimum health.
Rich in Antioxidants: Fox grape are a storehouse of antioxidants including a spectrum of phytonutrients from carotenoids to polyphenols. These polyphenol in Fox grape, prevent the formation of tumour cells, dilates blood vessels to improve blood circulation, regulates blood sugar levels and controls blood pressure.